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Eletrodo revestido

Os melhores eletrodos para os melhores soldadores. Oferecemos o portfólio mais amplo de eletrodos revestidos no mercado de soldagem.

Nosso mundo moderno seria inimaginável sem a soldagem a arco elétrico, um dos processos mais antigos para unir metais. Na soldagem a arco elétrico com eletrodos revestidos, o arco é estabelecido entre o eletrodo revestido e o metal de base. Esse processo de soldagem é geralmente conhecido como MMA (soldagem manual com eletrodos revestidos) ou SMAW (soldagem com eletrodo revestido). Hoje, esse processo ainda é indispensável na construção de estruturas de aço e tubulações, podendo ser utilizado em todas as condições climáticas. Aproximadamente 25 a 30% dos produtos soldados no mundo são produzidos com eletrodos revestidos. 

Mild Steel - Rutile

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER Q E 6013 RT Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER Q E 6013 RC Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-cellulosic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RC 1 1
BÖHLER FOX Green Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, for welding of thin sheets A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6012 2560-A, E 42 0 R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX SUM Covered electrode, mild steel, thick rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 38 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER FOX ETI Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER Q E 6013 RT Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER Q E 6013 RC Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-cellulosic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RC 1 1
BÖHLER FOX Green Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, for welding of thin sheets A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6012 2560-A, E 42 0 R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX SUM Covered electrode, mild steel, thick rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 38 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER FOX ETI Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 1 2
BÖHLER FOX OHV Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-cellulosic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 38 0 RC 1 1
BÖHLER FOX KE Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, mixed type A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 38 0 RC 1 1
BÖHLER FOX SPE Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-basic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 (mod.) 2560-A, E 38 2 RB 1 2
BÖHLER FOX Yellow Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-basic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 38 2 RB 1 2
Phoenix Blau Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-cellulosic coated A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RC 1 1
Phoenix Grün T Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, well suited for tack welding A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6013 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 1 2

Mild Steel - Basic Low Hydrogen

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER Q E 7018 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -40°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018 H4R 2560-A, E 42 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER Q E 7018-1 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -50°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1 H4 2560-A, E 42 5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 40 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, extra low strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6018 (mod.) 2560-A, E 35 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 47 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, lower strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016-1 H4R 2560-A, E 38 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 50 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -50°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1H4R 2560-A, E 42 5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER Q E 7018 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -40°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018 H4R 2560-A, E 42 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER Q E 7018-1 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -50°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1 H4 2560-A, E 42 5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 40 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, extra low strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6018 (mod.) 2560-A, E 35 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 47 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, lower strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016-1 H4R 2560-A, E 38 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 50 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, down to -50°C A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1H4R 2560-A, E 42 5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 50-W Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, suitable for AC current A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016-1H4R 2560-A, E 42 5 B 1 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 55 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, higher strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1 H4R 2560-A, E 46 5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX K 55 Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, special for rail frogs A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016 2560-A, E 46 4 B 3 2 H5
Phoenix 120 K Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, suitable for DC +/- and AC A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7018-1 2560-A, E 42 5 B 3 2 H5
Phoenix Spezial D Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, double coated electrode A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016 2560-A, E 42 3 B 1 2 H10

Mild Steel - High Recovery

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX Red R 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024-1 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Red AR 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-acid coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024-1 2560-A, E 42 2 RA 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Red BR 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-basic coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7028 2560-A, E 42 2 RB 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Multifer 180 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 180% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 7 3
BÖHLER FOX HL 180 Ti Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 180% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024 2560-A, E 38 0 RR 7 4
BÖHLER FOX Red R 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024-1 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Red AR 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-acid coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024-1 2560-A, E 42 2 RA 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Red BR 160 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile-basic coated, 160% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7028 2560-A, E 42 2 RB 5 3
BÖHLER FOX Multifer 180 Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 180% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024 2560-A, E 42 0 RR 7 3
BÖHLER FOX HL 180 Ti Covered electrode, mild steel, rutile coated, 180% high efficiency A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7024 2560-A, E 38 0 RR 7 4

Pipeline - Cellulosic

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX CEL Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, low strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6010 2560-A, E 38 3 C 2 1
BÖHLER FOX CEL+ Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, for root-pass pipeline welding on DC + A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6010 2560-A, E 38 2 C 2 1
BÖHLER FOX CEL Mo Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, Mo-alloyed, pipeline welding A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-A1 2560-A, E 42 3 Mo C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 70-P Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding with very intense arc, low-middle A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-P1 2560-A, E 42 3 C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 75 Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, low-middle strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-P1 2560-A, E 42 3 C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, low strength A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6010 2560-A, E 38 3 C 2 1
BÖHLER FOX CEL+ Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, for root-pass pipeline welding on DC + A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E6010 2560-A, E 38 2 C 2 1
BÖHLER FOX CEL Mo Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, Mo-alloyed, pipeline welding A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-A1 2560-A, E 42 3 Mo C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 70-P Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding with very intense arc, low-middle A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-P1 2560-A, E 42 3 C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 75 Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, low-middle strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7010-P1 2560-A, E 42 3 C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 80-P Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding with very intense arc, middle-high A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8010-P1 / E8010-G 2560-A, E 46 3 1Ni C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 85 Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, middle- high strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8010-P1 2560-A, E 46 4 1Ni C 2 5
BÖHLER FOX CEL 90 Covered electrode, mild steel, cellulose coated, pipeline welding, highest strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9010-P1 / E9010-G 2560-A, E 50 3 1Ni C 2 5

Pipeline - Basic vertical down

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX BVD 85 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8045-P2 H4 R / E8018-G H4 R 2560-A, E 46 5 1Ni B 4 5 H5
BÖHLER FOX BVD 90 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding, middle strenght A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G H4 R / E9045-P2 H4 R (mod.) 18275-A, E 55 5 Z2Ni B 4 5 H5
BÖHLER FOX BVD 100 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding, high strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E10018-G E10045-P2 (mod.) 18275-A, E 62 5 Z2Ni B 4 5
BÖHLER FOX BVD 85 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8045-P2 H4 R / E8018-G H4 R 2560-A, E 46 5 1Ni B 4 5 H5
BÖHLER FOX BVD 90 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding, middle strenght A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G H4 R / E9045-P2 H4 R (mod.) 18275-A, E 55 5 Z2Ni B 4 5 H5
BÖHLER FOX BVD 100 Basic vertical down stick elekctrode, low-alloyed, pipeline welding, high strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E10018-G E10045-P2 (mod.) 18275-A, E 62 5 Z2Ni B 4 5

Pipeline - Basic Vertical Up

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX EV PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, low strengths A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016-1 2560-A, E 42 4 B 1 2
BÖHLER FOX EV 50 PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, low strengths A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016 2560-A, E 42 3 B 3 2
BÖHLER FOX EV 60 PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, higher strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8016-G H4R 2560-A, E 50 4 1Ni B 1 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, low strengths A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016-1 2560-A, E 42 4 B 1 2
BÖHLER FOX EV 50 PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, low strengths A5.1 / SFA-5.1, E7016 2560-A, E 42 3 B 3 2
BÖHLER FOX EV 60 PIPE Covered electrode, mild steel, basic coated, pipeline vertical up welding, higher strength A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8016-G H4R 2560-A, E 50 4 1Ni B 1 2 H5

Low Alloy Steel – High Strength

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX EV 60 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, 1% Ni alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-C3 H4R 2560-A, E 46 6 1Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 62 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, 1% Ni alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G (E8018-C3 mod.) 2560-A, E 50 6 Mn1Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 63 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, un-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G H4R 2560-A, E 50 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 64 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G 2560-A, E 50 4 Z1NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 65 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G H4R / E8018-D1 H4R 18275-A, E 55 6 1NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 60 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, 1% Ni alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-C3 H4R 2560-A, E 46 6 1Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 62 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, 1% Ni alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G (E8018-C3 mod.) 2560-A, E 50 6 Mn1Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 63 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, un-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G H4R 2560-A, E 50 4 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 64 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G 2560-A, E 50 4 Z1NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 65 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G H4R / E8018-D1 H4R 18275-A, E 55 6 1NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 70 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G H4R / E9018-D1 H4R (mod.) 18275-A, E 55 6 1NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 70 Mo Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, high-strength, Mo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G E9018-D1 (mod.) 18275-A, E 55 3 MnMo B T 4 2 H10
BÖHLER FOX EV 73 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, 2%NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E10018M 18275-A, E 55 5 2NiMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 75 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiCrMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E10018-G H4R / E10018M H4R (mod.) 18275-A, E 62 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 85 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiCrMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E11018-G H4R / E11018M H4R (mod.) 18275-A, E 69 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX EV 105 Covered electrode, basic coated, high- strength, NiCrMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E12018-G (E12018M mod.) 18275-A, E 89 4 Mn2Ni1CrMo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX NiCuCr Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, weather-resistant A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-W2 H4R 2560-A, E 46 4 Z1NiCrCu B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX NiMo Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, high-strength, NiMo-alloyed A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E10018-D2 H4 18275-A, E 62 4 Mn1NiMo B 4 2 H5

Low Alloy Steel - Low Temperature

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX 2,5 Ni Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, cryogenic, 2.5% Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-C1 H4R 2560-A, E 46 8 2Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX 3,5 Ni Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, cryogenic, 3.5% Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7018-C2L H4 2560-A, E 42 6 3Ni B 3 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX 2,5 Ni Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, cryogenic, 2.5% Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-C1 H4R 2560-A, E 46 8 2Ni B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX 3,5 Ni Covered electrode, low-alloyed, basic coated, cryogenic, 3.5% Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7018-C2L H4 2560-A, E 42 6 3Ni B 3 2 H5

