Railway Systems Academy Campus Brandenburg celebrates its 20th anniversary

The Railway Systems Academy at Campus Brandenburg has been a top address for railway industry professionals throughout Germany for 20 years.

Since its foundation in 2004, when it was known as the Communication Center Brandenburg (CCB), Campus Brandenburg has established itself as the first choice for acquiring the latest knowledge and skills in the continuously evolving railway industry.

Over the past two decades, Campus Brandenburg has hosted around 850 seminars, 1,500 seminar days, and 7,000 visitors on 25 different topics. Seminars range from one to three days, depending on the topic, to meet the specific needs of participants. This ensures that they acquire the knowledge they need to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. The high quality of employee training is an important factor in the company's success.

The duration of the seminars offered varies depending on the main topic, with sessions lasting between one and three days. This enables participants to gain the knowledge they need to optimally master their specific tasks and daily challenges. Investing in high-quality training for employees is one of the most crucial factors for companies' success. This is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid digitalization of railway systems and the ongoing shortage of skilled workers.

A commitment to providing quality railway training

Campus Brandenburg's success is based on its commitment to providing first-class training that is both practice-oriented and aligned with the latest industry standards. Our participants benefit from the expertise of experienced trainers and industry experts, who share their knowledge and insights from real-world experience. Our participants gain the skills they need to make a significant impact in their companies and contribute to the success of their companies.


We at Railway Systems Academy - Campus Brandenburg are absolutely thrilled to share our achievements thus far! The challenges posed by the global pandemic have not only presented us with a significant challenge, but also an incredible opportunity to grow and evolve. While Campus Brandenburg was unfortunately forced to temporarily close its doors, it took the opportunity to embrace digitalization and introduce comprehensive hybrid and online training options in its modern facilities.


As it enters its third decade, Campus Brandenburg remains true to its founding mission: to provide the railway industry's professionals with the knowledge and abilities they require to drive innovation, enhance safety, and optimize railway operations. We are dedicated to maintaining our position as a reliable partner for railway companies that prioritize employee development and sustainable success. Learn more about our training courses at the Brandenburg Campus or contact us for customized training.

Author: Campus Brandenburg
