Arames de brasagem
Descubra nossos arames de cobre e alumínio para aplicações de brasagem, como brasagem MIG, brasagem a laser e brasagem a laser de alta velocidade.
Descubra nossos arames de cobre e alumínio para aplicações de brasagem, como brasagem MIG, brasagem a laser e brasagem a laser de alta velocidade.
Os arames de brasagem da Fontargen Brazing são caracterizados por uma alta estabilidade de processo, permitindo ao usuário realizar brasagem de forma manual ou automatizada. A superfície pura e lisa do arame proporciona intervalos de manutenção mais longos para o sistema de alimentação de arames. As aplicações típicas incluem brasagem MIG de chapas de aço zincado ou sem revestimento na indústria automotiva, solenóides, sistemas de ar condicionado e construção de contêineres.
A Fontargen Brazing está envolvida em diversos projetos globais de P&D, parcerias com fabricantes automotivos e redes com fabricantes de carrocerias. Fontargen Brazing oferece o suporte técnico necessário para desenvolver uma otimização técnica de processos com o cliente, ajudando na escolha do consumível adequado e no suporte para a aplicação ideal.
Product Name | ISO 24373 Num. | ISO 24373 Chem. | Properties | Applications |
A 202 M | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Standard wire for MIG brazing. Tensile strength approx. 350 N/mm² | MIG brazing of zinc plated and non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 202 MS | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Standard wire for laser brazing. | Laser brazing of zinc plated steel sheets on the shell of the car body. Roof and tailgate seam. |
A 202 M HS | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Special wire for laser brazing. Ultrapure and smooth wire surface, therefore excellent gliding and feeding properties. Exact reproducibility of parameter settings. Little to knowrework. mproved behaviour during joining of steel sheets with different kinds of zinc copatings.Brazing speed ≥ 4,5 m/min. | Laser brazing of zinc plated steel sheets on the shell of the car body. Roof and tailgate seam. |
A 2115/8 M | Cu 6100 | CuAl7 | Standard wire for MIG brazing. Tensile strength 380 - 450 N/mm². | MIG brazing of zinc plated, aluminium plated or non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 2115/5 Ni M | Cu 6061 | CuAl5Ni2Mn | Special wire for MIG brazing. Yield-to-tensile ratio. | MIG brazing of zinc plated, aluminium plated or non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 202 M | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Standard wire for MIG brazing. Tensile strength approx. 350 N/mm² | MIG brazing of zinc plated and non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 202 MS | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Standard wire for laser brazing. | Laser brazing of zinc plated steel sheets on the shell of the car body. Roof and tailgate seam. |
A 202 M HS | Cu 6560 | CuSi3Mn1 | Special wire for laser brazing. Ultrapure and smooth wire surface, therefore excellent gliding and feeding properties. Exact reproducibility of parameter settings. Little to knowrework. mproved behaviour during joining of steel sheets with different kinds of zinc copatings.Brazing speed ≥ 4,5 m/min. | Laser brazing of zinc plated steel sheets on the shell of the car body. Roof and tailgate seam. |
A 2115/8 M | Cu 6100 | CuAl7 | Standard wire for MIG brazing. Tensile strength 380 - 450 N/mm². | MIG brazing of zinc plated, aluminium plated or non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 2115/5 Ni M | Cu 6061 | CuAl5Ni2Mn | Special wire for MIG brazing. Yield-to-tensile ratio. | MIG brazing of zinc plated, aluminium plated or non coated steel sheets in the structure area of the car body. |
A 216 M | Cu 6327 | CuAl8Ni2Fe2Mn 2 | High alloyed copper wire. Tensile strength 530 - 590 N/mm². | MIG brazing of high tensile steel sheets. |