Low Alloy - Creep Resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX Black Covered electrode, acid coated, galvanizing steel A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7020-G 2560-A, E 42 0 Mo A 1 2
BÖHLER FOX DMO Ti Covered electrode, rutile coated, creep resistant, 0.5% Mo 3580-A, E Mo R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX DMO Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7018-A1 H4 R 3580-A, E Mo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX DMV 83 Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, CrMoV A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G 3580-A, E MoV B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX DCMS Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 1% Cr, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-B2 H4 3580-A, E CrMo1 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX Black Covered electrode, acid coated, galvanizing steel A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7020-G 2560-A, E 42 0 Mo A 1 2
BÖHLER FOX DMO Ti Covered electrode, rutile coated, creep resistant, 0.5% Mo 3580-A, E Mo R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX DMO Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E7018-A1 H4 R 3580-A, E Mo B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX DMV 83 Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, CrMoV A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-G 3580-A, E MoV B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX DCMS Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 1% Cr, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-B2 H4 3580-A, E CrMo1 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX DCMV Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, CrMoV A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-G 3580-A, E Z CrMoV1 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX CM 2 Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 2.2% Cr, 1% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9018-B3 H4 R 3580-A, E CrMo2 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX CM 5 Kb Covered electrode, rutile coated, creep resistant, 5% Cr, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-B6 H4 R 3580-A, E CrMo5 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX CM 9 Kb Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 9% Cr, 1% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-B8 H4 3580-A, E CrMo9 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX C 9 MV Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P91 A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B91 H4 3580-A, E CrMo91 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX C 9 MV LNi Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P91, Low Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B91 H4 3580-A, E Z CrMo91 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX C 9 MVW Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P911 A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B92 H4 (mod.) 3580-A, E ZCrMoWVNb 9 1 1 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX 20 MVW Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, X20CrMoV 3580-A, E CrMoWV12 B 4 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX CrMo 2V Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 2.5%Cr, 1%Mo, V A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-G 3580-A, E Z CrMo2V B 4 2 H5
Thermanit MTS 616 Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P92 A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B92 H4 / E9015-G 3580-A, E Z CrMoWVNb9 0.5 2 B 4 2 H5
Thermanit MTS 616 LNi Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P92, Low Ni A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B92 H4 / E9015-G 3580-A, E Z CrMoWVNb9 0.5 2 B 4 2 H5
Phoenix Chromo 1 Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 1% Cr, 0.5% Mo A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E8018-B2 H4 3580-A, E CrMo1 B 4 2 H5
Avesta 308/308H AC/DC Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-17 3581-A, E 19 9 R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 16/13 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant 3581-A, E Z 16 13 Nb B 4 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 18/11 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308-15 3581-A, E 19 9 B 4 2
Phoenix SH Chromo 2 KS Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, 2.2%Cr, 1%Mo, V A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B3 H4 3580-A, E CrMo2 B 4 2 H5
Thermanit Chromo 9 V Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P91 A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B91 H4 3580-A, E CrMo91 B 4 2 H5
Thermanit Chromo 9 V Mod. Covered electrode, basic coated, creep resistant, P91 A5.5 / SFA-5.5, E9015-B91 H4 3580-A, E Z CrMo91 B 4 2 H5

Stainless Steel - Austenitic Steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Avesta 308L/MVR Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-17 3581-A, E 19 9 L R 3 2
Avesta 309L Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309L-17 3581-A, E 23 12 L R 3 2
Avesta 316L/SKR Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 3 2
Avesta 316L/SKR-4D Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L, pipe welding A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R
Avesta 904L Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 1.4539/904L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-17 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2
Avesta 308L/MVR Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-17 3581-A, E 19 9 L R 3 2
Avesta 309L Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309L-17 3581-A, E 23 12 L R 3 2
Avesta 316L/SKR Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 3 2
Avesta 316L/SKR-4D Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L, pipe welding A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R
Avesta 904L Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 1.4539/904L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-17 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX ASN 5 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 317L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E317L-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 16 5 N L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX ASN 5-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 317L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E317L-17 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 16 5 N L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 19/9 M Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 308Mo A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308Mo-17 (mod.) 3581-A, E 20 10 3 R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 20/25 M Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 1.4539/904L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 20/25 M-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 1.4539/904L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-17 (mod.) 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 24/13 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309L-15 3581-A, E 23 12 L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 2 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-15 3581-A, E 19 9 L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 2 (LF) Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L, Low Ferrite A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-15 3581-A, E 19 9 L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 2-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-17 3581-A, E 19 9 L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 2-VD Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 308L, for vertical down weldin A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-17 3581-A, E 19 9 L R 1 5
BÖHLER FOX EAS 4 M Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-15 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 4 M (LF) Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L, Low Ferrite A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-15 3581-A, E Z 19 12 3 L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 4 M-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX EAS 4 M-VD Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316L, for vertical down weldin A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 1 5
BÖHLER FOX EASN 25M-A Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 310Mo A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E310-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E 25 22 2 N L R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX SAS 2 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabalized, 347-type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E347-15 3581-A, E 19 9 Nb B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SAS 2-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabalized, 347-type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E347-17 3581-A, E 19 9 Nb R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX SAS 4 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabalized, 316-type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E318-15 3581-A, E 19 12 3 Nb B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SAS 4-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabalized, 318-type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E318-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 Nb R 3 2
BÖHLER Q E 308L-17 QLine Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308L-17 3581-A, E 19 9 L R 3 2
BÖHLER Q E 316L-17 QLine Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-17 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 3 2
Thermanit 19/15 H Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 316LMn A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316LMn-15 3581-A, E 20 16 3 Mn N L B 2 2
Thermanit 25/22 H Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, 310Mo A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E310-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E Z 25 22 2 N L B 2 2

