In the past fiscal year 2022/23, around 60% of the workforce again voluntarily participated in idea management and, together with the improvement measures implemented by specialist and sub-process managers, they achieved considerable benefits for the company.
A total of almost 550 measures were completed, which were intensively discussed and analyzed in expert groups in weekly myIDEA workshops. The joint development of the solution paths with the involvement of the idea submitters, implementers and expert reviewers enables a broad knowledge and know-how for the optimal processing of the ideas.
As a thank you for their willingness and participation in myIDEA, employees from different improvement methods and categories were rewarded for their achievements.
The VIP lounge at the Red Bull Ring was available for the entire morning, where idea and lean manager, Jasmin Finster, was able to report on the positive development of myIDEA and, together with the employee and worker works council, presented awards in 10 different categories: