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Hilos tubulares con protección de gas

Ofrecemos la gama más completa del mundo de alambres tubulares para hilos tubulares con protección de gas (FCAW-G). 

Böhler Welding es el mejor proveedor de todo tipo de hilos tubulares con protección de gas para todos los grupos de aleaciones: Acero dulce, acero de baja aleación hilos para la soldadura de tubería bajo la gama de producto diamondspark así como aceros inoxidables bajo la gama FOXcore. UTP ofrece una amplia gama de hilos tubulares con protección de gas para aplicaciones de protección contra el desgaste, fabricados tanto en tecnologías de producción sin costura como mediante tecnología de solapado.

Principales características y ventajas de los alambres tubulares:

  • Excelentes propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la corrosión para todos los metales de soldadura
  • Alta resistencia a la humedad para hilos tubulares sin costura
  • Calidad de soldadura fiable y constante
  • Características de soldadura suave
  • Ninguna o mínima formación de salpicaduras
  • Limpieza mínima tras la soldadura
  • Mayor productividad
  • Menores costes totales de soldadura

Mild steel - Rutile

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Shielding gas Approvals Product Data Sheet - DE Product Data Sheet - EN Safety Data Sheet - DE Safety Data Sheet - EN
BÖHLER Q 71 RC Flux-cored wire, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M JH8E71T-1/T-9/T-12C-JH4 17632-AT 46 4 P M21 1 H10T 42 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (11164), DB (42.014.35), ABS, LR, DNV, BV, CWB, RINA, CE
diamondspark 42 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, flat and horizontal positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E70T-1M/T-9M H4E70T-1C-T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 2 R M21 3 H5T 42 0 R C1 3 H5 M21, C1 ABS, CWB, CE
diamondspark 44 RC-SR (C1) Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, 100% CO2, stress released condition A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-12C JH4 17632-AT 42 5 P C1 1 H5 C1 ABS, CWB, DNV, BV, LR, CE
diamondspark 46 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M H4E71T-1C/T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 3 P M21 1 H5T 42 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (1932), DB (42.052.24), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, CE
diamondspark 46 RC (C1) Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1C/T-9C H4E71T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 3 P C1 1 H5 C1 TÜV (06221), DB (42.052.07), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, RS, CE
BÖHLER Q 71 RC Flux-cored wire, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M JH8E71T-1/T-9/T-12C-JH4 17632-AT 46 4 P M21 1 H10T 42 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (11164), DB (42.014.35), ABS, LR, DNV, BV, CWB, RINA, CE
diamondspark 42 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, flat and horizontal positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E70T-1M/T-9M H4E70T-1C-T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 2 R M21 3 H5T 42 0 R C1 3 H5 M21, C1 ABS, CWB, CE
diamondspark 44 RC-SR (C1) Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, 100% CO2, stress released condition A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-12C JH4 17632-AT 42 5 P C1 1 H5 C1 ABS, CWB, DNV, BV, LR, CE
diamondspark 46 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M H4E71T-1C/T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 3 P M21 1 H5T 42 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (1932), DB (42.052.24), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, CE
diamondspark 46 RC (C1) Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding positions, 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1C/T-9C H4E71T-9C H4 17632-AT 46 3 P C1 1 H5 C1 TÜV (06221), DB (42.052.07), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, RS, CE
diamondspark 52 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding position, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases, down to -40°C A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M JDH4E71T-1C/T-9C/T-12C DH4 17632-AT 46 4 P M21 1 H5T 46 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06219), DB (42.052.03), ABS, DNV, LR, BV,RINA, RS, CE, D1.8 seismic supplement
diamondspark 53 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile, all welding position, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases, down to -50°C A5.20 / SFA-5.20E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M JH4E71T-1C/T-9C/T-12C H4 17632-AT 46 5 P M21 1 H5T 42 2 P C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (12897), DB (42.052.25), DNV, LR, RINA, CWB, CE
diamondspark GUARD 420 RC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, rutile A5.20 / SFA-5.20 E71T-1M/T-9M/T-12M H4 17632-AT 42 3 P M21 1 H5 M21 TÜV, ABS, BV, DNV, LR, CWB, CE

Mild Steel - Basic

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Shielding gas Approvals Product Data Sheet - DE Product Data Sheet - EN Safety Data Sheet - DE Safety Data Sheet - EN
diamondspark 44 BC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, basic type, all welding position A5.20 / SFA-5.20 E71T-5M JH4 E71T-5C JH4 17632-A T 42 4 B M21 1 H5 T 42 4 B C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06202), CE
diamondspark 52 BC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, basic type, flat and horizontal positions A5.20 / SFA-5.20 E70T-5M JH4 E70T-5C JH4 17632-A T 46 4 B M21 3 H5 T 42 4 B C1 3 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06218), DB (42.052.04), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, CE
diamondspark 44 BC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, basic type, all welding position A5.20 / SFA-5.20 E71T-5M JH4 E71T-5C JH4 17632-A T 42 4 B M21 1 H5 T 42 4 B C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06202), CE
diamondspark 52 BC Flux-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, basic type, flat and horizontal positions A5.20 / SFA-5.20 E70T-5M JH4 E70T-5C JH4 17632-A T 46 4 B M21 3 H5 T 42 4 B C1 3 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06218), DB (42.052.04), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, CE

