phs-scalefree® is the first hot-forming steel up to 2000 MPa with a thin zinc coating. Components were used in the SLIMulations to compare the originally used steels with phs-scalefree® and corresponding crash tests simulated. The baseline represents a 5-star-safety mid-size car (source: NCAP).

Originally used steel
Weight savings in %
voestalpine grade
B pillarphs-1500-10 %phs-scalefree 2000
Roof framephs-1500-10 %phs-scalefree 2000

Test simulations

Roof crush test

Side pole crash test

Lighter. Safer. More innovative.

SLIMulations show how you can save weight with ultralight steels without compromising on crash performance. Discover the advantages of voestalpine steels in a direct comparison.

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