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#preparedfortheworldafter with PexTec®

9 November 2021 | 

Let's go: We start with Volume 4 of #preparedfortheworldafter and show you with which products we change the world!

PexTec® - the smart solution for unlimited runtime

What exactly is PexTec?

It is a steel pipe with a so-called "liner" inside, which is made of a plastics material composition.

PexTec® provides benefits exceeding the standards and surpassing alternative lining solutions currently available on the market for sucker rod or progressive cavity pumped wells.

The main advantages of this lining solution are:

  • Cost savings for workovers because PexTec eliminates tribocorrosion and therefore reduces abrasion
  • Reduced friction and energy costs due to the smooth internal surface
  • Protection of bended sections in directional wells
  • Reduced paraffin adhesion in the pipe string

Do you have any further questions?

Then contact the person in your region now and get all the details about our new product:
