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Complex wire solutions for the automotive industry

2021-04-28 | 

Wire can be found in many solutions in the automotive industry. Whether in a valve lash control, as a connecting rod screw, as a spark plug housing or in spring systems. In high-quality applications, for example as safety parts or in restraint systems, our customers rely on voestalpine Wire Technology quality.

voestalpine Wire Technology your innovative partner in the automotive industry

The dynamic change in the automotive industry which is driven by autonomous driving, e-mobility and changing mobility behavior requires - now more than ever - a partner like voestalpine Wire Technology. Thanks to our unique development and expert setup, we enable our customers to react flexibly and agilely to these new challenges.

The comprehensive product portfolio from voestalpine Wire Technology for the automotive industry

We offer the industry's broadest range of products for complex and demanding challenges, from steel production to wire rod and drawn wire of the highest complexity, thus everything from a single source.

Our portfolio includes high-strength materials for consistent lightweight construction; individually adapted cold heading grades for complex geometries; high-quality rolling and ball bearing grades; chain steels for a long service life and minimal wear.

Soluzioni a filo complesse per l'industria automobilistica

Le nostre soluzioni di prodotto sono utilizzate per componenti automobilistici che vanno dalle parti di sicurezza, ai bulloni del motore e alle molle delle valvole, ai perni a sfera e ai cuscinetti. I nostri prodotti speciali includono fili per l'intestazione a freddo per bulloni motore ad alta resistenza e alberi per turbocompressori per la costruzione leggera di autoveicoli. 


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