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Lower your costs and meet HF and NOX emissions regulations

2025-01-20 | 

Stainless steel pickling processes are subject to strict regulations, particularly with regard to harmful HF (hydrofluoric acid) and NOx (nitrogen oxide) emissions. Meeting these regulations is essential for compliance with environmental standards and to ensure safety in pickling workshops. With Avesta Green®One Pickling Spray 220 you can comply fully with the regulations while reducing your costs.

Customer benefits and product advantages:

  • Significant cost reduction: Reduce your consumption of pickling spray by 25% to 33%, due to its excellent adhesion, allowing for a thinner layer of the spray to be applied, meaning product loss (through dripping onto the floor) is minimized.
  • Emission control: Avesta Green®One Pickling Spray 220 meets the HF-emission limit of 3.0 mg/m³ even with extended pickling times.
  • Long-lasting oxidative power: The product retains its effectiveness for over 3 hours, as proven by HF and NOx emission curves.
Pickling Process

NOx Emissions mg/m3

The current given permit is 0.35 g/m3, measured as nitrogen oxide (NO2), which corresponds to 350 mg/m3. NOx emissions are well below the permit given (350 mg/m3). 

By switching to Avesta Green®One Pickling Spray 220, you can optimize your pickling processes, improve your environmental compliance, and save on operating costs, all while complying with the latest HF and NOx emissions regulations.

For more information please contact us or check out the Finishing Chemicals Website.

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