Tailored to your specific needs, our portfolio ranges from extremely mild to advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) grades and includes widths up to 1,730 mm and thicknesses ranging between 0.5 mm and 3.5 mm. All hot-dip galvanized products of voestalpine have one thing in common: The best processing characteristics and highest degree of corrosion protection. Special features include Galvannealed and ZincMagnesium hot-dip galvanized steel strip.
Steel grades
- Mild steels for cold forming
- Structural steels
- Micro-alloyed steels
- Bake-hardening steels
- Higher-strength IF steels
- Dual-phase steels
- Complex-phase steels
- TRIP steels
- Press-hardening steels for hot forming (phs-ultraform)
- Surface types ranging from standard A surface to high-end C surface properties
- Adjustment of defined strip roughness possible
- Post-treatment to protect against the formation of white rust: wide variety of oils, chromium-free passivation, anti-finger-print system or micro-phosphating
Different types of hot-dip galvanized steel strip
- Conventional hot-dip galvanized steel strip (Z) with zinc coating thicknesses ranging from Z70 to Z600
- Hot-dip galvanized steel strip galvannealed with zinc-iron coating (ZF) allows coating thicknesses ranging from ZF70 to ZF140.
- Hot-dip zinc-magnesium galvanized steel strip (ZM); ZM90–ZM200