Customized steel alloys for customer applications are created on the computer in our research service company. Defined by the two components of mechanical properties and direct formability, the newly developed alloy variant shows great potential compared to 42CrMo4.
With regard to the strength properties, the tests carried out so far have shown that the new alloy variant is comparable to the standard 42CrMo4 grade after quenching and tempering – but with the potential advantage of direct formability without upstream soft annealing.
This advantage of direct workability is set via a micro-alloying element, which under certain conditions in hot forming – defined by special rolling parameters – forms the finest precipitates that promote the ferrite content in the alloy. This is considered advantageous in terms of formability.
Already, the first successful test rolls have been carried out and the target structure has been achieved. Further detailed tests to achieve the target values, in terms of quenching and tempering properties, are being implemented. Cold heading tests, relaxation tests and step-load tests for comparison with reference grades are also planned.