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Hilos y fluxes para arco sumergido

Ofrecemos una gama completa de productos para unir acero mediante el proceso de soldadura por arco sumergido (SAW). 

Böhler Welding ofrece una amplia gama de materiales de aportación para la soldadura por arco sumergido, que utiliza un metal de aportación metálico (hilo) y un consumible no metálico, el fundente (o flux) de soldadura. La gama de productos comprende más de 120 combinaciones de alambre y fundente que abarcan aceros no aleados, resistentes a la intemperie, de alta resistencia, de baja temperatura y resistentes a la fluencia, todos los tipos de aceros inoxidables, así como aleaciones a base de níquel. Todos estos productos se desarrollan internamente y se fabrican en nuestra unidad de producción especializada de Hamm (Alemania).

Estos productos se utilizan en todo el mundo en segmentos industriales exigentes, como la generación de energía, las industrias de transformación y química, la fabricación offshore y onshore, las fábricas de tubos, la industria nuclear, la producción de torres eólicas y la ingeniería civil.

Mild steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Union S 2 SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EM12 14171-A, S2
Union S 2 Si SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EM12K 14171-A, S2Si
Union S 3 SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EH10 14171-A, S3
Union S 3 Si SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EH12K 14171-A, S3Si
Union S 2 SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EM12 14171-A, S2
Union S 2 Si SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EM12K 14171-A, S2Si
Union S 3 SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EH10 14171-A, S3
Union S 3 Si SAW wire, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EH12K 14171-A, S3Si

Low alloy steel - Creep resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit MTS 3 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB91 24598-A, S S CrMo91
Union S 1 CrMo 2 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB3R 24598-A, S S CrMo2
Union S 1 CrMo 2 V SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 24598-A, S S ZCrMoV2
Union S 1 CrMo 5 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB6 24598-A, S S CrMo5
Union S 1 CrMo 9 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB8 24598-A, S S CrMo9
Thermanit MTS 3 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB91 24598-A, S S CrMo91
Union S 1 CrMo 2 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB3R 24598-A, S S CrMo2
Union S 1 CrMo 2 V SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 24598-A, S S ZCrMoV2
Union S 1 CrMo 5 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB6 24598-A, S S CrMo5
Union S 1 CrMo 9 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB8 24598-A, S S CrMo9
Union S 2 CrMo SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB2R 24598-A, S S CrMo1
Union S 2 Mo SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EA2 14171-A, S2Mo
Union S 3 Mo SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EA4 14171-A, S3Mo
Union S 4 Mo SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EA3 14171-A, S4Mo
Thermanit MTS 3-LNi SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EB91 24598-A, S S ZCrMo91
Thermanit MTS 4 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 24598-A, S S CrMoWV12
Thermanit MTS 616 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG (EB91(mod.)) 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb 9 0.5 1.5
Thermanit MTS 616 LNi SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG (EB91(mod.)) 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb 9 0.5 1.5
Thermanit MTS 911 SAW wire, low alloyed, creep resistant A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG (EB91(mod.)) 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb 9 1 1

Low alloy-steel - High-strength

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Union S Ni1MoCr SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 26304-A, SZ3Ni0.9MoCr
Union S 2 NiMo 1 SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi1 14171-A, SZ2Ni1Mo0.3
Union S 3 MoTiB SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EA2TiB 14171-A, S2MoTiB
Union S 3 TiB SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 14171-A, SZ
Union S 3 NiMo SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG [EF1(mod.)] 14171-A, S3Ni1.5Mo
Union S Ni1MoCr SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 26304-A, SZ3Ni0.9MoCr
Union S 2 NiMo 1 SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi1 14171-A, SZ2Ni1Mo0.3
Union S 3 MoTiB SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EA2TiB 14171-A, S2MoTiB
Union S 3 TiB SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 14171-A, SZ
Union S 3 NiMo SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG [EF1(mod.)] 14171-A, S3Ni1.5Mo
Union S 3 NiMo 1 SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EF3 26304-A, S3Ni1Mo
Union S 3 NiMoCr SAW wire, low-alloyed, high strength A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG [EF6 (mod.)] 26304-A, SZ3Ni2.5CrMo

Low alloy steel - Low temperature

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Union S 1 Ni 11 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 26304-A, SZNi11
Union S 2 Ni 2,5 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi2 14171-A, S2Ni2
Union S 2 Ni 3,5 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi3 14171-A, S2Ni3
Union S 1 Ni 11 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, EG 26304-A, SZNi11
Union S 2 Ni 2,5 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi2 14171-A, S2Ni2
Union S 2 Ni 3,5 SAW wire, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ENi3 14171-A, S2Ni3

Stainless steel - Austentic steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 17/15 TT SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless 14343-A, S Z 17 15 Mn W
Thermanit 18/17 E Mn SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER317L (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 18 16 5 N L
Thermanit 19/15 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER316LN 14343-A, S 20 16 3 Mn N L
Thermanit 20/16 SM SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless 14343-A, S Z 22 17 8 4 N L
Thermanit 25/22 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER310 (mod.) 14343-A, S 25 22 2 N L
Thermanit 17/15 TT SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless 14343-A, S Z 17 15 Mn W
Thermanit 18/17 E Mn SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER317L (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 18 16 5 N L
Thermanit 19/15 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER316LN 14343-A, S 20 16 3 Mn N L
Thermanit 20/16 SM SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless 14343-A, S Z 22 17 8 4 N L
Thermanit 25/22 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER310 (mod.) 14343-A, S 25 22 2 N L
Thermanit 317L SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER317L 14343-A, S 19 13 4 L
Thermanit A-318 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER318 14343-A, S 19 12 3 Nb
Thermanit GE-316L SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER316L 14343-A, S 19 12 3 L
Thermanit H-347 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER347 14343-A, S 19 9 Nb
Thermanit JE-308L SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308L 14343-A, S 19 9 L
Thermanit JE-308L Cryo SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308L 14343-A, S 19 9 L
Thermanit 20/25 Cu SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER385 14343-A, S 20 25 5 Cu L

