Wear-resistant steel with optimum all-round service
We provide abrasion-resistant steels that withstand the toughest conditions as well as services that meet your expectations. Our durostat® steels are characterized by high strength, notch impact toughness and wear resistance and can be made available upon request for welding and bending tests. Our material and application engineers will be at your disposal at any time to answer any of your questions.

Optimum solution for good weldability of durostat® steels
Save time with high-precision calculations: The voestalpine Welding Calculator will assist you in quickly obtaining your optimum welding results. At the touch of a button on your smartphone or desktop, quickly calculate your welding parameters (cooling time, preheating temperature and filler material quantities).
voestalpine Steel & Service Center
The voestalpine Steel & Service Center Group is the center of competence for steel strip and cut plates in the voestalpine Steel Division.
Together we offer high-precision cut shapes.