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Sabrina: Work and Family - No Problem

8 February 2023 | 

"The group-IT is a future-oriented company where humanity is highly valued. As a mother of two young children, I particularly appreciate the opportunity for flexible scheduling combined with home office."

Sometimes I can't even believe it myself that I've been employed at voestalpine group-IT for an incredible 16 years now. Before my hiring in May 2008, I traveled extensively for work and was in my final year of the part-time commercial academy. I was looking for a new challenge and a job that was exclusively in Austria. A colleague informed me that the head of customer management at the newly established voestalpine group-IT GmbH was looking for an assistant. Heard, applied, started a few weeks later, and haven't regretted it once.

In my role in Communications & Event Management, I see myself as a translator of the sometimes complex IT language, making it understandable to all, for example, in mailings or user descriptions. Additionally, I collaborate with project teams to develop communication plans or provide recommendations for them. I organize various events and trade show appearances and make the work of group-IT visible to everyone within and outside the voestalpine Group. What I particularly enjoy about my work is the versatility of my tasks and collaborating with colleagues worldwide. I simply love communicating with people and achieving goals. For me, professional success therefore also means generating added value for our customers and colleagues through successful communication. Communication is an essential factor for successful collaboration.

During my time at group-IT so far, there have been many highlights. What particularly stuck in my memory were the introductions of IT Press, our group-wide IT online medium, and the IT Services Portal. These projects not only provided me with a wealth of new knowledge about system collaboration and the enormous amount of data but also showed me how incredibly professional, capable, and humane my colleagues are. We are all hands-on and support each other in various challenges.

As a part-time employee and mother of two young children (4 years and 8 months), I greatly appreciate the uncomplicated collaboration and the opportunity for flexible scheduling combined with home office. Additionally, I was allowed to transfer to the nearest location (Böhlerwerk), which greatly facilitated my return to professional life.

The fact that I never got bored in the last 16 years is mainly because I had the opportunity to work in various areas. As an assistant to the head of department, as a customer advisor, and in establishing communication and marketing in group-IT, I was able to gain many interesting experiences that I can integrate into my current work. The trust and support I received have significantly contributed to my involvement in the successful voestalpine group-IT.

Sounds good? Apply now!