Stainless - Dissimilar joints

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 30/10 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER312 14343-A, S 29 9
Thermanit 308 Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, specal applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308Mo (mod.) 14343-A, S 20 10 3
Thermanit 309L SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309LMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 23 12 2 L
Thermanit 309L Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309LMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 23 12 2 L
Thermanit X SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER307 (mod.) 14343-A, S 18 8 Mn
Thermanit 30/10 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER312 14343-A, S 29 9
Thermanit 308 Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, specal applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308Mo (mod.) 14343-A, S 20 10 3
Thermanit 309L SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309LMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 23 12 2 L
Thermanit 309L Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309LMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 23 12 2 L
Thermanit X SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER307 (mod.) 14343-A, S 18 8 Mn

Stainless - Duplex

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 22/09 SAW wire, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 23/07 SAW wire, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.10, ER2307 14343-A, S 23 7 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT SAW wire, high-alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.11, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L
Thermanit 22/09 SAW wire, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 23/07 SAW wire, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.10, ER2307 14343-A, S 23 7 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT SAW wire, high-alloyed, superduplex stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.11, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L

Stainless - Ferritic steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 1720 SAW wire, high-alloyed, ferritic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER430 (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 17 Mo
Thermanit 1720 SAW wire, high-alloyed, ferritic, stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER430 (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 17 Mo

Stainless - Heat resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 19/10 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless,heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER19-10H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 21/10 N SAW wire, high-alloyed, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 21 10 N
Thermanit 25/04 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant 14343-A, S 25 4
Thermanit 308 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless,heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 309 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309 (mod.) 14343-A, S 22 12 H
Thermanit 19/10 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless,heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER19-10H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 21/10 N SAW wire, high-alloyed, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 21 10 N
Thermanit 25/04 SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant 14343-A, S 25 4
Thermanit 308 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless,heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER308H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 309 H SAW wire, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER309 (mod.) 14343-A, S 22 12 H

Stainless - Martensitic steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 13/04 Si SAW wire, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER410NiMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 13 4
Thermanit 16/05 Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 14343-A, S 16 5 1
Thermanit 13/04 Si SAW wire, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless A5.9 / SFA-5.9, ER410NiMo (mod.) 14343-A, S 13 4
Thermanit 16/05 Mo SAW wire, high-alloyed, soft-martensitic stainless 14343-A, S 16 5 1

Mild steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Recommended Flux Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark S 55 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, mild steel, high productivity A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EC1 14171-A, T3 UV 306, UV 418 TT
diamondspark S 56 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, mild steel, for multi- run technique as well as 2-run technique A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EC1 14171-A, TZ3 UV 400
diamondspark S 55 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, mild steel, high productivity A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EC1 14171-A, T3 UV 306, UV 418 TT
diamondspark S 56 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, mild steel, for multi- run technique as well as 2-run technique A5.17 / SFA-5.17, EC1 14171-A, TZ3 UV 400

Low alloy steel - High strength

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Recommended Flux Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark S 550 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW,low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 550 Mpa A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECNi5 14171-A, TZ3Ni1Mo UV 400, UV 418 TT, UV 422 TT-LH, UV 420 TTR-C
diamondspark S 700 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 690 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECF5 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMo UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S 900 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 900 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn1.9 UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S 960 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 960 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S NiCu1 Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, Copper-Nickel alloyed for weather resistantsteels A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 14171-A, T2Ni1Cu UV 306, UV 400 (UV 418 TT)
diamondspark S 550 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW,low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 550 Mpa A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECNi5 14171-A, TZ3Ni1Mo UV 400, UV 418 TT, UV 422 TT-LH, UV 420 TTR-C
diamondspark S 700 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 690 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECF5 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMo UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S 900 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 900 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn1.9 UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S 960 HP Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, high productivity, yield strength> 960 Mpa,Low level of diffusible hydrogen (max 4 ml/100 gr) A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 26304-A, TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn UV 422 TT-LH
diamondspark S NiCu1 Flux-cored wire, seamless, for SAW, low alloyed, high strength, Copper-Nickel alloyed for weather resistantsteels A5.23 / SFA-5.23, ECG 14171-A, T2Ni1Cu UV 306, UV 400 (UV 418 TT)

