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Welcome to the Full Welding Solutions Tour 21/22

2021-12-13 | 

After a long period of videocalls and online meetings it is a joy to where able to meet our customers and business partners in person again!

After a long period in the virtual world of video calls and online meetings, it is a joy to meet our customers and business partners in person again!

With our new event series, we took them into our world of Full Welding Solutions, welding demonstrations, keynotes and expert talks at approximately 20 locations in 15 countries over six months.

Every event is unique, as are our Full Welding Solutions for every challenge our customers face.

Here are some highlights of our tourstops

1. Tourstop
2. Tourstop
3. Tourstop
4. Tourstop
5. Tourstop
6. Tourstop
7. Tourstop

13. – 19. October 2021: Cittadella, Italy

About 400 customers and partners joined us for the first FWS-Tour stop in Italy. At our factory in Cittadella all visitors could witness the launch of our new URANOS NX line of welding machines and even got a sneak peek at the new pipeRunner® and the connected Full Welding Solution for Pipeline Orbital Welding, amongst many other product highlights:

  • URANOS NX: The NeXt evolution of Welding
  • pipeRunner® demonstration
  • CO-BRO® demonstration


    14. October 2021: Malmö, Sweden

    The team of voestalpine Böhler weldCare AB used the Full Welding Solutions tour stop in Malmö not only to present their innovative finishing chemicals and products solutions for stainless steel but also to show local customers and partners the new company location and state-of-the-art production facilities:

    • Eco-Spark combined with Quickpulse & Rapideep
    • Root welding demo of a 10 mm gap
    • Spray pickling with RedOne Spray


      26. – 29. Oktober 2021: Stuttgart, Germany

      Finally, a fair again! Our booth at the Schweisstec in Stuttgart was fully dedicated to our FWS tour. Next to numerous discussions with dear existing customers, we took the opportunity and connected with potential ones. We were able to showcase our welding know-how, the quality of our welding consumables and the symbiosis of them with our welding machines and personal protective equipment. All eyes where on our live welding site on which the arc flashes continuously and the following products were demonstrated:

      • Crane & Lifting: URANOS NX 5000 GSM × diamondspark 700 MC
      • Zinc edition: URANOS 2000 SMC × Böhler Q Zn GS × Böhler Guardian 62 Air complete
      • Wear protection through hardfacing: URANOS NX 5000 GSM × UTP AF Robotic 600
      • Repair welding - universal, compact and reliable: URANOS 1500 DP × UTP 65 D (electrode 1.6 mm & 4.0 mm)
      • Focus multiprocess: URANOS NX 5000 GSM × Foxcore 316L T1 (1.2mm), Thermanit GE 316L (2.0mm + 2.4mm), Avesta 316L / SKR (2.5mm)

       After 4 exiting and demanding days, we are now hoping for more trade fairs in 2022!

       Get some impressions here:


        11. November 2021: Gelsenkirchen, Germany


        The third tour stop of the FWS Tour took place in a small but pleasant environment. 50 participants visited the education center of Gelsenkirchen and experienced the following welding demonstrations for various industrial segments:

        • Crane & Lifting (crane construction package)
          • Uranos 4000 and the diamondspark 700 MC
        • Zinc edition (welding of galvanized steels)
          • Uranos 2000 SMC including Böhler Q Zn GS and PAPR system

        There was a special flair radiated by the roomy workshop, in which a specialist lecture on welding high-strength steels with our perfectly matching welding consumables, was held.
        Here are some impressions:


          17. - 18. November 2021: Madrid, Spain

          On the side-lines of the MetalMadrid 2021 we were able to welcome more than 40 Distribution Partners to the Distributor conference on the 18th of November 2021.

          In the Conference we focused on introducing our Full Welding Solutions concept highlighting some of the special details and benefits for the following Full Welding Solutions:

          • FWS for Oil & Gas (special focus: Cladpulse)
          • FWS for Crane & Lifting
          • Full Welding Solution for Metal Fabrication (special focus: CoBro®)

          Our Distributors showed great interest in the overall concept, as these solutions offer them a high potential in serving their end-customers with additional benefits. We would like to thank all the distributors present for their participation, as this event has once again shown the importance of a close partnership.


            25. November 2021: Ticino, Switzerland

            Bella Ticino - on November 25th, 2021 we enjoyed an FWS tour stop in Switzerland. Together with the association ATCS - Associazione ticinese dei coordinatori di saldatura (Ticino Association of Welding Engineers), we were able to welcome and inspire numerous guests.

            Francesco Ciccomascolo (Manager Full Welding Solutions, voestalpine Böhler Welding) gave theoretical insights to the Full Welding Solution in the Crane & Lifting industry. Complementary presentations about our welding equipment were held by Michael Schmidt (voestalpine Böhler Welding) and Cristiano Bergamin (voestalpine Böhler Welding Selco). They demonstrated live the following machines:

            • URANOS 5000 NX × diamondspark 700 MC
            • URANOS 2000 SMC × Böhler Q Zn GS
            • URANOS 2000 SMC × Foxcore 316L-T1

             Josè Martinez, our sales representative for the region, sums up: “We were able to gain many interested parties for our products. We were especially successful because we held the technical presentations and lectures in Italian thanks to our colleagues from Northern Italy. In addition to our excellent products, this was particularly popular!"


              22.-23. November 2021: Dubai, Middle East & Afrika

              Finally we stopped over at the United Arab Emirates. Participants from Middle East, Turkey and Africa gathered for a full house event at our Application Technology Center in Dubai. Both days were attended in large numbers and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting every single one.

              Our Industry Experts presented various innovative products and solutions for demanding industries and applications e.g.

              • Cladpulse for MIG/MAG cladding
              • PipeRunner® orbital welding automation in combination with diamondspark seamless cored wires
              • URANOS NX equipment
              • Personal Protective Equipment range

              Appropriate live welding demonstrations of various innovative products and solutions, which were presented few hours before, were held and particularly well received. The enthusiastic engagement of the visitors during the event made this event unforgettable.