With a total of 48 company sites and around 3,500 employees, the voestalpine Group makes a significant contribution to value creation in a series of US regions. The Group has invested around USD 1.4 billion in the manufacture of high-tech products in the USA in the past years alone, generating long-term, positive effects for this business location. Investment highlights include the world’s largest direct reduction plant for the production of sponge iron, a high-quality pre-material for steel production, in Corpus Christi, Texas, which became fully operational in 2017; a new manufacturing plant for ultra-high-strength lightweight automotive components in Cartersville, Georgia, which has been continually expanded since the start of production in 2014; and numerous sites for processing sophisticated products for the oil & natural gas, aerospace, and tool construction industries. Furthermore, with seven sites belonging to the Group’s US subsidiary voestalpine Nortrak, voestalpine is the leading provider of turnout systems in North America.
voestalpine is an international group which offers its local employees a range of training and continued professional development programs, encouraging them to gain qualifications and improve their long-term career prospects. An in-house education program for young skilled workers has been launched at the Cartersville site, offering a combination of theoretical and practical training over a period of two and a half years. In addition to the Group’s executive development program, the value:program, the Early Career Program which offers special training for young managers in the USA was launched in 2017, and many high potentials from all the US sites have already been beneficiaries. Moreover, the company offers its employees ongoing training in the fields of workplace safety, project management, and as a means of increasing a range of technical skills.