Steel Division


Made for harshest conditions

Whether in the Gulf of Mexico, in the North Sea or the Arctic, our thermomechanically rolled structural steels for the offshore industry are used worldwide. We deliver high-quality offshore structural steels for fixed and floating offshore platforms according to offshore standards EN 10225 (including NORSOK) and API as well as to a variety of other international standards and specifications.

Offshore plates for oil & gas

Our offshore plates for the oil & gas industry are used worldwide under the harshest conditions. Living continuous development of new products to meet more stringent requirements, we are able to provide prequalified arctic steel for extremely low temperatures. Using toughcore® TMCP plates with extreme high toughness, you are able to increase the level of safety for your offshore structure up to 140 mm thickness.

High-quality plates for efficient electric power generation

Larger monopiles require higher unit weights in cylindrical and tapered pipe lengths. We achieve these weights by welding together two to three plates and call the new unit an XL plate. This highly efficient and innovative welding technique utilizes a four-wire submerged arc welding system capable of producing up to 60-ton unit weights. 

These heavy units meet the growing requirements of offshore wind parks.

voestalpine Qualitätsbleche für die effiziente Stromerzeugung

High-strength plates

As structures and machines become larger, the stresses in the components increase. High-strength steels with minimum yield strengths of 700 MPa or even higher up to 1100 MPa are capable of supporting these higher stresses and simultaneously lead to a decrease in the weight of structural members.

Thermomechanically rolled high-strength fine-grained steels combine excellent toughness with a very low carbon content and the low carbon equivalent and for an optimized weldability.

Shipbuilding steel plates

Our shipbuilding steel plates in normal and high-strength grades are used in offshore applications, platform  superstructures and for special ships in the oil and gas industries, such as floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSO) and even stainless steel clad plates for icebreakers. 

We offer a wide range of dimensions and grades with best workability for ship manufacture, especially for welding: steel grades up to FH 36 and plates up to 140 mm thick and 3,950 mm wide. High-strength shipbuilding plates are certified e.g. by ABS in FQ70 up to 101.6 mm (4").

voestalpine Grobbleche für den Schiffbau

Chords & racks

In addition to supplying heavy plates, heads and cones, we produce specific pressed parts for the offshore industry. In a specially designed production process, we manufacture high-strength hot-formed components called chords for jack-up rigs. Additionally we offer extremely thick plates for gear racks.

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Heavy plates



High-strength plates made by voestalpine are used in offshore platforms. They are formed using special tools into hot-formed components in the manufacturing of heads.

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Supports and anchors

Offshore platforms stand on adjustable supports. During transport, the supports are retracted and protrude upwards. At the offshore site, they support the platform and anchor it to the seabed. Chords made by voestalpine Grobblech strengthen the gear racks of these supports and thus enable safe operation in adverse environments.

Complex manufacturing process

We developed our manufacturing technology for chords as hot-formed components in our in-house press shop. The pre-material is heavy plate made of high-strength and fine-grained structural steel produced in our own rolling mill. Strips are cut from this plate and formed into chords with a special tool on a hydraulic press with a maximum pressing force of up to 3500 tons. The tool function is based on finite element calculations and guarantees a high level of shape accuracy. After being hot-formed, the chords are water-tempered and straightened. Torch-cut or milled edging on the long and short sides is the final step in the production process.

Steel grade: aldur 700 QL1, S690 QL1, AB EQ/FQ70, VL E/F690

Dimensions: Lengths up to 4200 mm, wall thickness of 120 mm, diameter of 670 mm

Heavy plates made of shipbuilding steels

Heavy plates made of ship­build­ing steels

voestalpine shipbuilding steels in normal and high-strength design are used for offshore applications, deck superstructures on platforms and in special ships in the oil and gas industry.

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Heavy plates made of ship­build­ing steels

Areas of application

The primary application is already in the name of shipbuilding steel: These steel grades are used for cabin structures on cruise ships. Particularly thin plates are used in large widths for such applications. These sheets exhibit best processing properties such as flatness and weldability. High-strength, thermomechanically rolled ship plates, on the other hand, are used in the offshore sector. They are used for deck superstructures on platforms or for special ships in the oil and gas industry.

Reliability and quality

We guarantee the highest safety and quality standards. We meet all the requirements of renowned classification societies:

  • DNV-GL
  • Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
  • Bureau Veritas (BV)
  • Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR)
  • American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS)

Steel grades

A, B, D, E

AH 32 TM, A 32 TM, DH 32 TM, D 32 TM, EH 32 TM, E 32 TM

AH 36 TM, A 36 TM, DH 36 TM, D 36 TM, EH 36 TM, E 36 TM, FH 36 TM, F 36 TM



Plate thickness:

5-140 mm (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Plate width

3,950 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Plate length

18,700 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Ordered weight

At least 2 tons per line item

Unit weight

19.5 tons max. per single plate


Heavy plates made of ther­mo­me­chan­i­cally rolled fine-grained struc­tural steel.

alform® steels are thermomechanically rolled fine-grained structural steels with excellent weldability, toughness and cold-forming behavior, which makes them extremely versatile.

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Heavy plates made of ther­mo­me­chan­i­cally rolled fine-grained struc­tural steel.

We supply standard and high-strength, thermomechanically rolled, fine-grained steels of the highest quality with minimum yield strengths ranging from 355 355 MPa to 700 MPa.

As a special grade of voestalpine steel, alform® is primarily used in applications such as steel structures, bridges, pressure pipes, vehicles and cranes.

Our thermomechanically rolled fine-grained steels are characterized by a high degree of toughness and excellent weldability. The low degree of cold cracking and high degree of toughness in the welding seam result in the highest safety standards in welded structures.

