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Folhas para brasagem

 Tiras e cortes de folhas de brasagem de prata e fósforo-cobre. Nossas folhas de brasagem de prata e fósforo-cobre possuem uma superfície de alta qualidade, com tolerâncias de espessura abaixo dos requisitos padrões. 

O uso de folha de prata para a união de carbonetos de tungstênio com aço é bastante comum. Especialmente as ligas contendo manganês e níquel são muito populares devido às suas propriedades positivas de molhabilidade e resistência, por exemplo, na indústria de lâminas de serra. 

Muitos de nossos clientes aproveitam as vantagens da A 338 F, uma folha contendo níquel e manganês conforme a norma ISO 3677. Essa folha possui propriedades comparáveis em termos de faixa de fusão, resistência e molhabilidade, combinadas com um menor teor de prata. É uma alternativa comum à A 324 F padrão. 

A Fontargen Brazing está envolvida em diversos projetos de P&D em todo o mundo, além de parcerias com empresas da indústria de ferramentas. Oferecemos o suporte técnico essencial para desenvolver uma otimização do processo técnico em colaboração com o cliente. Compartilhamos nosso conhecimento na seleção do material de adição de solda perfeito e damos suporte a especialistas em brasagem com a aplicação ideal. 

A Fontargen Brazing fornece as seguintes ligas padrão em tamanhos personalizados: 

Copper Based Filler Metals

Product Name ISO 17672 ISO 3677 AWS 5.8 Melting range (°C) Melting range (°F) Characteristics Typical applications
A 101 F Cu 773 B-Cu48ZnNi(Si)-890/920 RBCuZn-D 890 - 920 1634 - 1688 for ductile joints and high tensile strength, Brazing tungsten carbides and high-speed steel, hardening after brazing possible, auger bits, bits for road mills
A 210 F Cu 470a B-Cu60Zn(Si)-875/895 875 - 895 1607 - 1643 widely used for repair purpose tools for tunneling for examples scraper, agricultural tools
A 205 F B-Cu86MnNi-970/990 970 - 990 1778 - 1814 good wetting at tungsten carbides, high strength in combination with good ductility carbide tipped drills, coal mining drills, cutter
A 206 F B-Cu87MnCo-980/1030 980 - 1030 1796 - 1886 good gap filling, heat resisting brazed joints because of Co -contend mining tools and road drill bits
A 101 F Cu 773 B-Cu48ZnNi(Si)-890/920 RBCuZn-D 890 - 920 1634 - 1688 for ductile joints and high tensile strength, Brazing tungsten carbides and high-speed steel, hardening after brazing possible, auger bits, bits for road mills
A 210 F Cu 470a B-Cu60Zn(Si)-875/895 875 - 895 1607 - 1643 widely used for repair purpose tools for tunneling for examples scraper, agricultural tools
A 205 F B-Cu86MnNi-970/990 970 - 990 1778 - 1814 good wetting at tungsten carbides, high strength in combination with good ductility carbide tipped drills, coal mining drills, cutter
A 206 F B-Cu87MnCo-980/1030 980 - 1030 1796 - 1886 good gap filling, heat resisting brazed joints because of Co -contend mining tools and road drill bits

Silver Filler Metals

Product Name ISO 17672 ISO 3677 AWS 5.8 Melting range (°C) Melting range (°F) Characteristics Typical applications
A 324 F Ag 230 B-Ag49ZnCuMnNi-680-705 BAg-22 680 - 705 1260 - 1301 very good wetting and flow at tungsten carbides because of Mn and Ni contend, high strength - τ aB > 200 N/mm2 possible widely used standard filler metal in brazing tungsten carbides for example conveyor belt scraper, auger bits, crushing teeth, knives
A 338 F B-Ag38CuZnMnNi-680/700 680 - 700 1265 - 1292 lower silver contend as A 324 with comparable property's alternative for A 324
A 350 F Ag 450 B-Ag50ZnCuNi-660/705 BAg-24 660 - 705 1220 - 1305 very fluid filler metal for close fit up, good wetting at carbides carbide and diamond tools
A 347 F Ag156 B-Ag56ZnCuSn-620/655 BAg-7 620 - 655 1148 - 1211 low melting point, medium viscosity E-motors and generators where high strength and good ductility is necessary
A 314 F Ag 155 B-Ag55ZnCuSn-630/660 630 - 660 1166 - 1220 molten filler metal low viscosity very good flow , low melting point diamond bits with carbide surface
A 324 F Ag 230 B-Ag49ZnCuMnNi-680-705 BAg-22 680 - 705 1260 - 1301 very good wetting and flow at tungsten carbides because of Mn and Ni contend, high strength - τ aB > 200 N/mm2 possible widely used standard filler metal in brazing tungsten carbides for example conveyor belt scraper, auger bits, crushing teeth, knives
A 338 F B-Ag38CuZnMnNi-680/700 680 - 700 1265 - 1292 lower silver contend as A 324 with comparable property's alternative for A 324
A 350 F Ag 450 B-Ag50ZnCuNi-660/705 BAg-24 660 - 705 1220 - 1305 very fluid filler metal for close fit up, good wetting at carbides carbide and diamond tools
A 347 F Ag156 B-Ag56ZnCuSn-620/655 BAg-7 620 - 655 1148 - 1211 low melting point, medium viscosity E-motors and generators where high strength and good ductility is necessary
A 314 F Ag 155 B-Ag55ZnCuSn-630/660 630 - 660 1166 - 1220 molten filler metal low viscosity very good flow , low melting point diamond bits with carbide surface
A 356 F B-Ag63CuInMnNi-730/780 680- 705 1256 - 1301 Zn- free alloy, good wetting at tungsten carbides used where zinc fumes in the furnaces not tolerable for brazed tools which are coated by vacuum process after for example TiN
A 320 F Ag 145 B-Ag45CuZnSn-640/680 B-Ag-36 640-680 1184-1256 medium viscosity, good gap filling universal brazing alloy - Cu alloys, steel

Tri Foil

Product Name ISO 3677 Melting range (C°) Melting range (F°) Characteristics Typical applications
A 312 F B-AgZnCuMnNi-680/705 680 -705 1260 - 1301 tri metal foil, widely used, attenuate stress inside the brazed joins circular saw blades, cutter
A 312 F B-AgZnCuMnNi-680/705 680 -705 1260 - 1301 tri metal foil, widely used, attenuate stress inside the brazed joins circular saw blades, cutter

Copper Phosphor

Product Name ISO 17672 ISO 3677 AWS 5.8 Melting range (°C) Melting range (°F) Characteristics Typical applications
A 3015 F CuP 284 B-Cu80AgP-645/800 BCuP-5 645 - 800 1193 - 1472 Thin fluid copper-phosphorus alloy with high silver content and high ductility,even at low temperatures gap brazing of copper and copper
A 3015 FS CuP 284 B-Cu80AgP-645/800 BCuP-5 645 - 800 1193 - 1472 surface meets the requirements for laser processing laser brazing
A 3015 F CuP 284 B-Cu80AgP-645/800 BCuP-5 645 - 800 1193 - 1472 Thin fluid copper-phosphorus alloy with high silver content and high ductility,even at low temperatures gap brazing of copper and copper
A 3015 FS CuP 284 B-Cu80AgP-645/800 BCuP-5 645 - 800 1193 - 1472 surface meets the requirements for laser processing laser brazing