We have many years of extensive experience in the hot forming / press hardening sector. We process all standard types of steel and rely on innovative high-strength materials and coatings from the voestalpine Group.

Think Zinc.perFORM HOT– innovative fully galvanized steels and forming technologies developed by voestalpine phs-ultraform® and phs-directform®.

phs-ultraform® – the original for galvanized components press-hardened using the indirect process
Hot-dip galvanized boron steel specially developed by voestalpine and the indirect hot forming process optimized by the company, provide a new dimension of lightweight constructions when it comes to design freedom, dimensional accuracy, and process safety.

phs-directform®– the pioneer for galvanized components press-hardened using the direct process
This innovation developed by voestalpine ensures the direct hot forming of hot-dip galvanized strip steel to produce highly corrosion-resistant lightweight automotive components. Component production with phs-directform® convinces with simple process steps and cost advantages specifically for small batch sizes of less than 100,000 units per year and/or for simple component geometries.

Tailored-property parts - the solution for optimum crash performance

The serial production of components with a defined hardness and ductility inside each part, exactly where these properties are needed, is our expertise. It is based on a wide range of blanks configurations devised by voestalpine including laser-welded blanks, blanks with welded-on patches or blanks for special heat treatment methods both during and after undergoing various forming processes. Using direct and indirect hot forming technologies, we are able to supply components with tailor-made properties.

Comprehensive material expertise

Aluminum - In addition to our specialist knowledge for processing steel, we also have many years of experience producing body components made of aluminum. When processing new, high-strength aluminum alloys (7000 series alloys), we can use the hot forming process to produce complicated deep drawn components made of aluminum, which usually cannot be implemented using the standard cold stamping process.

Magnesium - Our specialist hot forming knowledge can also be applied to magnesium materials for other potential lightweight constructions.


  • Comprehensive support: With our many years of experience and expertise, we support all phases of the development and production processes from project management, design, technology, development through to production.
  • Series production of indirect and direct hot forming

  • Assembly of ready-to-assemble components and assemblies

  • Prototype production and pilot series 

  • Own tool construction

  • Logistic concepts customized, flexible, and just-in-time