Mild and low alloy steel

Product name Short description Bas. index wt% EN-ISO 14174 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Marathon 543 Highly basic flux for creep resistant wire grades P91 and P92. (9-12 %Cr) power generation. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.9 S A FB 1 55 DC H5
UV 305 Rutile flux for fillet welds, single pass and 2-run, high welding speed, water-walls, gas bottles , t< 12mm with unalloyed, and creep resistant wires. Grain Size: 1.4 mm 0.6 S A AR 1 76 AC H5
UV 306 Rutile flux for general purpose applications in mild steel, typically t< 25 mm high welding speed.Grain size: 1.6 mm 0.6 S A AR 1 77 AC H5
UV 309 P Pipe mill flux especially for 2-run procedures, very low diff hydrogen & low pick up, high current carrying capacity X42 - X80 Typical wires : Union S 2, S 2 Si, S 2 Mo, S 3 NiMo 1, S 3 TiB, S 3 MoTiB. Grain size: 2.0 mm 1.3 S A AB 1 65 AC H5
UV 310 P Pipe mill flux especially for 2-run procedures, very low diff hydrogen & low pick up, copper-tested X42 - X80. Typical wires : Union S 2, S 2 Si, S 2 Mo, S 3 NiMo 1, S 3 TiB, S 3 MoTiB. Grain size: 2.0 mm 1.5 S A AB 1 55 AC H5
Marathon 543 Highly basic flux for creep resistant wire grades P91 and P92. (9-12 %Cr) power generation. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.9 S A FB 1 55 DC H5
UV 305 Rutile flux for fillet welds, single pass and 2-run, high welding speed, water-walls, gas bottles , t< 12mm with unalloyed, and creep resistant wires. Grain Size: 1.4 mm 0.6 S A AR 1 76 AC H5
UV 306 Rutile flux for general purpose applications in mild steel, typically t< 25 mm high welding speed.Grain size: 1.6 mm 0.6 S A AR 1 77 AC H5
UV 309 P Pipe mill flux especially for 2-run procedures, very low diff hydrogen & low pick up, high current carrying capacity X42 - X80 Typical wires : Union S 2, S 2 Si, S 2 Mo, S 3 NiMo 1, S 3 TiB, S 3 MoTiB. Grain size: 2.0 mm 1.3 S A AB 1 65 AC H5
UV 310 P Pipe mill flux especially for 2-run procedures, very low diff hydrogen & low pick up, copper-tested X42 - X80. Typical wires : Union S 2, S 2 Si, S 2 Mo, S 3 NiMo 1, S 3 TiB, S 3 MoTiB. Grain size: 2.0 mm 1.5 S A AB 1 55 AC H5
UV 400 Basic flux for general purpose, fine grained steel grades, with good compromise between operative welding characteristics and mechanical properties. Grain size: 2.0 mm 1.8 S A AB 1 67 AC H5
UV 418 TT High basic flux for multi-purpose applications in Mild steel and low alloyed wires for high toughness requirements in large thickness. Especially very good results with multi-wire configurations in off-shore wind foundations and towers. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.7 S A FB 1 55 AC H5
UV 419 TT-W Highly basic flux for multi-purpose applications in large thickness, especially for high toughness (as welded and PWHT) Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.6 S A FB 1 55 AC H5
UV 420 TT Standard highly basic flux for as welded conditions and PWHT. Grain size: 2.5 mm 2.5 S A FB 1 65 DC
UV 420 TT-LH Standard highly basic flux for as welded conditions and PWHT with Hdiff < 5 ml/100gr. Grain size: 2.5 mm 2.5 S A FB 1 65 DC H5
UV 420 TTR Highly basic flux with high purity for nuclear reactors with Union S 3 NiMo 1 and creep resistant applications especially with Union S 2 CrMo and S 1 CrMo 2. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.9 S A FB 1 65 DC H4
UV 420 TTR-C Highly basic flux with high purity, optimised to maintain (high) strength after PWHT with very long duration. Also for normalising / quenching and tempering. Reduced Carbon loss. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.6 S A FB 1 65 DC H4
UV 420 TTR-W High purity flux for nuclear reactors and creep resistant applications with Union S 2 CrMo and S 1 CrMo 2. Especially designed for AC and high toughness requirements. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.6 S A FB 1 65 AC H5
UV 422 TT-LH Highly basic flux for high strength applications with very low diffusible hydrogen and high toughness at low temperatures. Off-shore, heavy lifting constructions, penn stocks. Grain size: 2.0 mm 2.5 S A FB 1 65 AC H5
UV 430 TTR-W Highly basic flux with high purity, especially designed for pressure vessels with CrMo2V base metal for petrochemical industry. Optimal compromise for high toughness and high creep rupture strength properties. Grain size: 1.6 mm 2.8 S A FB 1 55 AC
UV 511 TT Special flux for matching 9%Ni applications N&T, Q&T. Cryogenic. Grain size: 2.0 mm 3.0 S A FB 1 55 AC