4.4.3 Mild steel - Metal cored

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Shielding gas Approvals Product Data Sheet - DE Product Data Sheet - EN Safety Data Sheet - DE Safety Data Sheet - EN
BÖHLER Q 70 MC Metal-cored wire, mild steel, down to -30°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T 46 3 M M21 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (12542), DB (42.014.65), DNV, LR, BV, ABS, CWB, CE
BÖHLER Q Zn GS Metal-cored wire, mild steel,for single layer welding of galvanized A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-GS 17632-A, T3T Z M M21 1 M21, M20 CE
diamondspark 46 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, down to -30°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T 46 3 M M21 1 H5 / T 46 3 M M20 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (09023), DB (42.052.08), ABS, BV, DNV, LR, CWB, RINA, CE
diamondspark 52 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, down to -40°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T46 4 M M21 1 H5 / T46 5 M M20 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (11163), DB (42.052.26), ABS, BV, DNV, CWB, LR, CE
diamondspark 54 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases, down to 60°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18 E70C-6M H4 E70C-6C H4 17632-A T 46 6 M M21 1 H5 T 42 5 M C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06220), DB (42.052.02), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, CWB, CE
BÖHLER Q 70 MC Metal-cored wire, mild steel, down to -30°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T 46 3 M M21 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (12542), DB (42.014.65), DNV, LR, BV, ABS, CWB, CE
BÖHLER Q Zn GS Metal-cored wire, mild steel,for single layer welding of galvanized A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-GS 17632-A, T3T Z M M21 1 M21, M20 CE
diamondspark 46 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, down to -30°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T 46 3 M M21 1 H5 / T 46 3 M M20 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (09023), DB (42.052.08), ABS, BV, DNV, LR, CWB, RINA, CE
diamondspark 52 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, down to -40°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18, E70C-6M H4 17632-A, T46 4 M M21 1 H5 / T46 5 M M20 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV (11163), DB (42.052.26), ABS, BV, DNV, CWB, LR, CE
diamondspark 54 MC Metal-cored wire, seamless, mild steel, M21 and 100% CO2 shielding gases, down to 60°C A5.18 / SFA-5.18 E70C-6M H4 E70C-6C H4 17632-A T 46 6 M M21 1 H5 T 42 5 M C1 1 H5 M21, C1 TÜV (06220), DB (42.052.02), DNV, ABS, LR, BV, RINA, CWB, CE
diamondspark GUARD 420 MC Metal-cored wire, mild steel A5.18 / SFA-5.18 E70C-6M H4 17632-A T 42 4 M M21 1 H5 M21, M20 TÜV, ABS, BV, DNV, LR, CWB, CE

Pipeline - Rutile

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark X60 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark X70 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type, for X70 Base material A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T55 5 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark X80 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type, for X80 Base material A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E101T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T 62 4 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark X60 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark X70 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type, for X70 Base material A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T55 5 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark X80 RC-Pipe Flux-cored wire, seamless, for automatic pipeline welding, rutile type, for X80 Base material A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E101T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T 62 4 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5

