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Tailor-made solution generates 50% greater economic efficiency

2022-04-05 | 

In order to solve the reconditioning of existing rollers not only with the best possible quality, but also in an economically optimised way, the production was switched from cored wire to ESC strip cladding. And the result is convincing: the welding time has dropped from 100 h per roller to 26 h.

The order sounded simple: The customer Mazet GmbH had to refurbish 500mm rolls made from X63CrMoV5-1 for a roll stand working with a new roll technology.

The whole operation not only had to lead to extremely durable results, but of course also be produced economically.

When implementing the project with cored wire, the welding time was over 100 h per roller. voestalpine Böhler Welding account manager Robert Halle took up the challenge, recommended the changeover to an ESC strip cladding process and developed a tailor-made solution together with the customer using several components from voestalpine Böhler Welding:

  • System consisting of 1500A power source, positioning unit and control system from voestalpine Böhler Automation
  • Cladding Nozzle SK 60ES III and magnetic stirring device CED1 from UTP Maintenance
  • Welding consumable 60 mm Soudotape 430 and flux Record EST 452 from UTP Maintenance

Since welding consumables, components and systems are perfectly coordinated with each other, there are numerous advantages for the customer and, above all, savings in the area of economic efficiency:

  • High-quality welding consumables adapted to the application ensures extremely durable rollers
  • Reduction of the time required for welding on the roller by more than 50%. Or expressed in absolute figures: from 100 h welding time per roller to just 26 h welding time per roller

About the customer

Mazet GmbH, based in Unterwellenborn (East Thuringia, Germany), has focused on machining and steel construction. From contract manufacturing of individual parts, spare parts production to the manufacture & machining of large components weighing up to 50,000 kg, as well as the repair and machining of machines and systems, locksmithery, welding and steel construction, Mazet GmbH is the competent partner.

Welding consumable SOUDOTAPE 430 & RECORD EST 452 for strip cladding

Product summary SOUDOTAPE


ASME II C SFA 5.9: EQ430
EN ISO 14343-A: B 17
EN ISO 14343-B: BS430

Characteristics and typical fields of application

  • A low carbon ferritic 17% chromium stainless steel strip electrode
  • Suitable vor continuous casting rolls, milling rolls, hardfacing applications in steelworks

Product summary RECORD EST


EN ISO 14174: ES A FB 3

Characteristics and typical fields of application

  • Agglomerated Fluoride-basic electroslag flux for hardfacing overlay with nickel & molybdenum additions
  • Designed to produce mulitple layer cladding that meets the requirement for low carbon 13%Cr-4%Ni-1%Mo martensitic stainless steel

Combination SOUDOTAPE 430 & RECORD EST 452


Characteristics and typical fields of application

  • Used to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and fire cracking due to thermal stress
  • Suitable for tapered rollers, roller tables, deflection & guide rollers in steel production

Product benefits

  • homogeneous bead surface compared to the cored wire (less removal during mechanical processing)
  • less dilution with the base material
  • significantly higher deposition rate and thus less welding time
  • less distortion