Stainless steel - Nickel-based

Product name Short description Bas. index wt% EN-ISO 14174 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Marathon 213 Fused flux. For easy slag removal and nice bead aspect with standard stabilised and non stabilised stainless wire grades. Grain size: 1.6 mm 1.3 S F CS 2 DC
Marathon 801 General purpose flux for standard stabilised and non stabilised stainless wire grades. Easy slag removal and nice bead aspect. The flux compensates Cr-loss. Grain size: 1.6 mm 1.3 S A GS 2 DC
Marathon 805 Basic flux for a nice welding performance combined with good mechanical properties. Thin fluid slag with self- releasing slag. For stabilised and non stabilised standard stainless wire grades (especially Duplex grades). The flux compensates Cr-loss. Grain size: 1.6 mm 2.0 S A AF 2 DC
Marathon 431 Basic welding flux for a nice welding performance combined with good mechanical properties. Thin fluid slag with self releasing slag. For stabilised and non stabilised standard stainless wire grades (especially Duplex grades). Grain size: 1.6 mm (1.4mm) 2.2 S A FB 2 DC
Marathon 203 Highly basic flux for good mechanical properties and nice flat shiney weld bead surface. Only for non stabilised austenitic and soft martensitic stainless wire grades. Grain size: 1.6 mm (1.2 mm) 2.3 S A FB 2 DC
Marathon 213 Fused flux. For easy slag removal and nice bead aspect with standard stabilised and non stabilised stainless wire grades. Grain size: 1.6 mm 1.3 S F CS 2 DC
Marathon 801 General purpose flux for standard stabilised and non stabilised stainless wire grades. Easy slag removal and nice bead aspect. The flux compensates Cr-loss. Grain size: 1.6 mm 1.3 S A GS 2 DC
Marathon 805 Basic flux for a nice welding performance combined with good mechanical properties. Thin fluid slag with self- releasing slag. For stabilised and non stabilised standard stainless wire grades (especially Duplex grades). The flux compensates Cr-loss. Grain size: 1.6 mm 2.0 S A AF 2 DC
Marathon 431 Basic welding flux for a nice welding performance combined with good mechanical properties. Thin fluid slag with self releasing slag. For stabilised and non stabilised standard stainless wire grades (especially Duplex grades). Grain size: 1.6 mm (1.4mm) 2.2 S A FB 2 DC
Marathon 203 Highly basic flux for good mechanical properties and nice flat shiney weld bead surface. Only for non stabilised austenitic and soft martensitic stainless wire grades. Grain size: 1.6 mm (1.2 mm) 2.3 S A FB 2 DC
Marathon 444 Flux with very high basicity index, for good mechanical properties and relative high resistance to hot cracking. Grain size: 1.6 mm 2.8 S A FB 2 AC
Marathon 104 Flux with very high basicity index for Stainless steel and Nickelbase wire grades, with good mechanical properties and relative high resistance to hot cracking good slag detachability and nice bead appearance. Especially recommended for cryogenic LNG applications with Thermanit NiMo C276 and 625. Grain size: 2.8 mm / 2.0 mm 2.9 S A FB 2 AC
Marathon 504 Neutral flux for especially for Nickelbase wire grades, with good mechanical properties and high resistance to hot cracking very good slag detachability and nice bead appearance. Also for weld overlay. Grain size: 1.6 mm 1.1 S A BA 2 AC

Mild steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Union S 2 - UV 305 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7AZ-EM12 14171-A, S 38 0 AR S2 H5
Union S 2 - UV 306 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A2-EM12-H4 14171-A, S 42 3 AR S2 H4
Union S 2 - UV 400 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A4-EM12 / F6P4-EM12 14171-A, S 38 4 AB S2 H5
Union S 2 - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EM12-H8 / F6P8-EM12-H8 14171-A, S 38 6 FB S2 H5
Union S 2 Si - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F6TA0G-EM12K-H4 14171-A, S 3T 0 AB S2Si H4
Union S 2 - UV 305 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7AZ-EM12 14171-A, S 38 0 AR S2 H5
Union S 2 - UV 306 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A2-EM12-H4 14171-A, S 42 3 AR S2 H4
Union S 2 - UV 400 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A4-EM12 / F6P4-EM12 14171-A, S 38 4 AB S2 H5
Union S 2 - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EM12-H8 / F6P8-EM12-H8 14171-A, S 38 6 FB S2 H5
Union S 2 Si - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F6TA0G-EM12K-H4 14171-A, S 3T 0 AB S2Si H4
Union S 2 Si - UV 310 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F6TA0G-EM12K-H4 14171-A, S 3T 0 AB S2Si H5
Union S 2 Si - UV 400 SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A4-EM12K / F7P6-EM12K 14171-A, S 42 4 AB S2Si H5
Union S 2 Si - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EM12K / F6P8-EM12K 14171-A, S 42 5 FB S2Si H5
Union S 2 Si - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EM12K / F6P8-EM12K 14171-A, S 42 5 FB S2Si H5
Union S 3 Si - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EH12K / F7P8-EH12K 14171-A, S 46 6 FB S3Si H5
Union S 3 Si - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EH12K / F7P8-EH12K 14171-A, S 46 6 FB S3Si H5
Union S 3 Si - UV 422 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EH12K-H4 / 7P8-EH12K-H4 14171-A, S 46 6 FB S3Si H4

