Exhibitions 2019
In autumn 2019 there are lots of exhibtions all around the world. voestalpine Tubulars is participating in some exhibitions for the oil and gas industry.
In autumn 2019 there are lots of exhibtions all around the world. voestalpine Tubulars is participating in some exhibitions for the oil and gas industry.
After some calmer summer months the exhibtion season starts in autmn. voestalpine Tubulars is participating every year in numerous exhibitions and conferences. Most of them take place in autmn.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our stand:
The main focus this year are our new Premium Connection VAxplorer and our lubricant free solution DryTec. Our exhibition teams would be happy to welcome you at our stand and answer your questions on-site. General information can be found on our product sites on our webpage:
From March 05-06 the next exhibition, namely GEOTherm in Offenburg (Germany), takes place. From March 30 till April 03 we are exhibiting at Tube in Dusseldorf (Germany) - one of the biggest exhibitions for tubes and pipes worldwide.