Stainless Steel - Ferritic Steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX KW 10 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, 410 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 13 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SKWA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, 430 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E430-15 3581-A, E 17 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SKWAM Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, special applications 3581-A, E Z 17 Mo B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX KW 10 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, 410 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 13 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SKWA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, 430 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E430-15 3581-A, E 17 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX SKWAM Covered electrode, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, special applications 3581-A, E Z 17 Mo B 2 2

Stainless Steel - Martensitic Steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/1 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 3581-A, E Z 13 1 B 6 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/4 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410NiMo-15 3581-A, E 13 4 B 6 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/4 Supra Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless, core wire alloyed A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410NiMo-15 3581-A, E 13 4 B 4 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 16/6 M-HD Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 3581-A, E Z 16 6 Mo B 6 2 H5
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/1 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 3581-A, E Z 13 1 B 6 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/4 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410NiMo-15 3581-A, E 13 4 B 6 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 13/4 Supra Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless, core wire alloyed A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410NiMo-15 3581-A, E 13 4 B 4 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 16/6 M-HD Covered electrode, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 3581-A, E Z 16 6 Mo B 6 2 H5

Stainless Steel - Duplex

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Avesta 2205 Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-17 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L R
Avesta 2205 Basic Covered electrode, basic coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-15 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L B 2 2
Avesta 2205-PW AC/DC Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless, all position A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-17 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L R
Avesta 2507/P100 Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2594-17 3581-A, E 25 9 4 N L R 3 2
Avesta 2507/P100 Rutile Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2594-16 3581-A, E 25 9 4 N L R 4 2
Avesta 2205 Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-17 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L R
Avesta 2205 Basic Covered electrode, basic coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-15 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L B 2 2
Avesta 2205-PW AC/DC Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless, all position A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-17 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L R
Avesta 2507/P100 Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2594-17 3581-A, E 25 9 4 N L R 3 2
Avesta 2507/P100 Rutile Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2594-16 3581-A, E 25 9 4 N L R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 22/9 N Covered electrode, rutile coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-17 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 22/9 N-B Covered electrode, basic coated, high- alloyed, duplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2209-15 3581-A, E 22 9 3 N L B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 25/9 CuT Covered electrode, basic coated, high- alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E2595-15 3581-A, E 25 9 4 N L B 2 2

Stainless Steel - Special Applications & Dissimilar Joints

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Avesta 383 AC/DC Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, especially for phosphoric acid applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E383-17 3581-A, E 27 31 4 Cu L R
BÖHLER FOX A 7 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 307 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX A 7-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 307 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E Z 18 9 MnMo R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 17/4 PH Covered electrode, high-alloyed, precipitation hardening stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E630-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E Z 17 4 Cu B 4 3 H5
BÖHLER FOX CN 23/12 Mo-A Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309-Mo type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309LMo-17 3581-A, E 23 12 2 L R 3 2
Avesta 383 AC/DC Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, especially for phosphoric acid applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E383-17 3581-A, E 27 31 4 Cu L R
BÖHLER FOX A 7 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 307 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX A 7-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 307 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E Z 18 9 MnMo R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 17/4 PH Covered electrode, high-alloyed, precipitation hardening stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E630-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E Z 17 4 Cu B 4 3 H5
BÖHLER FOX CN 23/12 Mo-A Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309-Mo type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309LMo-17 3581-A, E 23 12 2 L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 23/12-A Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309L-17 3581-A, E 23 12 L R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 24/13 Nb Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309 type, Nb stabalized A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309Nb-15 3581-A, E 23 12 Nb B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 29/9 Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E312-16 3581-A, E 29 9 R 1 2
BÖHLER FOX CN 29/9-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E312-17 3581-A, E 29 9 R 3 2
BÖHLER Q E 309L-17 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, 309 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309L-17 3581-A, E 23 12 L R 3 2
Thermanit 30/10 W Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E312-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E 29 9 R 1 2

Stainless Steel - Heat Resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Avesta 253 MA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistance up to 1100°C 3581-A, E 21 10 N R
Avesta 308/308H AC/DC Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-17 3581-A, E 19 9 R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX E 347 H Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E347-15 3581-A, E 19 9 Nb B
BÖHLER FOX E 308 H Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-16 3581-A, E 19 9 H R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX FA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant up to 1100°C for similar Mo - free 25% Cr(Ni) steels 3581-A, E 25 4 B 2 2
Avesta 253 MA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistance up to 1100°C 3581-A, E 21 10 N R
Avesta 308/308H AC/DC Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-17 3581-A, E 19 9 R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX E 347 H Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E347-15 3581-A, E 19 9 Nb B
BÖHLER FOX E 308 H Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-16 3581-A, E 19 9 H R 4 2
BÖHLER FOX FA Covered electrode, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant up to 1100°C for similar Mo - free 25% Cr(Ni) steels 3581-A, E 25 4 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX FF Covered electrode, basic coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant up to 950°C A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309-15 3581-A, E 22 12 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX FF-A Covered electrode, rutile coated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant 309 type A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309-17 3581-A, E 22 12 R 3 2
BÖHLER FOX FFB Covered electrode, basic coating, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic (-196°C) and heat resistant up to 650°C A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E310-15 (mod.) 3581-A, E 25 20 B 2 2
BÖHLER FOX FFB-A Covered electrode, rutile coating, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant up to 650°C A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E310-16 3581-A, E 25 20 R 3 2
Thermanit ATS 4 Covered electrode, basic caated, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E308H-15 3581-A, E 19 9 H B 2 2