Low Alloy Steel - Creep Resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore CB2 RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for cast material COST CB2 A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM 17634-A, T ZCrMoCo9VNbNB P M21 1
FOXcore DMO RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-A1M-H8 17634-A, T MoL P M21 1 H10
FOXcore DCMS RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutle type, 1% Cr and 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-B2M-H8 17634-A, T CrMo1 P M21 1 H10
FOXcore CM 2 RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-B3M-H8 17634-A, T CrMo2 P M21 1 H10
FOXcore C 9 MV RC Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for the ASTM steels T91 / P91 A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-B9M-H4 17634-A, T ZCrMo9VNb P M21 1 H5
FOXcore CB2 RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for cast material COST CB2 A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM 17634-A, T ZCrMoCo9VNbNB P M21 1
FOXcore DMO RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-A1M-H8 17634-A, T MoL P M21 1 H10
FOXcore DCMS RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutle type, 1% Cr and 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-B2M-H8 17634-A, T CrMo1 P M21 1 H10
FOXcore CM 2 RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-B3M-H8 17634-A, T CrMo2 P M21 1 H10
FOXcore C 9 MV RC Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for the ASTM steels T91 / P91 A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-B9M-H4 17634-A, T ZCrMo9VNb P M21 1 H5
FOXcore C 9 MVW RC Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for tempered 9% chromium steels A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM 17634-A, T ZCrMoW9VNb P M21 1
FOXcore P92 RC Flux-cored wire, low-alloyed, creep resistant, rutile type, for tempered 9-12% chromium steels A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM 17634-B, T Z CrWMo9VNb P M21 1
FOXcore C 9 MV MC Metal cored wire, high-alloyed, creep resistant, for creep resistant martensitic 9-12% chromium steels A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E90C-B9-H4 17634-A, T69T15-1G-9C1MV
diamondspark DMO BC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, basic type, 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-GM-H4 17634-A, T Mo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark DMO RC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, rutile type, 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-A1M-H4 17634-A, T55 0 T1-1M21-2M3-PH5
diamondspark DMO MC Metal cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-GH4 17634-A, T Mo M M21 1 H5
diamondspark DCMS BC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, basic type, 1% Cr and 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-B2M-H4 17634-A, T CrMo1 B M21 3 H5
diamondspark DCMS RC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, rutile type A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-B2M-H4 17634-A, T CrMo1 P M21 1 H5
diamondspark DCMS MC Metal cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, 1% Cr and 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-B2H4 17634-A, T CrMo1 M M21 1 H5
diamondspark CM 2 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, basic type, 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E90T5-B3M-H4 17634-A, T CrMo2 B M21 4 H5
diamondspark CM 2 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo alloyed A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E90C-B3H4 17634-A, T CrMo2 M M21 1 H5
diamondspark CM 2 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, rutile type, 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-B3M-H4 17634-A, T CrMo2 P M21 1 H5
diamondspark CM 5 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, basic type, 5% Cr and 0,5% Mo alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-B6M-H4 17634-A, T CrMo5 B M21 3 H5
diamondspark DCMV BC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, basic type, Chromium- Molybdenum-Vanadium alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E90T5-GM-H4 17634-A, T Z B M21 3 H5
diamondspark DCMV RC Flux cored wire, seamless, creep resistant, rutile type, Chromium- Molybdenum-Vanadium alloyed 17634-A, T Z P M21 1 H5

Low alloy steel - High strength

Product name Short discription AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark 550 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 550 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E90T5-GM-H4 18276-A, T 55 4 1NiMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 700 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 690 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E110T5-K4M-JH4 18276-A, T 69 6 1Mn2NiCrMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 900 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 890 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E120T5-GM-H4 18276-A, T89 4 Mn2Ni1CrMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 550 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Manganese alloyed, yield strength > 550 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM-JH4 18276-A, T 55 6 Z P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 620 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 620 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E101T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T 62 4 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 550 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 550 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E90T5-GM-H4 18276-A, T 55 4 1NiMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 700 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 690 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E110T5-K4M-JH4 18276-A, T 69 6 1Mn2NiCrMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 900 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 890 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E120T5-GM-H4 18276-A, T89 4 Mn2Ni1CrMo B M21 3 H5
diamondspark 550 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Manganese alloyed, yield strength > 550 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E91T1-GM-JH4 18276-A, T 55 6 Z P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 620 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 620 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E101T1-K2M-JH4 18276-A, T 62 4 Mn1.5Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 700 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength > 690 Mpa A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E111T1-GM-JH4 18276-A, T 69 6 Z P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 700 RC (C1) Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, Nickel-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 690 Mpa, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E111T1-GC-JH4 18276-A, T 69 4 Z P C1 1 H5
diamondspark 700 RC-SR Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, yield strength > 690 Mpa, stress released condition A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E111T1-K3-H4 18276-A, T 69 6 Mn2NiMo P M21 1 H5
diamondspark 550 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength > 550 Mpa A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E90C-K3H4 18276-A, T 55 6 1NiMo M M21 1 H5
diamondspark 620 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength > 620 Mpa A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E100C-GH4 18276-A, T 62 4 Z M M21 1 H5
diamondspark 700 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 690 Mpa A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E110C-K4H4 18276-A, T 69 6 Mn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
diamondspark 900 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 890 Mpa A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E120C-GH4 18276-A, T 89 5 ZMn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
diamondspark 960 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 960 Mpa 18276-A, T 89 4 ZMn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
diamondspark 1100 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, Nickel- Chromium-Molybdenum alloyed, yield strength> 1100 Mpa 18276-B, T Z 2 T15-1M21A-N4C1M2-H5
BÖHLER alform® 700 L-MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, designed for alform® 700 M base material A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E110C-K4H4 18276-A, T 69 6 Mn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
BÖHLER alform® 900 L-MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, designed for alform® 900 x-treme base material A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E120C-GH4 18276-A, T 89 5 ZMn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
BÖHLER alform® 960 L-MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, designed for alform® 960 x-treme base material 18276-A, T 89 4 ZMn2NiCrMo M M21 1 H5
BÖHLER alform® 1100 L-MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, designed for alform® 1100 x-treme base material 18276-B, TZ2T15-1M21A-N4C1M2-H5

