Steel Division


Steel strips

Hot-dip galvanized steel strip

Hot-dip galvanized steel strip

Hot-dip galvanized steel made by voestalpine is characterized by high corrosion resistance, excellent working properties and a wide spectrum of applications.

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Hot-dip galvanized steel strip

An excellent all-rounder

Hot-dip galvanized steel strip made by voestalpine is characterized by high corrosion resistance and offers solutions for hot and cold forming. The product portfolio is versatile and ranges from deep-drawing grades to grades with the highest strength that have properties tailored to each application, including best surface, optimum formability or low sensitivity to edge cracking. Hot-dip galvanized steel strip is available in all surface versions with various metallic coatings and a wide range of widths and thicknesses.

Materials for cold forming

Some steel grades are available as galvanized hot-rolled strip:

  • Hot-rolled low-alloyed or microalloyed steels
  • Hot-rolled ferritic-bainitic steels
  • Hot-rolled complex-phase steels

Materials for hot forming

Press-hardening steels for hot forming are available in various strengths and are coated with zinc or zinc-iron. Best crash behavior, high dimensional accuracy and very good joining properties are the hallmarks of components made of these materials.

Metallic coatings

  • Zinc (Z) for applications subject to average corrosion (galvanized)
  • Zinc-iron (ZF) for corrosion protection with highest weldability requirements (galvannealed)
  • Zinc-magnesium (ZM) for best cathodic corrosion protection (corrender)

Metallic coatings Z and ZM are available with normal (N) and small spangles (M). The surface of zinc-iron coating is spangle-free. Upon customer request, voestalpine supplies different zinc coatings per side (differential galvanizing).

corrender is the high-performance zinc-magnesium-aluminum coating made by voestalpine.

This surface treatment provides excellent corrosion protection and processability, offering a high-performance alternative to conventional protective coatings for hot-dip galvanized steel strip. Corrender has been supplied in series since 2007, and voestalpine has established comprehensive product know-how and expertise in this area.

Width max./mm
Z and GI0.45 – 4.001730Z70 - Z600
ZF and GA0.45 – 2.301730ZF70 - ZF140
ZM (corrender)0.45 – 2.301730ZM90 - ZM200

"At the Linz site, we manufacture a very extensive product mix in five different hot-dip galvanizing lines. We apply zinc coatings in various surface qualities on mild to high-strength steel grades. Our team of specialists meets the challenge with a high level of commitment and quality awareness every single day. We set the standards with additional chromium-free and environmentally friendly treatments such as clearcover® or multiface®.

Maximilian Kaiser, Main Process Manager, Hot-dip Galvanizing

Surface quality

  • As-coated surface (A)
  • Improved surface (unexposed and B)
  • Best surface (exposed or C) for special requirements such as exposed panels (IF steels) in the automotive industry for additional benefits:
  • Minimum waviness
  • High contour sharpness in reflections
  • Also for ZM (corrender coatings)
  • Optimum forming properties
  • Efficient painting
Design for Z and ZM
Mean roughness value Ra [µm]
Standard0.6 – 1.9
Roughness: especially smooth0.5 max.
Roughness: smooth0.9 max.
Special option: half matt0.7 – 1.3
Special option: matt1.3 – 1.9

Numerous functional surfaces

Functional surfaces additionally improve the existing product properties in comparison to the high-quality base material and provides solutions to special applications:

  • Anti-fingerprint (multiface®) for the household appliance and construction industries
  • Chemical passivation and/or corrosion protection oils protect against white rust formation and are free of chromium. (clearcover®)
  • Forming aids such as a phosphating or passivation layer 
  • Optimized tribology and excellent oil distribution (prelube2)

Further processing

Hot-dip galvanized steel strips available in a wide range of widths and lengths:

  • Wide strip
  • Slit strip (slit)
  • Cut-to-length sheets
  • Blanks

Supply pursuant to EN 10346 and VDA 239100 Deviations upon agreement.

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Hot-dip galvanized steel strip

Hot-dip galvanized steel strip

Hot-dip galvanized steel made by voestalpine is characterized by high corrosion resistance, excellent working properties and a wide range of applications.

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Hot-dip galvanized steel strip


Tailored to your specific needs, our portfolio ranges from extremely mild to advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) grades and includes widths up to 1,730 mm and thicknesses ranging between 0.5 mm and 3.5 mm. All hot-dip galvanized products of voestalpine have one thing in common: The best processing characteristics and highest degree of corrosion protection. Special features include Galvannealed and ZincMagnesium hot-dip galvanized steel strip.

Steel grades

  • Mild steels for cold forming
  • Structural steels
  • Micro-alloyed steels
  • Bake-hardening steels
  • Higher-strength IF steels
  • Dual-phase steels
  • Complex-phase steels
  • TRIP steels
  • Press-hardening steels for hot forming (phs-ultraform)


  • Surface types ranging from standard A surface to high-end C surface properties
  • Adjustment of defined strip roughness possible
  • Post-treatment to protect against the formation of white rust: wide variety of oils, chromium-free passivation, anti-finger-print system or micro-phosphating

Different types of hot-dip galvanized steel strip 

  • Conventional hot-dip galvanized steel strip (Z) with zinc coating thicknesses ranging from Z70 to Z600 
  • Hot-dip galvanized steel strip galvannealed with zinc-iron coating (ZF) allows coating thicknesses ranging from ZF70 to ZF140. 
  • Hot-dip zinc-magnesium galvanized steel strip (ZM); ZM90–ZM200

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