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Pós metálicos

Oferecemos uma ampla gama de pós metálicos para diversos processos de soldagem e metalização. A UTP se especializou no desenvolvimento de revestimentos protetores adequados, dependendo do perfil de carga, utilizando materiais base de baixo custo e materiais, arames e pós adequados para processos de revestimento modernos. 

Os pós metálicos, à base de níquel, cobalto e ferro, são complementados de forma personalizada com pós mistos que apresentam propriedades especiais e excepcionais em termos de comportamento ao desgaste e à corrosão, mesmo em amplas faixas de temperatura. Além dos clássicos processos de metalzação por chama e da soldagem por deposição de pó a plasma, novos métodos estão sendo introduzidos pela voestalpine Böhler Welding UTP com revestimento a laser. 

Flame spraying powders for simultaneous melting

Product name Short description Grain size range EN 14700 EN/ISO 14232-1 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
SIMmelt NiBas20G Repairs of glass moulds in general, allowing - thanks to its moderate hardness - an excellent machinability.NiCuSiB powder. Coating Hardness: ~ 20 HRC -106 μm + 20 μm
SIMmelt NiBas30G Protection and repairing of glass moulds, NiCrBSi with addition of fluxing elements. Coating hardness: ~30 HRC -106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni2 Ni-SF30 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBas40 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to corrosion and wear even at high operating temperatures, drawing dies, forging dies, tools in the plastics industry, ejector pins. Coating hardness: 40 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni3 Ni-SF40 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBas60 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to corrosion and wear even at high operating temperatures, pump rings, friction bearing surfaces, knife edges, press moulds. Coating Hardness: 60 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni3 Ni-SF60 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBasW35 High level of protection against abrasive wear, slicing machine blades, conveyor chains, kneader parts.Nickel matrix with 35% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm Z P Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBas20G Repairs of glass moulds in general, allowing - thanks to its moderate hardness - an excellent machinability.NiCuSiB powder. Coating Hardness: ~ 20 HRC -106 μm + 20 μm
SIMmelt NiBas30G Protection and repairing of glass moulds, NiCrBSi with addition of fluxing elements. Coating hardness: ~30 HRC -106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni2 Ni-SF30 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBas40 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to corrosion and wear even at high operating temperatures, drawing dies, forging dies, tools in the plastics industry, ejector pins. Coating hardness: 40 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni3 Ni-SF40 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBas60 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to corrosion and wear even at high operating temperatures, pump rings, friction bearing surfaces, knife edges, press moulds. Coating Hardness: 60 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni3 Ni-SF60 - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBasW35 High level of protection against abrasive wear, slicing machine blades, conveyor chains, kneader parts.Nickel matrix with 35% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm Z P Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBasW55 Highest abrasion resistance, mixer-settler parts and kneaders in the ceramics industry, die drawing tools, chopping blades, scrapers.Nickel matrix with 55% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC - 106 μm + 20 μm Z P Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 106/20
SIMmelt NiBasW60 Highest abrasion resistance, well suitable for automated spraying processes, separator screws, mixing shovels.Nickel matrix with 60% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness Matrix 60 HRC – 150 μm + 20 μm P Z Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 106/20

Flame-spraying powders for subsequent melting

Product name Short description EN 14700 EN/ISO 14232-1 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
SUBmelt NiBas40 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to oxidation, heat and corrosion, medium hard deposit with good resistance against metal-to-metal wear. Coating Hardness: 40 HRC P Z Ni3 Ni-SF40 - 125/45
SUBmelt NiBasW50 For stirrer, mixing and fan blades, conveyer screw edges and parts subjected to abrasive wear.Nickel matrix with 50% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC P Z Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 125/45
SUBmelt NiBas60 NiCrBSi powder, highest abrasion resistance, stirrer, mixing shovels, screw shafts,for automatic spray processes. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC up to 63 HRC P Z Ni20 Ni-SF60 - 125/45
SUBmelt NiBas40 NiCrBSi powder, good resistance to oxidation, heat and corrosion, medium hard deposit with good resistance against metal-to-metal wear. Coating Hardness: 40 HRC P Z Ni3 Ni-SF40 - 125/45
SUBmelt NiBasW50 For stirrer, mixing and fan blades, conveyer screw edges and parts subjected to abrasive wear.Nickel matrix with 50% tungsten carbides. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC P Z Ni20 WSC / Ni-SF - 125/45
SUBmelt NiBas60 NiCrBSi powder, highest abrasion resistance, stirrer, mixing shovels, screw shafts,for automatic spray processes. Coating Hardness: Matrix 60 HRC up to 63 HRC P Z Ni20 Ni-SF60 - 125/45

Flame-spraying powders without melting (cold-process)

Product name Short description Grain size range EN/ISO 14232-1 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
COLDmelt CuAl Copper-aluminium powder, good sliding and emergency running properties, rollers, bearing journals, slideways. Coating hardness: 130 HB - 120 μm + 36 μm CuAl 90 10 - 120/36
COLDmelt Base17 NiAl5 powder, bond coat, base powder for initial layer under further coats of wear resistant CrNi- and Cu-alloys. Coating Hardness: appr. 150 - 190 HB – 106 μm + 36 μm NiAl 95 5 - 106/36
COLDmelt Zn Zinc powder, active corrosion protection on steel under a ospheric stresses. Coating Hardness: 23 HB – 125 μm Zn - 125
COLDmelt CuAl Copper-aluminium powder, good sliding and emergency running properties, rollers, bearing journals, slideways. Coating hardness: 130 HB - 120 μm + 36 μm CuAl 90 10 - 120/36
COLDmelt Base17 NiAl5 powder, bond coat, base powder for initial layer under further coats of wear resistant CrNi- and Cu-alloys. Coating Hardness: appr. 150 - 190 HB – 106 μm + 36 μm NiAl 95 5 - 106/36
COLDmelt Zn Zinc powder, active corrosion protection on steel under a ospheric stresses. Coating Hardness: 23 HB – 125 μm Zn - 125