WEAR protection - Difficult to weld - Multi Purpose

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - DE Data Sheet - EN
Wearstick Dur 250 Basic coated stick electrode for tough surfacing against rolling wear. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 270 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 300 Basic coated stick electrode for tough surfacing against rolling wear. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 300 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 350 Basic coated stick electrode for crack-proof, wear-resistant surfacing. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 370 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 580 Basic coated stick electrode for crack-proof, wear-resistant surfacing. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 58 HRC 14700, E Z Fe8
Wearstick Dur 600 Basic coated hardfacing stick electrode against impact and abrasion. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 60 HRC 14700, E Fe8
Wearstick Dur 250 Basic coated stick electrode for tough surfacing against rolling wear. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 270 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 300 Basic coated stick electrode for tough surfacing against rolling wear. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 300 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 350 Basic coated stick electrode for crack-proof, wear-resistant surfacing. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 370 HB 14700, E Fe1
Wearstick Dur 580 Basic coated stick electrode for crack-proof, wear-resistant surfacing. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 58 HRC 14700, E Z Fe8
Wearstick Dur 600 Basic coated hardfacing stick electrode against impact and abrasion. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 60 HRC 14700, E Fe8
Wearstick Dur 650 Basic coated, tough-hard, abrasion-resistant hardfacing stick electrode. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 60 HRC 14700, E Fe8
Wearstick MnCr13 Basic coated, chromium alloyed, Mn-steel stick electrode. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 260 HB 14700, E Fe9
Wearstick MnCr4 Basic coated, CrNi-alloyed, Mn-hardsteel stick electrode. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 200 - 250 HB. After work-hardening 48 - 53 HRC A5.13 / SFA-5.13, EFeMn-C 14700, E Z Fe9
Wearstick Mn18 Basic coated high-Mn-steel stick electrode for claddings exposed to compression and impacts. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 200 HB. After work-hardening approx. 45 HRC 14700, E Z Fe9
Wearstick Hydrocav Basic-coated stainless stick electrode against cavitation wear. Hardness of the weld metal approx. 21 HRC. After work-hardening approx. 50 HRC 14700, E Z Fe9

WEAR protection - Difficult to weld - Extreme abrasion

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARstick XD 60 Rutile coated stick electrode for highly wear-resistant claddings against grinding abrasion combined with light impacts. Hardness: approx. 60 HRC 14700, E Fe14
WEARstick XD 61 Rutile-basic coated stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against strong grinding abrasion combined with medium impacts. Hardness: approx. 60 HRC A5.13, E FeCr-A8 (mod.) 14700, E Fe14
WEARstick XD 63 Basic coated high efficiency stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against strong grinding abrasion combined with medium impacts. Hardness: approx. 63 HRC 14700, E Z Fe15
WEARstick XD 65 High efficiency stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against extreme sliding mineral abrasion also at elevated temperatures up to 500°C. Hardness approx. 65 HRC 14700, E Fe16
WEARstick XD 60 Rutile coated stick electrode for highly wear-resistant claddings against grinding abrasion combined with light impacts. Hardness: approx. 60 HRC 14700, E Fe14
WEARstick XD 61 Rutile-basic coated stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against strong grinding abrasion combined with medium impacts. Hardness: approx. 60 HRC A5.13, E FeCr-A8 (mod.) 14700, E Fe14
WEARstick XD 63 Basic coated high efficiency stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against strong grinding abrasion combined with medium impacts. Hardness: approx. 63 HRC 14700, E Z Fe15
WEARstick XD 65 High efficiency stick electrode for wear-resistant claddings against extreme sliding mineral abrasion also at elevated temperatures up to 500°C. Hardness approx. 65 HRC 14700, E Fe16

WEAR protection - Cobalt alloys

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARstick Co 1 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt-base, core-wire-alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear without impacts. Hardness: 54 - 56 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-C 14700, E Co3
WEARstick Co 6 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt-base, core wire alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal wear, cavitation and impacts in corrosive envrionments. Hardness: 40-42 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-A 14700, E Z Co2
WEARstick Co 12 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt base, core-wire-alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear with moderate impacts. Hardness 48-50 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-B 14700, E Co3
WEARstick Co 21 Rutile coated, core-wire-alloyed stick electrode on cobalt-base. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal wear and thermal shocks in corrosive envrionments. Hardness: 31 - 37 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-E 14700, E Co1
WEARstick Co 25 Rutile coated stick electrode for heat- and thermal shock resistant hardfacings. Hardness approx. 230 HB 14700, E Z Co1
WEARstick Co 1 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt-base, core-wire-alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear without impacts. Hardness: 54 - 56 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-C 14700, E Co3
WEARstick Co 6 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt-base, core wire alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal wear, cavitation and impacts in corrosive envrionments. Hardness: 40-42 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-A 14700, E Z Co2
WEARstick Co 12 Rutile coated stick electrode on cobalt base, core-wire-alloyed. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear with moderate impacts. Hardness 48-50 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-B 14700, E Co3
WEARstick Co 21 Rutile coated, core-wire-alloyed stick electrode on cobalt-base. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal wear and thermal shocks in corrosive envrionments. Hardness: 31 - 37 HRC A5.13, E CoCr-E 14700, E Co1
WEARstick Co 25 Rutile coated stick electrode for heat- and thermal shock resistant hardfacings. Hardness approx. 230 HB 14700, E Z Co1

