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25 years of successful cooperation through the bundling of competences: voestalpine Böhler weldCare and "DBP"

2022-07-25 | 

voestalpine Böhler weldCare, a leading manufacturer of high-quality chemicals for cleaning and pickling stainless steel and special alloys, and "DBP", a group of companies specialising in the metal surface treatment, can look back on 25 years of successful cooperation.

The question was this: How can the increasing challenges of French producers of stainless steel tanks for wine with regard to corrosion be solved?  The answer: with the help of pickling products. As a proven expert in surface treatment, Bernard Plasencia, DBP, quickly realised how these challenges could be solved: by pooling expertise. Together with voestalpine Böhler weldCare (at that time the company was still called Avesta Welding), the foundation was laid for a promising cooperation in the field of pickling that would benefit French stainless steel producers immensely in the years to come.

How did this groundbreaking success come about?

The fruitful cooperation with the end customers made it possible to generate efficient solutions for very specific corrosion challenges directly on site in France. In addition, there was also a well-tailored joint product development to meet specific customer requirements. An intensive exchange between the DBP sales team and Böhler Welding colleagues at the voestalpine Böhler weldCare site in Malmö further promoted the successes.

voestalpine Böhler weldCare and DBP are celebrating the 25th anniversary of a joint success story

What we must not forget is to highlight the names of those who have made this success possible through their very special commitment: Through the excellent contacts of many years between Anders Bornmyr, voestalpine Böhler weldCare, and Bernard Plasencia, DBP, and his team, this success story could only be written.

Anders Bornmyr
Bernard Plasenica

Pickling is an important step in the surface treatment of stainless steel. A targeted, valuable application of this surface treatment could be used in the French wine industry for cleaning wine tanks.

Anders Bornmyr, Global Sales & Application Engineer

Böhler weldCare, a company of the voestalpine Böhler Welding Group, is a leading manufacturer of high-quality chemicals for cleaning and pickling stainless steel and special alloys. We look back on 25 years of energy, commitment and team spirit - and we look forward to continuing to achieve the best solutions for our customers with precisely this dynamism and enthusiasm in the future.

André Fasth, Managing Director of voestalpine Böhler weldCare

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DBP-Mayet is a group of companies specialising in the surface treatment of stainless steel, aluminium and titanium.  With three metal surface treatment workshops in Lyon, Bordeaux and Nantes, they cover the French market.