Success story The new REVAL shows how a strong team can set new standards

REVAL finds a new home: change of location with a bright future
Relocation of the hot metal solidification facility required a great deal of strategic planning and high-precision work. Not far from the Danube, parallel to Sinterstraße Ost and between slag railway tracks 2 and 5, REVAL found a perfect place in the Recycling Center. The choice was the result of detailed work carried out by a pre-project team who reviewed several options and came up with the best solution. The new location combines efficiency and proximity to the infrastructure and marks the next step in the greentec steel modernization project.
A challenging time: tight deadlines and unforeseen challenges
Implementation of the REVAL project was on a very ambitious schedule that was met with unexpected difficulties. The impact of the pandemic, price volatility and supply chain problems put the team to the test. "The pressure we felt brought out the best in everyone," say the members of project management, who were quick to emphasize the exceptional team performance. The difficult environment required quick solutions and impressive flexibility to meet ambitious goals.
Inspiring teamwork made the project possible
Der Erfolg vom REVAL-Projekt basiert auf der gemeinsamen Anstrengung eines engagierten Kernteams und der hervorragenden Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Partner:innen.Project management looks back at this time with pride and thanks all those involved who made the project so successful with their dedication and performance.
When all is said and done, it is clear that we achieve more together
The new REVAL facility is an impressive example of what is possible when different teams and partners pull together with all their energy. With a passion and team spirit, everyone involved made a decisive contribution to the future of the site and the greentec steel program. "Together we are strong. Thank you!"
Go to greentec steel
The greentec steel project of voestalpine is an ambitious step-by-step plan that makes a valuable contribution to the achievement of the climate goals. As a first step, the voestalpine Group plans to replace two blast furnaces with two electric arc furnaces (EAFs) by the year 2027. The investment volume amounts to roughly 1.5 billion euros.
Mit dem teilweisen Umstieg von der Hochofen- auf die Elektrostahlroute können bereits bis 2029 die CO2-Emissionen um rund 30 % reduziert werden. Das entspricht einer Einsparung von knapp 4 Mio. t CO2 pro Jahr – das sind fast 5 % der CO2-Emissionen Österreichs. This makes greentec steel the largest climate protection program in Austria.
Mit den beiden Elektrolichtbogenöfen kann die voestalpine ab 2027 jährlich ca. 2,5 Mio. Tonnen CO2-reduzierten Stahl produzieren, davon 1,6 Mio. Tonnen in Linz und 850.000 Tonnen in Donawitz. Mehr über greentec steel erfahren Sie hier.