Half time for greentec steel: a look at the successes and outlook for the future
Stolz auf das Erreichte
Mit Recht kann das Team von TransMet stolz auf die bisherigen Erfolge sein. The program is increasingly showing how much it will change the looks of the Linz location. The newly built raw material supply facility, the new ladle tilting stand and the new pig iron solidification plant are just a few of the many visible results of this impressive team work.
Program Manager Bernhard Kaiser is clear: "We completed the first half with an excellent team that has a lot of vigor for the second half of the program." Thomas Moser also shares this enthusiasm and recalls his personal highlight: The first team workshop he participatd in as the program manager. Both are satisfied that the planning has gone so well. "This is demonstrated, for example, by expansion of the raw material supply facility and securing of the 220 kV line for our electric arc furnace (EAF)," they say in unison.
Vom „Die“ zum „Wir“
Die wachsende Akzeptanz von TransMet am Standort ist ein weiteres positives Zeichen. The program turned what was initially impersonal quickly into "our program." Alexandria Mitterbaur, Head of Communications in the Steel Division, emphasizes: "It's a program that affects everyone here. Ultimately, contributing to the program also means participating in Austria's largest climate protection program." This is underlined, among other things, by the new and uniform construction site panels that continually draw attention to the program.

Stimmen aus dem Team: Die Projektleiter:innen berichten
Die Projektleiter:innen teilen ihre persönlichen Eindrücke und Erfolge aus der ersten Hälfte des Programms. Ihre Statements spiegeln die Begeisterung, Herausforderungen und den beeindruckenden Teamgeist wider:
Hannes Unter, Project Manager, EAF: "This huge program is a big challenge that can only be met together. It's fun to do it with a dedicated team. Commissioning of the raw material supply facility and positive official negotiations were important milestones. I would like to see continued cooperation and accident-free implementation of this gigantic program."
Miriam Hilger, Project Manager, Investments: "The highlight for me is the excellent project performance of the teams that have helped overcome many challenges. The biggest challenge is to fine-tune the interfaces so that they don't overlook the impact on other projects."
Markus Brummayer, Senior Expert: „Es ist großartig, wie positiv sich der Team Spirit im Programm entwickelt hat! Working together and sharing the enthusiasm are crucial factors for successful implementation of the many digitalization measures."
Andreas Leitner, Transport Logistics: "The biggest highlight for me was the interaction between all the groups and their understanding of daily traffic logistics adaptations. Whether a shift bus, heavy traffic or individual transports, the delicate situation has been recognized by everyone. Ein Lob an die LogServ-Kolleg:innen, die ihre Schwerfahrzeuge unfallfrei manövrierten. This cohesiveness helps us meet the challenges ahead!"
Future challenges
Our path to greentec steel has reached the half-way mark, but our challenges are not becoming any fewer. Kaiser has this to say: „Wir haben die ganz großen Bauaufgaben noch vor uns.“ Aktuell endet mit dem Abbruch der Fundamente der alten Roheisenverfestigung die Baufeldfreimachung, und 2024 steht der Guss der ersten Fundamente für die EAF-Halle an. "It won't get any easier," Moser adds, "even when all the major steps have been taken."
The program managers want to preserve the impressive spirit of the program and its team for the second half of the project. "We want to continue on our path toward our major goal without any accidents or health risks," they are quick to emphasize.
In a nutshell, a strong team on its way to the finish line
Die bisherigen Erfolge von greentec steel sind nur der Anfang. The enthusiasm of the project managers for teamwork and the positive developments in the program show that the entire program team is on the right track. Quotations such as "I am proud to be part of this great team" or "The biggest challenge is to align interfaces" illustrate the cohesion and commitment of the employees. With a great team spirit, clear focus and the goal of being successful together, the team members are optimistic about the future.
Go to greentec steel
The greentec steel project of voestalpine is an ambitious step-by-step plan that makes a valuable contribution to the achievement of the climate goals. As a first step, the voestalpine Group plans to replace two blast furnaces with two electric arc furnaces (EAFs) by the year 2027. The investment volume amounts to roughly 1.5 billion euros.
Carbon emissions can be reduced by up to 30% as early as 2029 by making this switch from the blast furnace to the EAF. This corresponds to a savings of nearly 4 million tons of CO2 per year, amounting to almost 5% of the carbon emissions in Austria. This makes greentec steel the largest climate protection program in Austria.
Mit den beiden Elektrolichtbogenöfen kann die voestalpine ab 2027 jährlich ca. 2,5 Mio. Tonnen CO2-reduzierten Stahl produzieren, davon 1,6 Mio. Tonnen in Linz und 850.000 Tonnen in Donawitz. Mehr über greentec steel erfahren Sie hier.