Utilization of the higher yield strength of high-strength fine-grained steels (alform plate 420 M, 460M, 500 M and 550 M) as opposed to conventional structural steels results in lower cross-sections. This leads to cost savings in lower component weights and reduced expenditures for transports, assembly and foundations as well as savings in component manufacturing, especially during welding.

Steel grades:

Special voestalpine grade

alform plate 355 M

alform plate 420 M

alform plate 460 M

alform plate 500 M

alform plate 550 M

Thermomechanically rolled fine-grained structural steel

rolled in accordance with EN 10025-4

S355M, ML

S420M, ML

S460M, ML


Plate thickness:

8-100 mm for special voestalpine grade alform plate 355 M, alform plate 420 M and alform plate 460 M

8-80 mm for special voestalpine grade alform plate 500 M

8-50 mm for special voestalpine grade alform plate 550 M

8-100 mm for S355, S420, S460 M, ML

Plate width

3,800 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Plate length

18,700 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade; 24,000 mm available upon request)

Ordered weight

At least 20.0 tons per line item

Unit weight

20.0 tons max. per single plate

Advantages of alform®
  • Fine-grained, homogeneous microstructure with high strength and excellent toughness
  • Best weldability based on low C equivalent
  • Excellent edging: smallest edging radii and resistance to cracking during edging
  • Best surface resulting from a uniform and thin secondary scale layer

High-strength plates

High-strength heavy plates made by voestalpine of fine-grained steels can have a minimum yield strength of up to 700 MPa. The special ultra-high-strength grades achieve a yield strength of up to 1100 MPa.

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High-strength plates

Higher stress

Machines and buildings are becoming bigger and bigger. When the size of a component is doubled in length, width and height, the weight increases by a factor of 8, while the load-bearing cross-sectional surface area only increases by a factor of 4. This increases the stress, or the weight in relation to the cross-sectional surface area, by a factor of two. High-strength steels can absorb these higher stresses, even when the component weight is reduced.

Concrete advantages

The lower weight of high-strength and ultra-high-strength heavy plates saves costs: Input material quantities, transport costs, assembly and foundation costs are reduced substantially. Costs are also saved during further processing. Thanks to favorable weldability, work can be completed more quickly and efficiently. Significantly reduced quantities of welding consumables are required, and weld seam testing is made easier.

Our program

High-strength heavy plates are available as fine-grained steels with a minimum yield strength of 620 and 700 MPa. Ultra-high-strength heavy plates are available as voestalpine special grades at 900, 960 and 1100 MPa.

  • alform plate 620 M, thermomechanically rolled, high-strength fine-grained steels
  • alform plate 700 M, thermomechanically rolled, high-strength fine-grained steels
  • aldur 700, 900 and 960 Q, quenched and tempered, high-strength fine-grained steels
  • alform plate 900 M x-treme, thermomechanically rolled, ultra-high-strength fine-grained steels
  • alform plate 960 M x-treme, thermomechanically rolled, ultra-high-strength fine-grained steels
  • alform plate 1100 M x-treme, thermomechanically rolled, ultra-high-strength fine-grained steels

Off­shore plates

Whether in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea or the Arctic, thermomechanically rolled structural steels made by voestalpine are in worldwide use in the offshore industry.

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Off­shore plates

Applications under the harshest conditions

We deliver high-quality offshore structural steels and thermomechanically rolled shipbuilding plates for drilling platforms, oil platforms and jack-up rigs. These steels are also used in foundations for offshore wind parks and floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs). In addition, we are in a position to produce chords for the feet of jack-up rigs. We supply pre-qualified materials with plate thicknesses of up to 80 mm and CTOD values down to -40 °C for applications in arctic regions (arctic steel). Our thermomechanically rolled offshore plates are characterized by a high degree of toughness and excellent weldability. The low degree of cold cracking and high degree of toughness in the welding seam make it possible for us to guarantee the highest safety standards in welded structures.

Steel grades

pursuant to EN 10225:

S355 MLO toughcore®, S420 MLO toughcore®, S460 MLO toughcore®

S355G5+M, S355G6+M, S355G7+M, S355G8+M, S355G9+M, S355G10+M

S355G2+N, S355G3+N, S355G7+N, S355G8+N

S420G1+M, S420G2+M

S460G1, S420, S460G2+

All TM grades available up to 101.6 mm, available pre-qualified according to Annex E

Compliant with API 2H:

API 2H-50N (normalized up to 100 mm)

Compliant with API 2W:

API 2W-50, API 2W-50T, API 2W-60 (available 101.6 mm pre-qualified according to API RP2Z)

Compliant with API 2 MT1:



Plate thickness:

6-130 mm (dependent on steel grade)

Plate width

3,850 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Plate length

18,700 mm max. (dependent on thickness and steel grade)

Unit weight

max. 28,0 t je Einzeltafel


We supply offshore plates pre-qualified pursuant to EN10225 in steel grades up to S460G2+M and in plate thicknesses up to 101.6 mm as well as pre-qualified pursuant to API RP2Z in steel grades up to API 2W-60 and in plate thicknesses up to 101.6 mm. For arctic applications, we supply offshore plates in steel grades up to API 2W-60 with guaranteed CTOD values down to -40°C, pre-qualified pursuant to API RP2Z.



alform® is a hot-rolled fine-grained steel with excellent cold-forming properties and excellent weldability.

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Heavy plates with a fine microstructure to the very core, created for extremely high toughness and the most adverse environments.

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aldur® made by voestalpine is a high-strength, water-quenched fine-grained structural steel with high toughness at low temperatures.

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