Metal powders for PTA and laser surfacing: Wear protection - Steels difficult to weld

Product name Short description Grain size range EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
PLASweld FerroV1 Due to its high hardness, the powder for laser surfacing is suitable for build-ups on machine parts and tools subject to abrasion, compression and impact. Hardness of the weld deposit: 50 -60 HRC -125 + 45 μm
PLASweld FerroV15 Ferrous powder alloy for plasma arc surfacing with high Vanadium and Chromium content against a combination of wear and corrosion. Cutting tools, scraper. Hardness of the weld deposit: 58 - 64 HRC -180 + 63μm
PLASweld NiBasW60 Powder blend for plasma arc surfacing, special nickel base matrix for highest abrasion stressess, for excavator parts, drilling tools, screws in the plastic industry and mining. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx. 55 HRC -180 +63 μm P Z Ni20
PLASweld NiBas776W40 NiCrMo-powder with addition of tungsten carbides for PTA welding and laser surfacing, hardfacing weld overlays subject to corrosion and abrasive wear. Hardness of the weld deposit: Matrix approx. 510HV0,5 -150 + 50 μm P Z Ni20
PLASweld FerroV1 Due to its high hardness, the powder for laser surfacing is suitable for build-ups on machine parts and tools subject to abrasion, compression and impact. Hardness of the weld deposit: 50 -60 HRC -125 + 45 μm
PLASweld FerroV15 Ferrous powder alloy for plasma arc surfacing with high Vanadium and Chromium content against a combination of wear and corrosion. Cutting tools, scraper. Hardness of the weld deposit: 58 - 64 HRC -180 + 63μm
PLASweld NiBasW60 Powder blend for plasma arc surfacing, special nickel base matrix for highest abrasion stressess, for excavator parts, drilling tools, screws in the plastic industry and mining. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx. 55 HRC -180 +63 μm P Z Ni20
PLASweld NiBas776W40 NiCrMo-powder with addition of tungsten carbides for PTA welding and laser surfacing, hardfacing weld overlays subject to corrosion and abrasive wear. Hardness of the weld deposit: Matrix approx. 510HV0,5 -150 + 50 μm P Z Ni20

Metal powders for PTA and laser surfacing: Wear protection – Cobalt alloys

Product name Short description Grain size range EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
PLASweld Celsit706 Cobalt alloy 6 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx. 41 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co2
PLASweld Celsit712 Cobalt alloy 12 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx 48 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co3
PLASweld Celsit721 Cobalt alloy 21 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld depositg approx. 32 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co1
PLASweld Celsit706 Cobalt alloy 6 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx. 41 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co2
PLASweld Celsit712 Cobalt alloy 12 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld deposit: approx 48 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co3
PLASweld Celsit721 Cobalt alloy 21 for plasma- transferred-arc (PTA) and laser welding. Hardness of the weld depositg approx. 32 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Co1

Metal powders for PTA and laser surfacing: Wear protection - Tool steels

Product name Short description Grain size range EN/ISO 14700 Product Data Sheet - EN Product Data Sheet - DE
PLASweld Ferro39 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating hardness: 38 - 42 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro44 Ferreous powder for laser surfacing was especially developed for tough and crack resistant build-ups on high-strength nodular iron. Coating hardness: 44 HRC -125 + 38 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro45 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating hardness: 42 - 46 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro55 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating Hardness: 53 - 58 HRC -125 + 45 μm P Z Fe8
PLASweld Ferro39 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating hardness: 38 - 42 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro44 Ferreous powder for laser surfacing was especially developed for tough and crack resistant build-ups on high-strength nodular iron. Coating hardness: 44 HRC -125 + 38 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro45 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating hardness: 42 - 46 HRC -150 + 50 μm P Z Fe3
PLASweld Ferro55 Ferreous powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing, combining high strength, toughness and temperature resistance up to 550°C. Applicable on hot and cold work steels. Coating Hardness: 53 - 58 HRC -125 + 45 μm P Z Fe8

PTA & Laser powders for hardfacing – Cladding

Product name Short description Grain size range EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
PLASweld NiBas068HH Corrosion resistant NiCrFe-powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing. Buffer layer preferred for stellite qualities, corrosion-resistant, pressure vessel construction, petrochemical industry. Hardness of the weld deposit: 180 HV -150 + 50 μm
PLASweld NiBas6222Mo Highly corrosion-resistant NiCrMo- powder for PTA surfacing, similar corrosion and temperature resistant alloys and for surfacing on mild steels. -150 + 50 μm
PLASweld Stainless18 Gas-atomized metal powder of the type 316L designed for laser and plasma arc surfacing. Good corrosion resistance. Hardness of the weld deposit: 160 - 200 HV -150 + 50 μm 14700P Z Fe12
PLASweld NiBas068HH Corrosion resistant NiCrFe-powder for laser and plasma arc surfacing. Buffer layer preferred for stellite qualities, corrosion-resistant, pressure vessel construction, petrochemical industry. Hardness of the weld deposit: 180 HV -150 + 50 μm
PLASweld NiBas6222Mo Highly corrosion-resistant NiCrMo- powder for PTA surfacing, similar corrosion and temperature resistant alloys and for surfacing on mild steels. -150 + 50 μm
PLASweld Stainless18 Gas-atomized metal powder of the type 316L designed for laser and plasma arc surfacing. Good corrosion resistance. Hardness of the weld deposit: 160 - 200 HV -150 + 50 μm 14700P Z Fe12