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The best connection

2016-09-16 | 

Only suppliers regarded as particularly competent, quick, and flexible in their markets can successfully function as an interface between manufacturer and end user over the long term. As both a trading company and service provider, DSL Schweißtechnik practices this clear philosophy. And is supported by its partner voestalpine Böhler Welding.

DSL Schweißtechnik – high-quality products and support

Only suppliers regarded as particularly competent, quick, and flexible in their markets can successfully function as an interface between manufacturer and end user over the long term. As both a trading company and service provider, DSL Schweißtechnik practices this clear philosophy. And is supported by its partner voestalpine Böhler Welding.

To the customer as quickly as possible

Supported by subsidiaries in Frankfurt, Mannheim, Würzburg, and Nuremberg, DSL focuses on this industrial and commercial area in its determination to offer “the best connection”. Its sites are selected to allow the company to adhere to its consistently short response times of one hour maximum to the customer. Many of the automotive and mechanical engineering companies located in the region trust in DSL availability.

Products and services

For decades DSL has been a leading German trading company and partner for welding and cutting requirements. Its strategy is only to work with premium manufacturers. That’s why DSL sources its welding consumables almost exclusively from voestalpine Böhler Welding and is one of the top dealers in the Partner Performance Program. In addition to consulting and supplying goods, DSL also offers a comprehensive range of services. They include the servicing and maintenance of welding, cutting, and extraction systems, including those from other suppliers.

Changing face of trading

Managing Director Uwe Kusserow gets to the heart of the matter: “It has long been clear that a trader has to manage the product and supply logistics. But more than this, we see ourselves as a highly specialized, external service provider, one which offers its customers significant added value, over and above the market price, through the specialist knowledge of its technicians and engineers, both at the office and in the field. The voestalpine Böhler Welding application experts are a real competitive advantage for us. Working together, we’ve managed to solve many incredibly tricky welding tasks. We know of no other manufacturer in Europe which offers such competent technical support.”