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Brazing Rods (Blank & Flux Coated)

Brazing Rods (Blank & Flux Coated) by Fontargen Brazing with environment friendly coating. Available in different diameters, and coating thicknesses, as well as different shapes and finishing. 

Our Fontargen Brazing blank and flux-coated brazing rods are perfectly suitable and highly efficient for your brazing application. Flux-coated rods are available in different diameters and coating thicknesses. Blank rods are available in different shapes (square, round, flat) with matt or shiny finishing. Copper-phosphorus blank rods can also be supplied for narrow gaps and/or large surfaces (FreeFlow). EasyForm-quality is best suited for bigger gaps and/or modelling brazing jobs.


  • Perfect flowing properties for excellent brazing results
  • Cadmium and lead-free products

Additional green thinking benefits with our flux coatings

  • Boric acid free and borax free
  • Partly flexible
  • Safe for transportation
  • No spalling of the coating
  • Wider range of fluxing activity
  • Excellent flowing property
  • Easy removal of flux residues
  • No bothersome fumes or odours while brazing

4 Standard Coating Thicknesses

Examples of our coating thicknesses based on our alloy A320 (ISO 17672-Ag145/ AWS-Bag-36)

Product Name Coating
AF XXX Standard coating
AF XXX D Thin coating
AF XXX XD Extra thin coating
AF XXX XL Thick coating

Brazing Filler Metals

Ag Brazing Rods

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Product Name
DIN 8513
EN 1044
ISO 17672/ DIN 1707-100
Melting range
Flow properties
A 303 L-AG 205n AG 206 Ag 220 690 - 810 +++
A 311 L-AG44 AG 203 Ag 244 675 - 735 ++++
A 314 L-Ag55Sn AG 103 Ag 155 630 - 660 ++++++
A 347 L-Ag56Sn BAg-7 AG 102 Ag 156 620 - 655 ++++++
A 319 L-Ag34Sn AG 106 Ag 134 630 - 730 ++++
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A 303 L-AG 205n AG 206 Ag 220 690 - 810 +++
A 311 L-AG44 AG 203 Ag 244 675 - 735 ++++
A 314 L-Ag55Sn AG 103 Ag 155 630 - 660 ++++++
A 347 L-Ag56Sn BAg-7 AG 102 Ag 156 620 - 655 ++++++
A 319 L-Ag34Sn AG 106 Ag 134 630 - 730 ++++
A 320 L-Ag345Sn BAg-36 AG 104 Ag 145 640 - 680 +++++
A 326 L-Ag38Sn BAg-34 Ag 138 650 - 720 ++++
A 330 L-Ag30 BAg-20 AG 204 Ag 230 680 - 765 ++++
A 340 L-Ag40Sn Bag-28 AG 105 Ag 140 650 - 710 +++++
A 333 Ag 230a 675 - 790 ++++

CuP Brazing Rods

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Product Name
DIN 8513
EN 1044
ISO 17672/ DIN 1707-100
Melting range
Flow properties
A 3002 L-Ag2P CP 105 CuP 279 645 - 825 ++
A 3002 FreeFlow L-Ag2P BCuP-6 CuP 280 645 - 788 +++
A 3005 L-Ag5P CP 104 CuP 281a 645 - 815 ++
A 3005 EasyForm L-Ag5P BCuP-3 CuP 281a 645 - 815 ++
A 3005 FreeFlow L-Ag5P BCuP-7 CuP 282 645 - 771 +++
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A 3002 L-Ag2P CP 105 CuP 279 645 - 825 ++
A 3002 FreeFlow L-Ag2P BCuP-6 CuP 280 645 - 788 +++
A 3005 L-Ag5P CP 104 CuP 281a 645 - 815 ++
A 3005 EasyForm L-Ag5P BCuP-3 CuP 281a 645 - 815 ++
A 3005 FreeFlow L-Ag5P BCuP-7 CuP 282 645 - 771 +++
A 3015 L-Ag15P BCuP-5 CP 102 CuP 284 645 - 800 ++++
A 3018 L-Ag18P BCuP-8 CuP 285 643 - 666 ++++++
A 2003 EasyForm L-Cup7 CP 202 CuP 180 710 - 820 ++++
A 2003 FreeFlow L-Cup7 CP 202 CuP 180 710 - 820 +++++
A 2004 L-CuP6 CP 203 CuP 179 710 - 890 +++
A 2005 L-CuSnP7 CP 302 CuP 386 650 - 700 ++++
A 204 L-CuP8 CP 201 CuP 182 710 - 770 ++++++

XS-Coating without SVHC

Our new XS-Coating without SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) is the alternative to the existing products on the market with even less flux on board. This product is ideal for applications where post-brazing operations such as cleaning and removing flux residues become essential.


Brazing Rods

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Product Name
EN ISO 17672
EN 1044
DIN 8513
AF319 XS BF Ag 134 AG 106 N/A L-Ag34Sn
AF320 XS BF Ag 145 AG 104 BAg-36 L-Ag45Sn
AF340 XS BF Ag 140 AG 105 BAg-28 L-Ag40Sn
AF314 XS BF Ag 155 AG 103 N/A L-Ag55Sn
AF319 XS BF Ag 134 AG 106 N/A L-Ag34Sn
AF320 XS BF Ag 145 AG 104 BAg-36 L-Ag45Sn
AF340 XS BF Ag 140 AG 105 BAg-28 L-Ag40Sn
AF314 XS BF Ag 155 AG 103 N/A L-Ag55Sn