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Green Wire Transport on Track

12 October 2023 | 

PERFORMANCE IN WIRE ensures green wire transportation - now a joint development of a protype wagon with Innofreight, Deutsche Bahn and voestalpine Wire Rod Austria GmbH is also providing support here with the clear aim of optimizing the transport of wire rod coils.

The wagons optimized in the pilot project were also designed in a special lightweight construction, enabling better wagon utilization and gentler wire transport in general. The pilot project forms the basis for further cooperation with Innofreight and DB.

Green wire transport

In total, the project comprises a transport capacity of around 2,000 truckloads per year, which are thus transported by rail from the Austrian wire rod mill in St. Peter/Freienstein (Styria) for further processing in the company's own wire drawing mill in Finsterwalde, some 770km away in Germany.

Green transport contract

Starting in August, deliveries with the new lightweight wagons will roll between the St.Peter/Freienstein and Finsterwalde sites. In the full expansion phase, a total of 15 lightweight rail cars will run at regular intervals between the Austrian wire rod mill and the wire drawing plant in Germany. This will save 1,500 tons of CO2  per year and keep the highways clear.

100% green transport already implemented

Within Austria, green transport of the wire rod from St. Peter/Freienstein for further processing in the wire drawing mill of voestalpine Wire Austria, about 20 km away, has been relied on for a long time. Here, nearly 100% of the delivered wire material has always rolled on rails downstream to Bruck an der Mur.

In addition, the transport within the value chain at the Donawitz site is also green - for example, the raw material supply within the site there is carried out exclusively by rail and is therefore CO2 neutral.


green wire products

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