Low alloy steel - Creep resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit MTS 3 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EB91-B91-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo91 FB
Thermanit MTS 3-LNi - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EB91-B91-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMo91 FB
Thermanit MTS 4 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S CrMoWV12 FB
Thermanit MTS 616 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb9 0.5 1.5 FB
Thermanit MTS 616 LNi - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb9 0.5 1.5 FB
Thermanit MTS 3 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EB91-B91-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo91 FB
Thermanit MTS 3-LNi - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EB91-B91-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMo91 FB
Thermanit MTS 4 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S CrMoWV12 FB
Thermanit MTS 616 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb9 0.5 1.5 FB
Thermanit MTS 616 LNi - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb9 0.5 1.5 FB
Thermanit MTS 911 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G-H4 24598-A, S S ZCrMoWVNb9 1 1 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 2 - UV 305 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F11AZ-EB3R-B3 24598-A, S S CrMo2 AR
Union S 1 CrMo 2 - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8P2-EBR3-B3-H8 24598-A, S S CrMo2 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 2 - UV 420 TTR SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9P2-EB3R-B3R-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo2 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 2 - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9P2-EB3R-B3R-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo2 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 2 - UV 420 TTR-W SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9P2-EB3R-B3R-H8 24598-A, S S CrMo2 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 2 V - UV 430 TTR-W SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F9PZ-EG-G 24598-A, S S ZCrMoV2 FB
Union S 1 CrMo 5 - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F7P0-EB6-B6-H8
Union S 1 CrMo 5 - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8PZ-EB6-B6-H4
Union S 1 CrMo 9 - Marathon 543 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8PZ-EB8-B8-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo9 FB
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 305 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F10AZ-EB2R-B2 24598-A, S S CrMo1 AR
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8P2-EB2R-B2 24598-A, S S CrMo1 FB
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8P2-EB2R-B2-H8 24598-A, S S CrMo1 FB
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 420 TTR SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8P4-EB2R-B2R-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo1 FB
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8P2-EB2R-B2R-H4 24598-A, S S CrMo1 FB
Union S 2 CrMo - UV 420 TTR-W SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8P4-EB2R-B2R-H8 24598-A, S S CrMo1 FB
Union S 2 Mo - UV 305 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A0-EA2-A2 14171-A, S 46 0 AR S2Mo H5
Union S 2 Mo - UV 306 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A2-EA2-A2-H4 14171-A, S 46 2 AR S2Mo H4
Union S 2 Mo - UV 400 SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A4-EA2-A2 / F8P4-EA2-A2 14171-A, S 46 4 AB S2Mo H5
Union S 2 Mo - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A6-EA2-A2 / F8P6-EA2-A2 14171-A, S 46 4 FB S2Mo H5
Union S 2 Mo - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A4-EA2-A2-H8 / F8P4-EA2-A2-H8 14171-A, S 46 4 FB S2Mo H5
Union S 3 Mo - UV 420 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A4-EA4-A4-H8 / F8P6-EA4-A4-H8 14171-A, S 46 4 FB S3Mo H5
Union S 3 Mo - UV 420 TTR SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A4-EA4-A4-H4 / F8P6-EA4-A4-H4 14171-A, S 46 4 FB S3Mo H4
Union S 4 Mo - UV 420 TTR SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A4-EA3-A3-H4 / F8P6-EA3-A3-H4 14171-A, S 50 4 FB S4Mo H4

Low alloy steel - High strength

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Product Data Sheet - EN Product Data Sheet - DE
Union S 2 Mo - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA2-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S2Mo H4
Union S 2 Mo - UV 310 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA2-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S2Mo H4
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A10-ENi1-Ni1 - F8P10-ENi1-Ni1 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H5
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8A10-ENi1-Ni1 - F8P10-ENi1-Ni1 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H5
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A8-ENi1-Ni1-H4 / F8P8-ENi1-Ni1-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H4
Union S 2 Mo - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA2-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S2Mo H4
Union S 2 Mo - UV 310 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA2-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S2Mo H4
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A10-ENi1-Ni1 - F8P10-ENi1-Ni1 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H5
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8A10-ENi1-Ni1 - F8P10-ENi1-Ni1 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H5
Union S 2 NiMo 1 - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A8-ENi1-Ni1-H4 / F8P8-ENi1-Ni1-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB SZ2Ni1Mo0.3 H4
Union S 3 TiB - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA6G-EG-H4 14171-A, S 5T 5 AB SZ H4
Union S 3 TiB - UV 310 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA6G-EG-H4 14171-A, S 5T 5 AB SZ H4
Union S 3 MoTiB - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9TA6G-EA2TiB 14171-A, S 5T 5 FB S2MoTiB H5
Union S 3 NiMo - UV 420 TTR SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-EG-F1-H4 / F9P8-EG-F1-H4 26304-A, S 50 6 FB S3Ni1.5Mo H4
Union S 3 NiMo - UV 420 TTR-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-EG-F1-H8 / F9P8-EG-F1-H8 26304-A, S 50 6 FB S3Ni1.5Mo H5
Union S 3 NiMo 1 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-EF3-F3 / F9A8-EF3-F3 26304-A, S 55 6 FB S3Ni1Mo H5
Union S 3 NiMo 1 - UV 419 TT-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-EF3-F3 / F9P8-EF3-F3 26304-A, S 55 6 FB S3Ni1Mo H5
Union S 3 NiMo 1 - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F10A6-EF3-F3-H4 / F9P6-EF3-F3-H4 26304-A, S 62 4 FB S3Ni1Mo H5
Union S 3 NiMo 1 - UV 420 TTR-W SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-EF3-F3-N-H4 / F9P8-EF3-F3-N-H4 26304-A, S 55 4 FB S3Ni1Mo H4
Union S 3 NiMoCr - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A8-EG-F6 / F11P4-EG-F6 26304-A, S 69 6 FB SZ3Ni2.5CrMo H5
Union S Ni1MoCr - UV 420 TTR-C SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F10A6-EG-G-H4 / F9P6-EG-G-H4 26304-A, S 62 4 FB SZ3Ni0.9MoCr H4
Union S 3 NiMoCr - UV 422 TT-LH SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A10-EG-F6-H4 / F11P8-EG-F6-H4 26304-A, S 69 6 FB SZ3Ni2.5CrMo H4
Union S 4 Mo - UV 309 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA3-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S4Mo H4
Union S 4 Mo - UV 310 P SAW wire/flux combination, mild steel A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8TA4G-EA3-H4 14171-A, S 4T 4 AB S4Mo H4

