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voestalpine cares run

Together as a voestalpine team

After a successful start in 2023, the voestalpine cares run is entering the next round. From March 1, 2024 to May 22, 2024, our employees will not only do something for their health, they’ll also helping people in need.

We’re helping to change the world, by running, walking, hiking, wheelchair driving, or handcycling, all around the world, and collecting digital “cares” along the way. It’s not about achieving record times or going the longest distance. It’s about everyone coming together to help make a difference.

Step by step, voestalpine donations will be released for charitable purposes. That means we are all contributing to creating a sustainable and better world—not just through our products, but also by supporting international aid projects.

Herbert Eibensteiner

voestalpine takes its social responsibility seriously. As part of the voestalpine cares run, we want to bundle our social commitment worldwide again this year. Employees are joining forces to raise the maximum amount of money possible.

CEO Herbert Eibensteiner

What we have achieved

cares run

With each sporting activity, the cares circles gradually filled up. Each circle represents a donation stage and a specific donation amount. The money is distributed to selected charitable projects.

The concept

Start: March 1, 2024

The voestalpine cares run startet on March 1, 2024 and ran through to May 20, 2024.

Our goal

To get as many employees as possible to take part, to release the maximum donation.

International aid projects

The donations go to selected charitable projects.

Projects we support

Future prospects for young people in Brazil (UNICEF)


UNICEF's "1Million Opportunities" initiative in Brazil is dedicated to giving young people access to high-quality education in STEM subjects (i.e. mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology). In doing so, they strengthen the connectivity and digital skills of children and young people and provide them with vocational training and internships to secure them a place in the job market later on.

Emergency disaster relief RISK kits (Doctors Without Borders)


When an emergency occurs, the first 72 hours are crucial. In this small window of time, Médecins Sans Frontières must be on site with the necessary equipment and supplies to save lives. The Rapid Intervention Surgical Kit (RISK Kit for short) was developed for this purpose. The RISK kit is basically a mini operating theater that can be transported by hand. This enables "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" (Doctors Without Borders) to move quickly and set up a small operating theater at any time in areas that are difficult to access.

Education and Digital Learning Center in Ukraine (UNICEF)

Digital Learning Center UNICEF

In 2023, UNICEF supported 1,328,602 children in accessing formal or non-formal education, including early learning opportunities through the UNICEF Education Fund for Ukraine. This year, the education initiative will continue and aims to ensure continuous learning opportunities for Ukrainian children and young people.

Mobile clinics in Ukraine (Doctors Without Borders)

Mobile clinics

To ensure continuity of care in Ukraine and respond to emerging mental health needs, MSF mobile clinic teams of psychologists, doctors and health advisors are supporting patients and communities with medical and psychological consultations, medical and non-medical donations, and improving the capacity of the health system by rebuilding health facilities and training health workers.  

Learning centers for children and young people in Austria

Learning centers

The Austrian Red Cross offers so-called learning houses for affected minors at 12 locations throughout Austria. There, children and young people from socially disadvantaged or educationally disadvantaged families recognize their potential and are supported in pursuing their own educational path. They are guided in the interplay of education, self-esteem and the recognition of their own skills and are shown new perspectives.

Humanitarian aid in Ukraine (Hilfswerk International)

Hilfswerk International

The organization distributes emergency aid packages that provide families and people in need with food and everyday products. Blankets and warm clothing are also distributed at the help points.
In concrete terms, Hilfswerk International can fill an entire emergency aid package with 38 euros to support a Ukrainian family. The contents of the packages are adjusted monthly to the actual needs of the people and include food and hygiene products. The emergency aid packages are then distributed together with local partner organizations and the population.