Low Alloy Steel - Low Temperature

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark Ni1 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 46 6 1Ni B M21 3 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC (C1) Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1C-JH4 17632-A, T 46 6 1Ni P C1 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC-SR Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1%Nickel alloyed, stress released condition, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1.5 RC (C1) Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1,5%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-K2C-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1.5Ni P C1 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 46 6 1Ni B M21 3 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC (C1) Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1C-JH4 17632-A, T 46 6 1Ni P C1 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1 RC-SR Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1%Nickel alloyed, stress released condition, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni1M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni P M21 1 H5
diamondspark Ni1.5 RC (C1) Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, basic type, 1,5%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-K2C-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 1.5Ni P C1 1 H5
diamondspark Ni2 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, high strength, rutile type, 2%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-Ni2M-JH4 17632-A, T 50 6 2Ni P M21 1 H4
diamondspark Ni1 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, 1%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-Ni1 H4 17632-A, T 50 6 1Ni M M21 1 H5
diamondspark Ni3 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, high strength, 3%Nickel alloyed, down to -60°C A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-Ni3 H4 17632-A, T46 6 3Ni M M21 1 H5

Low Alloy Steel - Weather Resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
diamondspark NiCu1 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, basic type, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-WGM H4 17632-A, T 46 6 Z B M21 3 H5
diamondspark NiCu1 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, rutile type, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-WGM H4 17632-A, T 46 4 Z P M21 1 H5
diamondspark NiCu1 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-G H4 17632-A, T 46 6 Z M M21 1 H5
diamondspark NiCu1 BC Flux cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, basic type, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E80T5-WGM H4 17632-A, T 46 6 Z B M21 3 H5
diamondspark NiCu1 RC Flux cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, rutile type, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.29 / SFA-5.29, E81T1-WGM H4 17632-A, T 46 4 Z P M21 1 H5
diamondspark NiCu1 MC Metal cored wire, seamless, weather resistant, Copper-Nickel alloyed A5.28 / SFA-5.28, E80C-G H4 17632-A, T 46 6 Z M M21 1 H5

Stainless Steel - Austenitic Steel

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 308L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 308L Type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas TÜV (19685), DB (43.014.53), CWB, ABS, Q11:Q34CE 17633-A, T 19 9 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308L-T0 DG Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore GUARD 308L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, specially developed to reduce the emission of Cr(VI), approximately 90% lower than for conventional flux-cored wires A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 1
FOXcore 308L-T1 C1 Flux-cored wire, E 308 L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-1 17633-A, T 19 9 L P C1 1
FOXcore 308L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 308L Type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas TÜV (19685), DB (43.014.53), CWB, ABS, Q11:Q34CE 17633-A, T 19 9 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308L-T0 DG Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore GUARD 308L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, specially developed to reduce the emission of Cr(VI), approximately 90% lower than for conventional flux-cored wires A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 1
FOXcore 308L-T1 C1 Flux-cored wire, E 308 L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-1 17633-A, T 19 9 L P C1 1
FOXcore 308L-MC Metal-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, mix shielding gas, down to -196°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC308L 17633-A, T 19 9 L M M12 2
FOXcore 316L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 316L-T0 DG Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT0-4/(1) 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L R M21 / (C1) 3
FOXcore 316L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore GUARD 316L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, specially developed to reduce the emission of Cr(VI), approximately 90% lower than for conventional flux-cored wires A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT1-4 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L P M21 1
FOXcore 316L-T1 C1 Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT1-1 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L R C1 1
FOXcore 316L-MC Metal-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, mix shielding gas, down to -120°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC316L 17633-A, T 19 12 3 L M M12 2
FOXcore 347-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 347 type, high-alloyed, stabilized austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E 347T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 Nb R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 347-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 347 type, high-alloyed, stabilized austenitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E347T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 Nb P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 318-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 318 type, high-alloyed, stabilized austenitic stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas 17633-A, T 19 12 3 Nb R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 318-T1 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, stabilized austenitic stainless FCW for welding of CrNiMo(Ti/Cb) austenitic stainless steels, 17633-A, T 19 12 3 Nb P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 317L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 317L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless for welding of corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steels with higher Mo content or claddings on mild steels, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E317LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 13 4 N L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 317L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 317L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E317LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 13 4 N L P M21 (C1) 1

Stainless Steel - Duplex

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 2307-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 2307 type, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2307T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 7 N L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 2307-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 2307 type, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2307T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 7 N L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 2209-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 2209-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 2209-T1 HD Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -50°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L R M21 (C1)
FOXcore 2307-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 2307 type, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2307T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 7 N L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 2307-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 2307 type, high-alloyed, lean duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2307T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 7 N L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 2209-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 2209-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 2209-T1 HD Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -50°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2209T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 22 9 3 N L R M21 (C1)
FOXcore 2594-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 2594 type,high-alloyed, superduplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2594T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 25 9 4 N L P M21 (C1) 2
FOXcore 2594-T1 HD Flux-cored wire, E 2594 type, high-alloyed, superduplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -50°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E2594T1-4(1) 17633-A, T 25 9 4 N L P M21 (C1) 2

