Siegfried Awissus
Merkle Schweißtechnik
Böhler Welding and welding helmets - a rather unusual combination for many at the beginning. As a platinum trading partner, Merkle itself was skeptical about Guardian welding helmets at the beginning. In the meantime, you are selling our helmets extremely successfully.
Merkle Schweißtechnik
It is true that at the beginning we thought "yet another one now offering these helmets; we prefer to stay with our previous supplier, whom we have represented for many years". However, when we were presented with the Böhler Welding helmets, we very quickly realized that the price/performance ratio was significantly better compared to other competitors and then ordered a whole range. We produced a brochure for the market launch and in it we particularly emphasized the TIG suitability up to 5 amperes. We were convinced that the Böhler Welding brand name would be a major asset in the new launch, as it is undoubtedly known in the market as being of high quality.
The Böhler Welding helmets are characterized above all by the fact that they are an addition to the existing product portfolio. The welder prefers to have the addition and the helmet from a single source. In addition, the design of the helmets is really well done, the blue color gives the helmet something of exclusivity.
We called a meeting where all sales staff were present and compared the make we have sold so far with Böhler Welding. What convinced us most was that your helmets have a constant price level, whether online or offline. This allows us to talk to the customer about the benefits and not about the price. Besides, it's always easier to convince a customer of something when I'm face-to-face with them. We have about 80 customers in our store every day who appreciate the personal exchange. That's an advantage over the Internet.
If you take some time and explain to the customer the undoubted advantages of the helmets, then selling is a piece of cake. Because, as mentioned, the Böhler Welding brand is well known and appreciated with a good reputation.
Having sold almost 1000 helmets in the meantime and with a complaint rate of less than 1%, I can only advise every dealer to include the Guardian62 in particular in their range. If one makes the effort to list the advantages of the helmet cleanly and well, then the sale is possible without any problems and is still really fun.