Low alloy steel - Low temperature

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Union S 1 Ni 11 - UV 511 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11AZ-EG-G / F10PZ-EG-G 26304-A, S 69 Z FB SZ1Ni11 H5
Union S 2 Ni 2,5 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A10-ENi2-Ni2 / F7P10-ENi2-Ni2 14171-A, S 46 8 FB S2Ni2 H5
Union S 2 Ni 3,5 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F7A15-ENi3-Ni3 / F7P15-ENi3-Ni3 14171-A, S 42 8 FB S2Ni3 H5
Union S 1 Ni 11 - UV 511 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11AZ-EG-G / F10PZ-EG-G 26304-A, S 69 Z FB SZ1Ni11 H5
Union S 2 Ni 2,5 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F8A10-ENi2-Ni2 / F7P10-ENi2-Ni2 14171-A, S 46 8 FB S2Ni2 H5
Union S 2 Ni 3,5 - UV 418 TT SAW wire/flux combination, low-alloyed, cryogenic A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F7A15-ENi3-Ni3 / F7P15-ENi3-Ni3 14171-A, S 42 8 FB S2Ni3 H5

Stainless steel - Austenitic steels

Product name Short description Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 17/15 TT - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic
Thermanit 18/17 E Mn - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/16 SM - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/25 Cu - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/25 Cu - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 17/15 TT - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic
Thermanit 18/17 E Mn - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/16 SM - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/25 Cu - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 20/25 Cu - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 25/22 H - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit 317L - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit GE-316L - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit GE-316L - Marathon 213 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit GE-316L - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit GE-316L - Marathon 801 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit GE-316L - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L - Marathon 213 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L - Marathon 801 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless
Thermanit JE-308L Cryo - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic
Thermanit JE-308L Cryo - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic
Thermanit A-318 - Marathon 213 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabilized
Thermanit A-318 - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabilized
Thermanit A-318 - Marathon 801 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabilized
Thermanit A-318 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, stabilized

Stainless steel - Dissimilar joints

Product name Short description Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 30/10 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 308 Mo - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 213 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 801 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 30/10 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 308 Mo - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 213 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 801 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit 309L Mo - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications
Thermanit X - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications

Stainless steel - Duplex

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 22/09 - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 22/09 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 23/07 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless A5.9, ER2307 14343-A, S 23 7 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, stainless, superduplex A5.9, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, stainless, superduplex A5.9, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L
Thermanit 22/09 - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 22/09 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, duplex stainless A5.9, ER2209 14343-A, S 22 9 3 N L
Thermanit 23/07 - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless A5.9, ER2307 14343-A, S 23 7 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, stainless, superduplex A5.9, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L
Thermanit 25/09 CuT - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, stainless, superduplex A5.9, ER2594 14343-A, S 25 9 4 N L

Stainless steel - Ferritic steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 1720 - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless A5.9, ER430 (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 17 Mo
Thermanit 1720 - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless A5.9, ER430 (mod.) 14343-A, S Z 17 Mo

Stainless steel - Heat resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 19/10 H - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER19-10H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 21/10 N - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 21 10 N
Thermanit 25/04 - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 25 4
Thermanit 308 H - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER308H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 309 H - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER309(mod.) 14343-A, S 22 12 H
Thermanit 19/10 H - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER19-10H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 21/10 N - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 21 10 N
Thermanit 25/04 - Marathon 431 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant 14343-A, S 25 4
Thermanit 308 H - Marathon 805 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER308H 14343-A, S 19 9 H
Thermanit 309 H - Marathon 104 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat and creep resistant A5.9, ER309(mod.) 14343-A, S 22 12 H

Stainless steel - Martensitic steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
Thermanit 13/04 Si - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, martensitic stainless A5.9, ER410NiMo(mod.) 14343-A, S 13 4
Thermanit 16/05 Mo - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, martensitic stainless 14343-A, S 16 5 1
Thermanit 13/04 Si - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, martensitic stainless A5.9, ER410NiMo(mod.) 14343-A, S 13 4
Thermanit 16/05 Mo - Marathon 203 SAW wire/flux combination, high-alloyed, martensitic stainless 14343-A, S 16 5 1

Mild steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark S 55 HP - UV 306 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-rutile flux, for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grained structural steelsup to MSYS = 500 MPa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A5-ECG-H4 14171-A, S 50 4 AR T3 H5
diamondspark S 55 HP - UV 418 TT SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grainedstructural steels up to MSYS = 460 Mpa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen and mechanical properties down to -60°C. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EC1 / F7P8-EC1 14171-A, S 46 6 FB T3 H5
diamondspark S 56 HP - UV 400 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-basic flux for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grained structural steelsup to MSYS = 460 Mpa. Very low diffusible hydrogen and good for high heat-input at high welding speed. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-ECG / F7P8-ECG 14171-A, S 46 6 AB TZ3 H5
diamondspark S 55 HP - UV 306 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-rutile flux, for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grained structural steelsup to MSYS = 500 MPa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A5-ECG-H4 14171-A, S 50 4 AR T3 H5
diamondspark S 55 HP - UV 418 TT SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grainedstructural steels up to MSYS = 460 Mpa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen and mechanical properties down to -60°C. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-EC1 / F7P8-EC1 14171-A, S 46 6 FB T3 H5
diamondspark S 56 HP - UV 400 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-basic flux for welding of unalloyed structural steels and fine-grained structural steelsup to MSYS = 460 Mpa. Very low diffusible hydrogen and good for high heat-input at high welding speed. A5.17 / SFA-5.17, F7A8-ECG / F7P8-ECG 14171-A, S 46 6 AB TZ3 H5