Stainless Steel - Ferritic Steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
BÖHLER CAT 430L CbTi-MC Metal-cored wire, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, double- stabilized with Nb and Ti for exhaust systems A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC430 (mod.), EC 439Nb 17633-A, T Z 17 Nb Ti L M M12/M13 1
BÖHLER CAT 439L Ti-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 439 type, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC439 17633-A, T Z 17 Ti L M M12/M13 1
BÖHLER CAT 430L CbTi-MC Metal-cored wire, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless, double- stabilized with Nb and Ti for exhaust systems A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC430 (mod.), EC 439Nb 17633-A, T Z 17 Nb Ti L M M12/M13 1
BÖHLER CAT 439L Ti-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 439 type, high-alloyed, ferritic stainless A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC439 17633-A, T Z 17 Ti L M M12/M13 1

Stainless steels - Heat & Creep Resistant

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 308 H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 308H type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308HT0-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 9 H R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308 H-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308HT1-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 9 H P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 309L H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit and controlled ferrite content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 309L H-T1 Flux-cored wire,E 309L type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content, all welding position A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 309L Nb H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L Nb type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LNbT0-4 17633-A, T 23 12 Nb R M21 3
FOXcore 308 H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 308H type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308HT0-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 9 H R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 308 H-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 308 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, creep resistant, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308HT1-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 9 H P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 309L H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit and controlled ferrite content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 309L H-T1 Flux-cored wire,E 309L type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content, all welding position A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 309L Nb H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L Nb type, high-alloyed, special applications, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LNbT0-4 17633-A, T 23 12 Nb R M21 3
FOXcore 347L H-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 347 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E347T0-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 Nb R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 347 H-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 347H type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, heat resistant, Bismuth-free weld deposit, controlled ferrite content, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E347HT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 Nb P M21 (C1) 1

Stainless steel - Low Temperature

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 308L-T1 Cryo Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -196°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 316L-T1 Cryo Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -196°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 12 3 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 308L-T1 Cryo Flux-cored wire, E 308L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -196°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E308LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 19 9 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore 316L-T1 Cryo Flux-cored wire, E 316L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, cryogenic, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -196°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E316LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T Z 19 12 3 L P M21 (C1) 1

Stainless steel - Martensitic Steels

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 13/4-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 410NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E410NiMoT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 13 4 P M21 (C1) 1 H5
FOXcore 13/4-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 410 NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2
FOXcore 13/4-MC F Metal-cored wire, E410NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, foundries application A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2
FOXcore 13/4-MC HD Metal-cored wire, EC 410 NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, high impact values for heat-treated weld metal and a very low hydrogen content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2
FOXcore 13/4-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 410NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E410NiMoT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 13 4 P M21 (C1) 1 H5
FOXcore 13/4-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 410 NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2
FOXcore 13/4-MC F Metal-cored wire, E410NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, foundries application A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2
FOXcore 13/4-MC HD Metal-cored wire, EC 410 NiMo type, high-alloyed, soft- martensitic stainless, high impact values for heat-treated weld metal and a very low hydrogen content A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC410NiMo (mod.) 17633-A, T 13 4 M M12 2

Special Applications & Dissimilar Joints

Product name Short description AWS EN/ISO Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 307-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 307 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, dissimilar joints, good resistance to embrittlement down to -60°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC307 (mod.) 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn M M12 1
FOXcore 307-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 307L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, high ductility and elongation, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E307T0-G 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 307-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 307L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, high ductility and elongation, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E307T1-G (mod.) 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn P M21 (C1) 2
FOXcore 309L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications for dissimilar joints of Cr and CrNi(Mo)- steels, unalloyed or low-alloyed steels and for cladding of unalloyed or low-alloyed base metals, preferably in flat or horizontal position A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 309L-T0 DG Flux-cored wire, E 309 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications for surfacing low-alloyed steels and for dissimilar welds between mild steel and stainless steels, mix and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT0-4/1 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 / C1 3
FOXcore 307-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 307 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, dissimilar joints, good resistance to embrittlement down to -60°C A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC307 (mod.) 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn M M12 1
FOXcore 307-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 307L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, high ductility and elongation, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E307T0-G 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 307-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 307L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, high ductility and elongation, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E307T1-G (mod.) 17633-A, T 18 8 Mn P M21 (C1) 2
FOXcore 309L-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications for dissimilar joints of Cr and CrNi(Mo)- steels, unalloyed or low-alloyed steels and for cladding of unalloyed or low-alloyed base metals, preferably in flat or horizontal position A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 309L-T0 DG Flux-cored wire, E 309 type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications for surfacing low-alloyed steels and for dissimilar welds between mild steel and stainless steels, mix and 100% CO2 shielding gases A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT0-4/1 17633-A, T 23 12 L R M21 / C1 3
FOXcore 309L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, primarily intended for surfacing low- alloyed steels and for dissimilar welds between mild steel and CrNi stainless steels, all welding position A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 L P M21 (C1) 1
FOXcore GUARD 309L-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, developed to reduce the emission of Cr (VI), approximately 90% lower than for conventional flux-cored wires. A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT1-4 17633-A, T 23 12 L P M21 1
FOXcore 309L-T1 C1 Flux-cored wire, E 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, primarily intended for cladding low- alloyed steels and for dissimilar welds between mild steel and stainless steels, all welding position, 100%CO2 shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LT1-1 17633-A, T 23 12 L P C1 1
FOXcore 309L-MC Metal-cored wire, EC 309L type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, for welding dissimilar joints between high-alloyed Cr and corrosion resistant austenitic CrNi(Mo) steels and mild or low-alloyed steels. A5.22 / SFA-5.22, EC309L 17633-A, T 23 12 L M M12 2
FOXcore 309LMo-T0 Flux-cored wire, E 309LMo type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, for welding and cladding, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LMoT0-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 2 L R M21 (C1) 3
FOXcore 309LMo-T1 Flux-cored wire, E 309LMo type, high-alloyed, austenitic stainless, special applications, for welding and cladding, all welding position, mix shielding gas A5.22 / SFA-5.22, E309LMoT1-4(1) 17633-A, T 23 12 2 L P M21 (C1) 1