WEAR protection - Tool steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARstick Tool 35 Basic coated maraging stick electrode for hot work tool steels and steels of similar nature. Hardness: 34 - 37 HRC 14700, E Fe5
WEARstick Tool 40 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. Medium weld metal hardness. Hardness: 38 - 42 HRC 14700, E Z Fe3
WEARstick Tool 45 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. Medium to hard weld metal hardness. Hardness: 45 - 50 HRC 14700, E Fe3
WEARstick Tool 50 Co Rutile coated stick electrode for hot work tool steels, stainless. Application temperature up to 650°C. Hardness: 48 -52 HRC 14700, E Z Fe3
WEARstick Tool 55 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. High weld metal hardness. Hardness: 55 - 58 HRC 14700, E Fe8
WEARstick Tool 35 Basic coated maraging stick electrode for hot work tool steels and steels of similar nature. Hardness: 34 - 37 HRC 14700, E Fe5
WEARstick Tool 40 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. Medium weld metal hardness. Hardness: 38 - 42 HRC 14700, E Z Fe3
WEARstick Tool 45 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. Medium to hard weld metal hardness. Hardness: 45 - 50 HRC 14700, E Fe3
WEARstick Tool 50 Co Rutile coated stick electrode for hot work tool steels, stainless. Application temperature up to 650°C. Hardness: 48 -52 HRC 14700, E Z Fe3
WEARstick Tool 55 Basic coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. High weld metal hardness. Hardness: 55 - 58 HRC 14700, E Fe8
WEARstick Tool 58 Rutile coated stick electrode for cold and hot work tool steels. High weld metal hardness. Hardness: approx. 58 HRC 14700, E Z Fe3
WEARstick Tool 60 Rutile coated high efficiency stick electrode for high speed tool steels with high weld metal hardness. Hardness: approx. 62 HRC A5.13, E Fe5-B (mod.) 14700, E Fe4
WEARstick Tool Cr17 High Cr-alloyed stick electrode for repair of tool steels, particularly cutting tools. Hardness: approx 250 HB 14700, E Fe7
WEARstick Tool NiCrMo+ Rutile-basic coated high efficiency electrode, NiCrMo-alloy for hot working tools and forging dies. Hardness: approx 220 HB A5.11, ENiCrMo-5 (mod.) 14700, E Z Ni 2

Corrosion protection - Pure nickel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 80 Ni Basic coated pure nickel stick electrode A5.11, ENi-1 14172, E Ni 2061 (NiTi3)
UTP 80 Ni Basic coated pure nickel stick electrode A5.11, ENi-1 14172, E Ni 2061 (NiTi3)

Corrosion protection - Nickel Copper

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 80 M Basic coated stick electrode for corrosion resistant nickel- copper alloys (400) A5.11, ENiCu-7 14172, E Ni 4060 (NiCu30Mn3Ti)
UTP 80 M Basic coated stick electrode for corrosion resistant nickel- copper alloys (400) A5.11, ENiCu-7 14172, E Ni 4060 (NiCu30Mn3Ti)

Corrosion protection - NiCr alloys

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit Nicro 82 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, nickel-base, cryogenic (-269°C) and heat resistant up to 900°C A5.11, ENiCrFe-3 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb)
Thermanit 690 Ni-base stick electrode for joining of high corrosion resistant steels with resistance in oxidizing media like nitric acid. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-7 14172, E Ni 6152 (NiCr30Fe9)
UTP 7015 NK High efficiency Ni-base stick electrode for repair and joining of Ni-alloys and could tough steels. Buffer-layer cladding of Ni and Co alloys. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-3 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6093 (NiCr15Fe8NbMo)
UTP 7015 Basic coated stick electrode for NiCr-alloys and claddings A5.11, ENiCrFe-3 14172, E Ni 6182 (NiCr15Fe6Mn)
UTP 7015 Mo Basic-coated NiCrFe stick electrode for high-temperature and cryogenic applications A5.11, ENiCrFe-2 14172, E Ni 6093 (NiCr15Fe8NbMo)
Thermanit Nicro 82 Covered electrode, high-alloyed, nickel-base, cryogenic (-269°C) and heat resistant up to 900°C A5.11, ENiCrFe-3 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb)
Thermanit 690 Ni-base stick electrode for joining of high corrosion resistant steels with resistance in oxidizing media like nitric acid. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-7 14172, E Ni 6152 (NiCr30Fe9)
UTP 7015 NK High efficiency Ni-base stick electrode for repair and joining of Ni-alloys and could tough steels. Buffer-layer cladding of Ni and Co alloys. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-3 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6093 (NiCr15Fe8NbMo)
UTP 7015 Basic coated stick electrode for NiCr-alloys and claddings A5.11, ENiCrFe-3 14172, E Ni 6182 (NiCr15Fe6Mn)
UTP 7015 Mo Basic-coated NiCrFe stick electrode for high-temperature and cryogenic applications A5.11, ENiCrFe-2 14172, E Ni 6093 (NiCr15Fe8NbMo)