Low alloy steel - High strength

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark S 550 HP - UV 400 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-basic flux, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5 14171-A, S 50 6 AB TZ3Ni1Mo H5
diamondspark S 550 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB TZ3Ni1Mo H4
diamondspark S 550 HP-UV 420 TTR-C SAW-flux cored wire/ flux combination with an agglomerate fluoride basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of pipe steels API-5L X70 and other high- strength, quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa. Suitable for different welding conditions: as welded, annealed, quenched and tempered, Normalized and annelead A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5-H4 / F8P8-ECNI5-Ni5-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB TZ3Ni1Mo H4
diamondspark S 700 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 690 MPa. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A10-ECF5-F5 H4/ F11P6-ECF5-F5 H4 26304-A, S 69 6 FB TZ H5
diamondspark S 770 - UV 418 TT SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 690 Mpa with requirements concerining overmatching. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A10-ECF5-F5 / F11P6-ECF5-F5 26304-A, S 69 6 FB TZ H5
diamondspark S 550 HP - UV 400 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-basic flux, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5 14171-A, S 50 6 AB TZ3Ni1Mo H5
diamondspark S 550 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa.Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB TZ3Ni1Mo H4
diamondspark S 550 HP-UV 420 TTR-C SAW-flux cored wire/ flux combination with an agglomerate fluoride basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of pipe steels API-5L X70 and other high- strength, quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 550 MPa. Suitable for different welding conditions: as welded, annealed, quenched and tempered, Normalized and annelead A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F9A8-ECNi5-Ni5-H4 / F8P8-ECNI5-Ni5-H4 14171-A, S 50 6 FB TZ3Ni1Mo H4
diamondspark S 700 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 690 MPa. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A10-ECF5-F5 H4/ F11P6-ECF5-F5 H4 26304-A, S 69 6 FB TZ H5
diamondspark S 770 - UV 418 TT SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 690 Mpa with requirements concerining overmatching. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F11A10-ECF5-F5 / F11P6-ECF5-F5 26304-A, S 69 6 FB TZ H5
diamondspark S 770 - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 690 Mpa with requirements concerining overmatching and very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F12A6-ECF5-H4 26304-A, S 69 5 FB TZ H4
diamondspark S 900 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 890 MPa. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F13A8-ECG-G-H4 26304-A, S 89 6 FB TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn1.9 H4
diamondspark S 960 HP - UV 422 TT-LH SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux high basicity, for joint welding of quenched and tempered fine grained structural steels up to MSYS = 960 MPa. Very low level of diffusible hydrogen. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F13A8-ECG-G-H4 26304-A, S 89 5 FB TZ3Ni2.5CrMoMn H4
diamondspark S NiCu1 - UV 306 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-rutile flux, for weather resistant applications. A5.23 / SFA 5.23, F8A5-ECG-H4 14171-A, S 46 4 AR TZ3Ni1Cu H4
diamondspark S NiCu1 - UV 400 SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with an aluminate-basic flux, for weather resistant applications. A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F7A8-ECG 14171-A, S 46 6 AB TZ3Ni1Cu H5
diamondspark S NiCu1 - UV 418 TT SAW-flux cored wire/flux combination with a fluoride-basic flux, for weather resistant applications with higher mechanical properties requirements A5.23 / SFA-5.23, F7A8-ECG 14171-A, S 42 6 FB T2Ni1Cu H5

WEAR protection - Tool steels

Product name Short description EN/ISO 14700 DIN 8555 Flux Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARcore Tool 58-S SAW cored wire designed to give an outstanding resistance to low stress abrasion with heavy impact and high compressive stresses. Hardness: 57 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-GT Record SA
WEARcore Tool 50 Co-S Special SAW cored wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, fatigue, oxidation, cavitation and corrosion at high temperature up to 650°C. Hardness: 46 HRC T Z Fe7 UP 5-GF-50-CT Record SA Record SR
WEARcore Tool 44-S SAW cored wire, good resistance to metal-to-metal and low stress abrasive wear at high temperature. Hardness 44 HRC T Z Fe7 UP 6-GF-45-GT Record SA
WEARcore Tool 58-S SAW cored wire designed to give an outstanding resistance to low stress abrasion with heavy impact and high compressive stresses. Hardness: 57 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-GT Record SA
WEARcore Tool 50 Co-S Special SAW cored wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, fatigue, oxidation, cavitation and corrosion at high temperature up to 650°C. Hardness: 46 HRC T Z Fe7 UP 5-GF-50-CT Record SA Record SR
WEARcore Tool 44-S SAW cored wire, good resistance to metal-to-metal and low stress abrasive wear at high temperature. Hardness 44 HRC T Z Fe7 UP 6-GF-45-GT Record SA