WEAR protection - Difficult to weld - Multi-purpose

Product name Short description DIN 8555 EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP ROBOTIC 250 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, suited for wear-resistant parts subject to heavy impact and shock, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 250 HB MSG 1-GF-250-P T Fe 1
UTP ROBOTIC 257 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, the deposit guarantees an elevated resistance to both abrasion and strong impacts.Hardness: 250 HB MSG 7-GF-250-KP T Fe 9
UTP ROBOTIC 352 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, multi-purpose cored wire, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 350 HB MSG1-GF-350-P T Fe 1
UTP ROBOTIC 600 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, good weldability, good resistance to abrasion, minimized slag formation with easy slag removal, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 59 HRC MSG6-GF-60-GP T Fe 8
UTP ROBOTIC 601 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, high hardness as a result of special carbides but remains crack free.Hardness: 60 HRC MSG6-GF-60-GP T Fe 8
UTP ROBOTIC 250 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, suited for wear-resistant parts subject to heavy impact and shock, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 250 HB MSG 1-GF-250-P T Fe 1
UTP ROBOTIC 257 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, the deposit guarantees an elevated resistance to both abrasion and strong impacts.Hardness: 250 HB MSG 7-GF-250-KP T Fe 9
UTP ROBOTIC 352 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, multi-purpose cored wire, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 350 HB MSG1-GF-350-P T Fe 1
UTP ROBOTIC 600 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, good weldability, good resistance to abrasion, minimized slag formation with easy slag removal, especially suited for automated welding.Hardness: 59 HRC MSG6-GF-60-GP T Fe 8
UTP ROBOTIC 601 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, high hardness as a result of special carbides but remains crack free.Hardness: 60 HRC MSG6-GF-60-GP T Fe 8
UTP ROBOTIC CHROMELESS 600 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, chromium and nickel free, for wear-resistant hardfacing applications on parts subject to a combination of pressure, impact and abrasion wear.Hardness: 60 HRC T Z Fe 8
WEARcore Dur 600 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, good resistance to metal-to- metal wear with low abrasion and moderate impact loads.Hardness: 59 HRC MF 6-GF-90-GP T Fe 6
WEARcore MnCr13 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, multi-purpose cored wire, mainly used for rebuilding and joining of Carbon and 14% Manganese steels subjected to heavy impacts.Hardness: 190 HB MF 7-GF-200-KP 14700, T Fe 9
WEARcore Hydrocav Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, suitable for surfacing of parts where high resistance to cavitation, corrosion, pressure and impact is required.Hardness: 220 HB MF 6-GF-200-K T Z Fe 9

WEAR protection - Difficult to weld - Extreme abrasion

Product name Short description DIN 8555 EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP Robotic 6010 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, designed to deposit an alloy resistant to high stress grinding abrasion with low impact.Hardness: 60 HRC MSG 10-GF-60-CGP T Fe 15
UTP ROBOTIC 6011 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, NiB-alloyed, excellent resistance to abrasion induced by sand and minerals.Hardness: 64 HRC MSG 2-GF-55-G T Fe 13
WEARcore XD 65 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, alloyed with Chromium-Niobium-Molybdenum, Tungsten and Vanadium designed to resist high stress grinding abrasion with low impact and solid erosion at service temperatures up to 650°C.Hardness: 63 HRC MF 10-GF-65-GT T Fe 16
WEARcore XD NiW46 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, nickel matrix with Tungsten carbides, outstanding resistance to abrasive wear even when wear occurs in a corrosive environment.Hardness: 44 HRC (Matrix) MF 22-GF-45-G T Fe 20
UTP Robotic 6010 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, designed to deposit an alloy resistant to high stress grinding abrasion with low impact.Hardness: 60 HRC MSG 10-GF-60-CGP T Fe 15
UTP ROBOTIC 6011 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, NiB-alloyed, excellent resistance to abrasion induced by sand and minerals.Hardness: 64 HRC MSG 2-GF-55-G T Fe 13
WEARcore XD 65 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, alloyed with Chromium-Niobium-Molybdenum, Tungsten and Vanadium designed to resist high stress grinding abrasion with low impact and solid erosion at service temperatures up to 650°C.Hardness: 63 HRC MF 10-GF-65-GT T Fe 16
WEARcore XD NiW46 Gas shielded metal-cored wire, nickel matrix with Tungsten carbides, outstanding resistance to abrasive wear even when wear occurs in a corrosive environment.Hardness: 44 HRC (Matrix) MF 22-GF-45-G T Fe 20

