Best weldability
We are providing high-strength TMCP plates with higher thickness and excellent toughness, which is not producible with conventional thermomechanical rolling processes. Applications for penstocks which up to now required quenched and tempered (QT) steel can now be substituted by toughcore® TMCP steel. You will benefit from a lower sensitivity of cold cracking due to the low carbon content of TMCP steel compared to QT steel.
Customer benefits
- No or lower preheating
- Reduction of manufaturing cost
- Reliable welding connection
- Low rate of failure
- Higher heat input
- Reduction of welding passes
- Reduction of welding time
- Reduction of welding cost
Reduced cost
The toughness and application temperature requirements are extraordinarily high in the storage and transportation of LCO2, LNG and LPG.
- 0.5% Ni, 50/35J at -60°C
- 3.5% Ni, 27/19J at -100°C
- 5% Ni, 27/19J at -120°C
- 9% Ni 50/40J at -196°C
Providing this unique material properties, it is possible to substitute 3.5% or even 5% Nickel steel by toughcore® TMCP steels.
To fulfill the toughness requirements of a 9% Nickel steel with a lower Nickel content (e.g. 7% or even 5% Ni) it is possible to combine toughcore® technology with Nickel steel.
Using toughcore® instead of expensive Nickel steel or reducing the Nickel content in the analysis, while fulfilling the same mechanical and technological requirements, material cost will be reduced.
F550 TMCP toughcore®
Qualified by DNV and BV, F550 TMCP toughcore offers excellent toughness properties and highest uniform elongation values to increase safety for CO2 or LPG offshore tank manufacturing.
The outstanding CTOD properties and the remarkable fracture arrest behavior of the base material of F550 TMCP toughcore offers a safety margin which allows even for a fracture mechanic qualification at design temperature and in the heat affected zone.
Available dimensions
- We deliver high-strength TMCP plates with excellent toughness for applications where up to now only QT steels were able to fulfill your requirements.
- alform® plate 460M up to 140 mm with never seen toughness properties for arctic application and to increase the safety level.