Corrosion protection - NiCrMo alloys

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 6170 Co Basic coated NiCrMo stick electrode for joining high temperature similar Ni-base alloys, heat resistant steels and cast steels A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrCoMo-1 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6117 (NiCr22Co12Mo)
Thermanit 30/40 EW Covered electrode, high-alloyed, nickel-base (36% Ni) for dissimilar joints, weldable on AC 14172, E NiZ (NiCr29Fe26Mo)
Thermanit 620 Basic coated high efficiency NiCrMo stick electrode for joining 9 % Ni steels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 5 % Ni steels for Liquefied ethylene gas (LEG). A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-6 14172, E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe)
UTP 7013 Mo Basic coated high efficiency NiCrMo stick electrode for joining 9 % Ni steels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 5 % Ni steels for Liquefied ethylene gas (LEG). A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-6 14172, E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe)
UTP 759 Kb Basic coated Ni-base stick electrode for welding of parts in high corrosive media primarily in chemical process plants A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-13 14172, E Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16)
UTP 6170 Co Basic coated NiCrMo stick electrode for joining high temperature similar Ni-base alloys, heat resistant steels and cast steels A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrCoMo-1 (mod.) 14172, E Ni 6117 (NiCr22Co12Mo)
Thermanit 30/40 EW Covered electrode, high-alloyed, nickel-base (36% Ni) for dissimilar joints, weldable on AC 14172, E NiZ (NiCr29Fe26Mo)
Thermanit 620 Basic coated high efficiency NiCrMo stick electrode for joining 9 % Ni steels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 5 % Ni steels for Liquefied ethylene gas (LEG). A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-6 14172, E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe)
UTP 7013 Mo Basic coated high efficiency NiCrMo stick electrode for joining 9 % Ni steels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 5 % Ni steels for Liquefied ethylene gas (LEG). A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-6 14172, E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe)
UTP 759 Kb Basic coated Ni-base stick electrode for welding of parts in high corrosive media primarily in chemical process plants A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-13 14172, E Ni 6059 (NiCr23Mo16)
UTP 776 Kb Basic coated stick electrode for corrosion resistant NiCrMo alloys (C276) A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-4 14172, E Ni 6276 (NiCr15Mo15Fe6W4)
UTP 6222 Mo Basic coated NiCrMo-stick electrode for corrosion resistant NiCrMo alloys (625) A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-3 14172, E Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
UTP Soudonel D Basic coated high efficiency NiCrMo stick electrode for joining 9 % Ni steels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 5 % Ni steels for Liquefied ethylene gas (LEG). A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-6 14172, E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe)

Special application - Joining & Repair - Stainless steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 1925 Rutile-basic coated stick electrode, for special joining and surfacing applications with stainless steel A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2
UTP 6635 Ti Rutile coated stick electrode for joining and surfacing of soft martensitic stainless steels like 1.4313 A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410 NiMo-16 3581-A, E 13 4 R 3 3
UTP 653 Rutile coated stick electrode for joining and surfacing on difficult to weld steels and for cladding on un-alloyed steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309Mo-16 3581-A, E Z 23 12 L R 3 2
UTP 630 Rutile coated synthetic stick electrode for crack resistant joints and surfacings on hgh strength steels or hard manganes steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-26 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn R 7 3
UTP 63 Rutile coated, fully austenitic stick electrode for repair welding of alloyed construction and heat-treated steel 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn R 3 2
UTP 1925 Rutile-basic coated stick electrode, for special joining and surfacing applications with stainless steel A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E385-16 (mod.) 3581-A, E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 3 2
UTP 6635 Ti Rutile coated stick electrode for joining and surfacing of soft martensitic stainless steels like 1.4313 A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E410 NiMo-16 3581-A, E 13 4 R 3 3
UTP 653 Rutile coated stick electrode for joining and surfacing on difficult to weld steels and for cladding on un-alloyed steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E309Mo-16 3581-A, E Z 23 12 L R 3 2
UTP 630 Rutile coated synthetic stick electrode for crack resistant joints and surfacings on hgh strength steels or hard manganes steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E307-26 (mod.) 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn R 7 3
UTP 63 Rutile coated, fully austenitic stick electrode for repair welding of alloyed construction and heat-treated steel 3581-A, E 18 8 Mn R 3 2
UTP 65 D Rutile coated, austenitic-ferritic special electrode for repair and surfacing of difficult to weld steels 3581-A, E Z 29 9 R 1 2
UTP 68 TiMo Rutile coated synthetic high efficiency stick electrode for joining and surfacing of stainless austenitic steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-26 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 7 3
UTP 683 LC Rutile coated synthetic high efficiency stick electrode for dissimilar joints of austenitic and ferritic steels A5.4 / SFA-5.4, E316L-26 3581-A, E 19 12 3 L R 7 3