WEAR protection - Cobalt alloys

Product name Short description DIN 8555 EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARcore Co 1 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for mill guides, palm nut oil extruder, plastic extrusion screws, mixer blades, scrapers, rubber mixer.Hardness: 54 HRC MF 20-GF-55-CTZ T Co3
WEARcore Co 6 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for extrusion dies, hot working tools, turbine injectors, valve seats, ingot tong bits.Hardness: 40 HRC MF 20-GF-40-CTZ T Co2
WEARcore Co 6 A Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for valves, valve seats in motor vehicles, hot shear blades, extruder screws, clack valves and seats, dies, punches.Hardness: 43 HRC MF 20-GF-45-CTZ T Z Co2
WEARcore Co 6 T Metal cored wire , Cobalt base alloy, designed to be used with the GTAW process (TIG).Hardness: 41 HRC MF 20-GF-40-CTZ T Co2
WEARcore Co 12 Gas shielded metal cored wire, hardfacing, cobalt alloy. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear with moderate impacts.Hardness: 49 HRC MF 20-GF-50-CTZ T Co3
WEARcore Co 1 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for mill guides, palm nut oil extruder, plastic extrusion screws, mixer blades, scrapers, rubber mixer.Hardness: 54 HRC MF 20-GF-55-CTZ T Co3
WEARcore Co 6 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for extrusion dies, hot working tools, turbine injectors, valve seats, ingot tong bits.Hardness: 40 HRC MF 20-GF-40-CTZ T Co2
WEARcore Co 6 A Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for valves, valve seats in motor vehicles, hot shear blades, extruder screws, clack valves and seats, dies, punches.Hardness: 43 HRC MF 20-GF-45-CTZ T Z Co2
WEARcore Co 6 T Metal cored wire , Cobalt base alloy, designed to be used with the GTAW process (TIG).Hardness: 41 HRC MF 20-GF-40-CTZ T Co2
WEARcore Co 12 Gas shielded metal cored wire, hardfacing, cobalt alloy. Excellent resistance to metal-to-metal and abrasive wear with moderate impacts.Hardness: 49 HRC MF 20-GF-50-CTZ T Co3
WEARcore Co 21 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, for extrusion dies, hot working tools, turbine injectors, valve seats, ingot tong bits.Hardness: 32 HRC MF 20-GF-300-CTZ T Co1
WEARcore Co 21 T Metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy, designed to be used with the GTAW process (TIG).Hardness: 31 HRC MF 20-GF-300-CTZ T Co1
WEARcore Co 25 Gas shielded metal cored wire, Cobalt base alloy for hot working tools, forging hammers.Hardness: 195 HB MF 20-GF-200-CTZ T Z Co1

WEAR protection - Tool steels

Product name Short description DIN 8555 EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARcore Tool 50 Co Gas-shielded metal cored wire for hot work tool steels,stainless. Application temperature up to 650°C.Hardness: 50 HRC MF 6-GF-50-CT T Z Fe7
WEARcore Tool 58 Gas shielded metal cored wire for cold and hot work tool steels and parts subject to abrasion and impacts.Hardness: 58 HRC MF 3-GF-60-GT T Fe8
WEARcore Tool 60 Gas shielded metal cored wire, designed to deposit a molybdenum-alloyed high-speed steel.Hardness: 61 HRC MF 4-GF-60-D T Fe4
WEARcore Tool NiCrCo Gas-shielded core wire, nickel alloy for surfacings on forging tools subjected to extremely high temperatures.Hardness: 200 HB MF 23-GF-200-TZ T Ni2
UTP ROBOTIC 404 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, medium alloyed for pressure and abrasion resistant surfacing applications up to 550°C such as hot wor tool steels.Hardness: 40 HRC MSG 3-GF-40-ST T Fe3
WEARcore Tool 50 Co Gas-shielded metal cored wire for hot work tool steels,stainless. Application temperature up to 650°C.Hardness: 50 HRC MF 6-GF-50-CT T Z Fe7
WEARcore Tool 58 Gas shielded metal cored wire for cold and hot work tool steels and parts subject to abrasion and impacts.Hardness: 58 HRC MF 3-GF-60-GT T Fe8
WEARcore Tool 60 Gas shielded metal cored wire, designed to deposit a molybdenum-alloyed high-speed steel.Hardness: 61 HRC MF 4-GF-60-D T Fe4
WEARcore Tool NiCrCo Gas-shielded core wire, nickel alloy for surfacings on forging tools subjected to extremely high temperatures.Hardness: 200 HB MF 23-GF-200-TZ T Ni2
UTP ROBOTIC 404 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, medium alloyed for pressure and abrasion resistant surfacing applications up to 550°C such as hot wor tool steels.Hardness: 40 HRC MSG 3-GF-40-ST T Fe3
UTP ROBOTIC 405 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, low carbon content, for forging tools.Hardness: 40 HRC MSG 5-GF-40-P T Fe3
UTP ROBOTIC 453 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, for wear-resistant hardfacings on parts subject to abrasion, compression and high temperature.Hardness: 44 HRC MSG 3-GF-45-ST T Fe3
UTP ROBOTIC 503 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, especially suited for hot-wear resistant surfacing.Hardness: 50 HRC MSG 3-GF-50-ST T Fe8
UTP ROBOTIC 554 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, especially suited for automated welding, ery stable arc, low spatter emission, low amount of slag.Hardness: 55 HRC MSG 3-GF-55-ST T Fe8
UTP ROBOTIC 603 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire, seamless, Cr-Mo-W-V alloyed, for abrasion and moderatestress-resistant surfacing applications up to 550 ºC Hardness: 61 HRC MSG 3-GF-60-ST T Fe8