WEAR protection - Martensitic stainless steels

Product name Short description EN/ISO 14700 DIN 8555 Flux Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARcore 385-S SAW core wire depositing a martensitic alloy designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue. Hardness: 54 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-CG Record SA
WEARcore 410 NiMo-S SAW core wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking, surfacing of continuous casting rollers of very small diameters. Hardness 39 HRC T Fe7 UP 5-GF-40-C Record SA
WEARcore 415-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel with additions of vanadium and niobium designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue. Hardness: 42 HRC T Fe7 UP 5-GF-45-C Record SA Record SK
WEARcore 420-S SAW core wire depositing a martensitic steel containing 13% Chromium giving a good resistance to metal-to- metal wear and corrosion. Applications: dredging pump casings, continuous casting rollers. Hardness 53 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-C Record SA
WEARcore 430-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic steel containing 17% Chromium designed to resist corrosion at high temperatures. Applications: continuous casting rollers from the top of the line, valve seats. Hardness: 175 HB T Z Fe9 UP 5-GF-200-C Record SA Record SK
WEARcore 385-S SAW core wire depositing a martensitic alloy designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue. Hardness: 54 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-CG Record SA
WEARcore 410 NiMo-S SAW core wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking, surfacing of continuous casting rollers of very small diameters. Hardness 39 HRC T Fe7 UP 5-GF-40-C Record SA
WEARcore 415-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel with additions of vanadium and niobium designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue. Hardness: 42 HRC T Fe7 UP 5-GF-45-C Record SA Record SK
WEARcore 420-S SAW core wire depositing a martensitic steel containing 13% Chromium giving a good resistance to metal-to- metal wear and corrosion. Applications: dredging pump casings, continuous casting rollers. Hardness 53 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-55-C Record SA
WEARcore 430-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic steel containing 17% Chromium designed to resist corrosion at high temperatures. Applications: continuous casting rollers from the top of the line, valve seats. Hardness: 175 HB T Z Fe9 UP 5-GF-200-C Record SA Record SK
WEARcore 461 C-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel with additions of cobalt, tungsten and vanadium designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking. Hardness: 54 HRC T Fe8 UP 6-GF-50-C Record SA Record SK
WEARcore 742 N-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel with addition of Nitrogen designed to enhance the resistance to thermal fatigue and intragranular corrosion by reducing the formation of carbides at grain boundaries. Hardness: 44 HRC T Fe7 UP 5-GF-45-C Record SK
WEARcore 768-S SAW core wire depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel with addition of Nitrogen designed to enhance the resistance to thermal fatigue and intragranular corrosion by reducing the formation of carbides at grain boundaries. Hardness: 36 HRC T Z Fe7 UP 5-GF-350-C Record SK

WEAR protection - SAW Fluxes

Product name Short description EN/ISO EN Bas.Index wt% Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
RECORD CrMo15 TW Grade 11 (1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo) low alloy repair - Hardness 200HB. Grainsize: 0.40 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A CS 3 1.3
RECORD R 250 SAW flux for cladding of non- and low-alloyed steel grades. Grainsize: 1.8 - 6 mm 14174, S A MS 3 0.63
RECORD SA SAW flux designed for hardfacing with cored wires or solid wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 1 760, S A FB 3 3.4
RECORD SK SAW flux for hardfacing with high Nitrogen containing flux-cored wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 1 760, S A FB 3 3.3
RECORD SR SAW flux designed for hardfacing with cored wires or solid wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1 mm 14174, S A FB 2 760, S A FB 3 2.0
RECORD CrMo15 TW Grade 11 (1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo) low alloy repair - Hardness 200HB. Grainsize: 0.40 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A CS 3 1.3
RECORD R 250 SAW flux for cladding of non- and low-alloyed steel grades. Grainsize: 1.8 - 6 mm 14174, S A MS 3 0.63
RECORD SA SAW flux designed for hardfacing with cored wires or solid wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 1 760, S A FB 3 3.4
RECORD SK SAW flux for hardfacing with high Nitrogen containing flux-cored wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 1 760, S A FB 3 3.3
RECORD SR SAW flux designed for hardfacing with cored wires or solid wires. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1 mm 14174, S A FB 2 760, S A FB 3 2.0
UA 600 SAW flux for for welding of unalloyed and low alloyed steels. Grainsize: 0.3 - 2.0 mm 14174, SA AB 1 65 DC H5 2.2
UA 602 SAW flux for surface welding of unalloyed and low alloyed steels. Grainsize: 0.3 - 2.0 mm 14174, SA FB 1 65 DC H5 2.4

Corrosion protection – Nickel alloys

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP UP 6222 Mo SAW solid wire nickel alloy, NiCrMo-3 type for corrosion resistantNiCrMo alloys (625) A5.14 / SFA-5.14, ERNiCrMo-3 18274.0, S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
Thermanit NiMo C 276 SAW solid wire , nickel alloy, NiCrMo-4 type for corrosion resistantNiCrMo alloys (C276) ERNiCrMo-4 S Ni 6276 (NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4)
UTP UP 6222 Mo SAW solid wire nickel alloy, NiCrMo-3 type for corrosion resistantNiCrMo alloys (625) A5.14 / SFA-5.14, ERNiCrMo-3 18274.0, S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
Thermanit NiMo C 276 SAW solid wire , nickel alloy, NiCrMo-4 type for corrosion resistantNiCrMo alloys (C276) ERNiCrMo-4 S Ni 6276 (NiCr15Mo16Fe6W4)

Corrosion protection - Nickel alloys

Product name Short description EN/ISO Bas.Index wt% Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
RECORD IN Flux for cladding. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A AB 2 2.1
RECORD IND 24 Joining and cladding neutral flux for stainless and duplex. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.2
RECORD IND 27 Cr compensated flux Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.2
RECORD NiCrW 412 Developed for joining nickel base and reduce sensitivity to hot cracking (Mn content) despite lower BI Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A AB 2 2.1
RECORD NiCrW 3000 Cladding flux for SS duplex and Ni. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.3
RECORD IN Flux for cladding. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A AB 2 2.1
RECORD IND 24 Joining and cladding neutral flux for stainless and duplex. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.2
RECORD IND 27 Cr compensated flux Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.2
RECORD NiCrW 412 Developed for joining nickel base and reduce sensitivity to hot cracking (Mn content) despite lower BI Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A AB 2 2.1
RECORD NiCrW 3000 Cladding flux for SS duplex and Ni. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.3
RECORD NiCrW High basic flux for joining nickel. Grainsize: 0.4 - 1.4 mm 14174, S A FB 2 2.8