We celebrate our longstanding employees
- 25 years
- 35 years
- 40 years
The employees celebrating their jubilee have one thing in common: solidarity, commitment and the willingness to work for our company are what distinguish these colleagues. They are the most important part of voestalpine Wire Technology's success story and stand for PERFORMANCE IN WIRE. Employees who have loyally supported our company for many years are an important pillar and our key to operational success.
At the voestalpine Wire Rod Austria and voestalpine Wire Austria sites, these 24 deserving colleagues were honored during an anniversary celebration.
With a lot of verve framed by the big band combo of the works band and culinary spoiled by the Casedo team, all present were pleased about empathetic statements and a lot of appreciation from the management, the works council bodies, the AK and the Chamber of Commerce and about a worthy ceremony for long-time, energetic employees.