Everything on schedule! Preparations for the EAF in the steelmaking plant are on schedule

Additional alloying elements required as a result of increased scrap

Metallurgy and quality face new challenges: A large number of tests is necessary in advance before we can put our first electric arc furnace into operation at our Linz site in 2027 and to be able to assure our product mix. The increased use of scrap will lead to an increase in the number of alloying elements in the steel. Find out how our product mix is tested and secured by small-scale and large-scale testing.

The TransMet program includes an additional steelmaking unit that is fundamentally different from the conventional converter: the electric arc furnace (EAF). Several different work activities must be completed to build the plant as well as to ensure the future supply chain. 

Adaptation of production planning systems for cost-optimized production

Work packages concerned with the adaptation of production planning systems focus on cost-optimized production plant system programming. Production planning systems such as OptWa and DSEP will provide efficient support for the new EAF processes. The preliminary projects have already shown that the EAF will have priority in the future steelmaking plant. The hybrid steelmaking plant will be ready for operation on schedule.

The future planning systems in the LD3 steelmaking plant will be different than they are today. A six-step logistics trial in July 2024 tested the new planning system and gained valuable insights.

Next implementation steps

The project team consists of experts from supply chain, process automation, LogServ and production operations and is currently in the specification phase. The aim is to test the new systems as early as in the autumn of 2026 and to prepare them for production operations.


The introduction of the electric arc furnace and the associated changes in production planning pose major challenges for the steel plant. However, careful planning, testing and commensurate adjustments will ensure a successful transition into sustainable steel production. The steelmaking plant will be fit for the future!

About greentec steel

The greentec steel project of voestalpine is an ambitious step-by-step plan that makes a valuable contribution to the achievement of the climate goals. As a first step, the voestalpine Group plans to replace two blast furnaces with two electric arc furnaces (EAFs) by the year 2027. The investment volume amounts to roughly 1.5 billion euros.   

Carbon emissions can be reduced by up to 30% as early as 2029 by making this switch from the blast furnace to the EAF. This corresponds to a savings of nearly 4 million tons of CO2 per year, amounting to nearly 5% of the carbon emissions in Austria. This makes greentec steel the largest climate protection program in Austria. 

The two electric-arc furnaces will enable voestalpine to produce roughly 2.5 million tons of carbon-reduced steel by the year 2027, roughly 1.6 million tons in Linz and 850,000 tons in Donawitz. Learn more about greentec steel here