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pipeRunner® the revolutionary orbital Welding System

2022-04-12 | 

You want perfect girth welds for your pipeline construction site? Then you should take a closer look at our pipeRunner®

In combination with diamondspark flux cored wires, the pipeRunner® for pipeline welding achieves perfect girth welds resulting in excellent material properties and highest quality, minimizing NDT indications, and achieving the lowest repairing rate.

See the pipeRunner® in action

The pipeRunner® delivers perfect results welding fills and cap layers uphill with our diamondspark filler wire range specially developed for pipelines. On top of that you can be sure of a massive increase in productivity with an overall time saving (incl. set-up) of 66% compared to manual welding processes with cellulosic stick electrodes!*
*Test conducted on API 5L X70 pipe O.D. 36" W.D. 15 mm

This makes the pipeRunner® ideal for companies looking to increase productivity and have an automated process on site.

Functional features and benefits

Not only does the lightweight design make it very easy to use, but the intelligent, intuitive and logical arrangement of all controls (e.g. torch positioner, spool holder, release lever, etc.) also speaks for itself. The electric motors are brushless DC motor digitally controlled of the highest quality and the whole system is modular and upgradable. pipeRunner® is designed for uphill FCAW welding but it can be also used downhill.

He is very versatile, the same unit can be used clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW), uphill and downhill, on any pipe diameter from 8” onward. The software is already included, and you can work from any PC or heavy-duty tablet which is optional. Up to 11 different passes can be planned!

pipeRunner® positioning bands

voestalpine Böhler Welding pipeRunner® positioning bands are at the cutting edge of manufacturing technology and precision. Made from special austenitic stainless steel for springs, rolled and pressed to reach the nominal diameter and the right circularity with the maximum precision, their lifetime is 2-3 times longer than conventional bands.

The spring-loaded stand-offs and theclosure lever system, offer at the same time a secure placement and compensation of pipes ovalization.

Ready for the Full Welding Solution?

The pipeRunner® Full Welding Solution delivers the perfect results but it is not only a question of equipment and filler metals - a big plus is given by the expertise. Customers selecting our solution can take profit of the high-level knowledge provided by our dedicated team of welding engineers with several years of experience in pipeline construction. That makes the real difference. We provide our customers not only with excellent products, but with added value.

Francesco Ciccomascolo, Global Full Welding Solution Manager

Discover our pipeRunner® within the Full Welding Solution Pipeline Orbital Welding!

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