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Extension of our GUARD range with high alloyed rutile flux cored wires

5 June 2024 | 

We have enhanced our GUARD range with the high alloyed rutile flux cored wires – a further milestone in improved welders’ health & safety.

When it comes to health & safety requirements, trust Böhler Welding to GUARD your employees. Welding generates a complex mixture of gases and certain fume contents can present a health risk to welders. In recent years health and safety requirements have become more stringent, being especially driven by specific regulations.

The new GUARD portfolio has been developed to meet the stricter health & safety requirements for welders and their co-workers.

In November 2023 we officially launched our diamondspark GUARD range our low alloyed flux cored wires with significant reduction of Mn emissions in the welding fume. Now we are proud to present our new high alloyed rutile flux cored wire range for welding in all positions with significant reduced amount of Cr (VI) in the welding fume.

FOXcore GUARD range

Product name EN/ISO 17633-A AWS A5.22/SFA-5.22

FOXcore GUARD 308L-T1

T 19 9 L P M21 1


FOXcore GUARD 309L-T1

T 23 12 L P M21 1


FOXcore GUARD 316L-T1

T19 12 3 L P M21 1


diamondspark GUARD range

Product name EN/ISO 17632-A EN/ISO 17632-B AWS A5.20/SFA-5.20


T42 4 M M21 1 H5


E70C-6M H4


T42 3 P M20 1 H5, T42 3 P M21 1 H5

T49 4 T1-1M20A-H5, T49 3 T1-1M21A-UH5

E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M H4

diamondspark GUARD: smooth weldability, no spatters, fantastic product, and low Mn fumes for welders' safety.

Structural Steel Fabricators, Canada

Which measures is voestalpine Böhler Welding taking to reduce the welder’s exposure to welding fumes?

We follow the so-called STOP principle:

S - Substitution at the Source

S – stands for Substitution at the Source which means the chemical composition of welding consumables In order to minimize the risk posed by our flux cored wire range, voestalpine Böhler Welding has developed the GUARD consumables range: diamondspark GUARD with significantly reduced emission of manganese fumes during the welding process, and FOXcore GUARD with significantly reduced emission of Cr(VI). In this case, the very toxic fumes from welding consumables are also minimized.

We now have an answer for welding high alloyed, stainless steel types with our FOXcore GUARD range.  The weldability and slag detachability are excellent. The wires are suited for all positions, and I am really proud that we are now able to launch the new range after almost 2 years of development time.

Filippo Campaci, Product Manager for Cored Wires

T - Technical Solution

T - stands for Technical Solution: Isolation, engineering controls and automation of the welding process. Isolating or automating the welding process would be another way to reduce the risks from welding fumes, as the welding area is then separated from the rest of the workplace.

There is al. so the opportunity to improve the health and safety equipment of the welding area itself by installing the most sophisticated fume extraction systems to minimise exposure to potential welding fumes in the workplace

O - Organization Solutions

O - stands for Organization Solutions: voestalpine Böhler Welding is committed to employee and welder protection and offers innovative solutions for the health of welders. This is particularly associated with health and safety training and raising awareness of the potential hazards of welding fumes, UV and IR radiation. Health and safety awareness is part of our technical advice to customers, part of our external communication and special training courses help to further raise awareness.

P - Protective Measures

P – stands for Protective Measures and it means providing personal protective equipment (PPE) with the highest level of protection. PPE is the last barrier for the welder, protecting them from inhaling harmful fumes and gases. Welding helmets from Böhler Welding, in particular, offer the highest possible protection when used in conjunction with powered air-purifying respiratory (PAPR) systems, as they are certified as TH3. This makes it possible to breathe 99.8 % particle-free air. If the PAPR system is used with gas filters, the level of protection goes even further, as it protects not only against welding fumes, but also against gases.

Our Evolution Vision flip-up welding helmets, with their UHD ADF displays and large, clear visors, are ideal for providing welders with the optimal protection from particles, spatters slag and welding fume before, during and after welding. The aim was to develop a functional welding/grinding combination that offers the welder optimum protection before, during and after welding. Low weight, a large visor and a good fit on the head were just as important as the technical specifications of the ADF itself.

Thomas Bauer, Global Product Manager PPE & Accessories

More information

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