Special application - Joining & Repair - Copper alloys

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 34 N Basic-coated complex aluminium bronze stick electrode A5.13, ECuMnNiAl (mod.) 17777, E Cu 6338 (CuMn13Al7Fe3Ni2)
UTP 32 Basic-coated tin-bronze stick electrode A5.6, ECuSn-C (mod.) 17777, E Cu 5180B (CuSn7)
UTP 39 Basic-coated pure copper stick electrode A5.6, ECu (mod.) 17777, E Cu 1893 (CuMn2)
UTP 387 Basic coated copper-nickel stick electrode 70/30 A5.6, ECuNi 17777, E Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn2FeTi)
UTP 34 N Basic-coated complex aluminium bronze stick electrode A5.13, ECuMnNiAl (mod.) 17777, E Cu 6338 (CuMn13Al7Fe3Ni2)
UTP 32 Basic-coated tin-bronze stick electrode A5.6, ECuSn-C (mod.) 17777, E Cu 5180B (CuSn7)
UTP 39 Basic-coated pure copper stick electrode A5.6, ECu (mod.) 17777, E Cu 1893 (CuMn2)
UTP 387 Basic coated copper-nickel stick electrode 70/30 A5.6, ECuNi 17777, E Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn2FeTi)

Special application - Joining & Repair - Cast iron

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 8 Graphite-basic coated nickel stick electrode. Polarity: DC-, AC A5.15, ENi-Cl 1071, E C Ni-Cl 1
UTP 83 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode. Polarity: DC+, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-11
UTP 85 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode with bi-metallic core wire. Polarity: DC+, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-13
UTP 86 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode with bi-metallic core wire. Polarity: DC-, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-13
UTP 8 Graphite-basic coated nickel stick electrode. Polarity: DC-, AC A5.15, ENi-Cl 1071, E C Ni-Cl 1
UTP 83 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode. Polarity: DC+, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-11
UTP 85 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode with bi-metallic core wire. Polarity: DC+, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-13
UTP 86 FN Graphite-basic coated FeNi stick electrode with bi-metallic core wire. Polarity: DC-, AC A5.15, ENiFe-Cl 1071, E C NiFe-13

Special application - Joining & Repair - Heat resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 2133 Mn Fully austenitic NiCr stick electrode for repair and build-up welding of similar heat-resistant steels 3581-A, E Z 21 33 B 4 2
UTP 2535 Nb Basic coated stick electrode with high carbon content for welding heat resistant CrNi cast steels in centrifugal and mouldcast parts 3581-A, E Z 25 35 Nb B 6 2
UTP 3545 Nb Basic-coated special stick electrode for high- temperature cast alloys with high carbon content in the petrochemical industryin the petrochemical industry 3581-A, E Ni Z 6701 (NiCr35Fe15Nb0,8)
UTP 6225 Al Basic coated stick electrode for repair welding on high heat resistant nickel-based steels as well as high Ni-containing cast alloys. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, E NiCrFe-12 3581-A, S Ni 6704 (NiCr25Fe10AL3YC)
UTP 6170 Co Nickel-based stick electrode for repair welding on high-temperature-resistant and similar alloys, as well as for creep resistant austenitic alloys and cast alloys A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrCoMo-1 (mod.) 3581-A, E Ni 6117 (NiCr22Co12Mo)
UTP 2133 Mn Fully austenitic NiCr stick electrode for repair and build-up welding of similar heat-resistant steels 3581-A, E Z 21 33 B 4 2
UTP 2535 Nb Basic coated stick electrode with high carbon content for welding heat resistant CrNi cast steels in centrifugal and mouldcast parts 3581-A, E Z 25 35 Nb B 6 2
UTP 3545 Nb Basic-coated special stick electrode for high- temperature cast alloys with high carbon content in the petrochemical industryin the petrochemical industry 3581-A, E Ni Z 6701 (NiCr35Fe15Nb0,8)
UTP 6225 Al Basic coated stick electrode for repair welding on high heat resistant nickel-based steels as well as high Ni-containing cast alloys. A5.11 / SFA-5.11, E NiCrFe-12 3581-A, S Ni 6704 (NiCr25Fe10AL3YC)
UTP 6170 Co Nickel-based stick electrode for repair welding on high-temperature-resistant and similar alloys, as well as for creep resistant austenitic alloys and cast alloys A5.11 / SFA-5.11, ENiCrCoMo-1 (mod.) 3581-A, E Ni 6117 (NiCr22Co12Mo)

Special application - Joining & Repair - Gouging

Product name Short description Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 82 Ko Carbon electrode for gouging and cutting
UTP 82 AS Thick coated stick electrode for gouging and chamfering on all steel grades with ferritic and austenitic structure, as well as cast iron
UTP 82 Ko Carbon electrode for gouging and cutting
UTP 82 AS Thick coated stick electrode for gouging and chamfering on all steel grades with ferritic and austenitic structure, as well as cast iron

Special application - Joining & Repair - Underwater

Product name Short description DIN Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP Nautica 20 Underwater stick electrode for joining mild steels 2302, E 42 0 Z R 2 fr (PB, PC, PD, PG)
UTP Nautica Cut Underwater cutting electrode
UTP Nautica 20 Underwater stick electrode for joining mild steels 2302, E 42 0 Z R 2 fr (PB, PC, PD, PG)
UTP Nautica Cut Underwater cutting electrode