WEAR protection - Martensitic stainless steels

Product name Short description DIN 85550 EN/ISO 14700 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
WEARcore 741 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking, surfacing of continuous casting rollers of very small diameters.Hardness: 40 HRC MF 5-GF-40-C T Fe7
WEARcore 741 Gas-shielded metal-cored wire designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking, surfacing of continuous casting rollers of very small diameters.Hardness: 40 HRC MF 5-GF-40-C T Fe7

Corrosion Protection – Nickel alloys

Product name Short description AWS A534/SF-5.34 EN/ISO 12153 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 625-T1 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCrMo3 type, for welding of nickel alloys with high molybdenum content, superaustenitic stainless steels, clad pipes, optimized for positionalwelding of pipes. ENiCrMo3T1-4 ENiGT1-1 T Ni 6625 P M21 2 T Z Ni6625 P C1 2
FOXcore Nicro 82-T0 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6082 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 T Ni 6082 R M21 3
FOXcore Nicro 83-T0 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6083 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 (mod.) T Ni 6083 R M21 3
FOXcore 625-T1 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCrMo3 type, for welding of nickel alloys with high molybdenum content, superaustenitic stainless steels, clad pipes, optimized for positionalwelding of pipes. ENiCrMo3T1-4 ENiGT1-1 T Ni 6625 P M21 2 T Z Ni6625 P C1 2
FOXcore Nicro 82-T0 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6082 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 T Ni 6082 R M21 3
FOXcore Nicro 83-T0 Flux-cored wire, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6083 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 (mod.) T Ni 6083 R M21 3

Special Applications - Joining & Repair – Nickel alloys

Product name Short description AWS A5.34/SFA-5.34 EN/ISO 12153 Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
FOXcore 625-T1 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCrMo3 type, for welding of nickel alloys with high molybdenum content, superaustenitic stainless steels, clad pipes, optimized for positional welding of pipes. ENiCrMo3T1-4 ENiGT1-1 T Ni 6625 P M21 2 T Z Ni6625 P C1 2
FOXcore Nicro 82-T0 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6082 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel-base alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 T Ni 6082 R M21 3
FOXcore Nicro 83-T0 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 (mod.) / 6083 type, or welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCrMo3T1-4 T Ni 6083 R M21 3
FOXcore 625-T1 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCrMo3 type, for welding of nickel alloys with high molybdenum content, superaustenitic stainless steels, clad pipes, optimized for positional welding of pipes. ENiCrMo3T1-4 ENiGT1-1 T Ni 6625 P M21 2 T Z Ni6625 P C1 2
FOXcore Nicro 82-T0 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 / 6082 type, for welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel-base alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCr3T0-4 T Ni 6082 R M21 3
FOXcore Nicro 83-T0 Flux-cored wire, high-alloyed, nickel alloy, ENiCr3 (mod.) / 6083 type, or welding of creep-resistant steels and nickel alloys, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas ENiCrMo3T1-4 T Ni 6083 R M21 3

Special Applications - Joining & Repair - Cast iron

Product name Short description EN/ISO 14700 Hardness Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP FNM4-G Gas shielded metal cored wire designed for cold welding of cast iron parts T C NiFe-2 160 HB
UTP FNM4-G Gas shielded metal cored wire designed for cold welding of cast iron parts T C NiFe-2 160 HB

Special Applications - Joining & Repair – Multi purpose

Product name Short description EN/ISO 14700 Hardness Data Sheet - EN Data Sheet - DE
UTP 402-G Gas shielded metal cored wire, recommended for build-up, crack repair and buffer layer prior to hardfacing T Z Fe10 150 HB
UTP 402-G Gas shielded metal cored wire, recommended for build-up, crack repair and buffer layer prior to hardfacing T Z Fe10 150 HB