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Finishing Chemicals

Böhler Welding is a leading producer of superior pickling products for stainless steels and special alloys. We offer a wide range of finishing chemicals like pickling gels, pastes, sprays, liquids and cleaning agents.

All our products have full traceabillity from raw material to finished product, which gives us total control of the product quality. Our quality and environmental management systems are certified according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

NOx-Reduced/-free products - ONE-Technology

  • We are the only supplier of NOx-reduced pickling & cleaning products
  • Colored products guarantee a safe and efficient application
  • Reduced exposure to dangerous fumes

BlueOne® Pickling Paste 130

A unique pickling paste, used for brush picking of welds and smaller surfaces, is suitable for all stainless steel grades. Safer-to-use with 80 % reduction of the toxic nitric fumes.
Gives a brighter surface compared to traditional pickling. 

RedOne® Pickling Paste 140

A heavy duty pickling paste, used for brush picking of welds and smaller surfaces, is suitable for Duplex steels and tough applications. Safer-to-use with 70 % reduction of the toxic nitric fumes. Gives a traditional white pickled surface.

RedOne® Pickling Spray 240

State of the art red coloured all-rounder pickling spray, used for spray pickling of larger surfaces. Safer-to-use with 50 % reduction of the toxic nitric fumes. Gives a brighter surface than traditional products, is easy to apply and stick very well to the surface. Low consumption which gives less contaminated waste water.

Green®One Pickling Spray 220

Light pickling - NOx emissions reduced by 90%. Stainless steel pickling processes are subject to strict regulations, especially concerning harmful HF (hydrofluoric acid) and NOx (nitrous oxides) emissions. Meeting these regulations is essential to be compliant with HSE limits. With Avesta GreenOne® Pickling Spray 220 strict environment & safety demand can be met and besides that, there is a well-defined scope of application.

Duplex Pickling Spray 250

A heavy-duty pickling spray, used for spray pickling of larger surfaces, suitable for Duplex steels and tough applications. Gives a traditional white pickled surface.

Cleaner 401

A heavy-duty stainless steel cleaner. Ideal for pre-cleaning of oil and grease before pickling and for removal of surface rust.

Passivator 601

A traditional nitric acid based, well-proven passivator.

FinishOne Passivator 630

A safer-to-use acid-free passivator. Helps to remove free iron from the surface and regenerate the protective passive layer thus speeding up the passivation process.

MolyDrop 960

Easy identifying of stainless steel grades. A  test to indicate Molybdenium in the stainless steel that helps differentiate 304 grade stainless steel from 316 grade. 

Neutraliser 502

For simple neutralisation of acidic rinse water. Following the pickling process, the rinse water is strongly acidic and contains dissolved heavy metals. For environmental reasons, this water should be treated before discharge.

Pickling Bath 302

Highly concentrated pickling bath for typical duillution 1:3. Recommended for immersion pickling of objects and circulation pickling of pipe systems.

Pickling Gel 122

Standard Pickling gel, used  for brush picking of welds and smaller surfaces, is suitable for most stainless steel grades. Ideal for use and storage in warmer climate.

Pickling Spray 204

Traditional transparent pickling spray, used for spray pickling of larger surfaces, is  suitable for all stainless steel grades. It gives a white pickled surface.