Logiciel de gestion centralisée zentrak
zentrak est un logiciel de gestion centralisée permettant d'analyser, d'interpréter et de présenter les résultats du diagnostic en temps réel.
zentrak est un logiciel de gestion centralisée permettant d'analyser, d'interpréter et de présenter les résultats du diagnostic en temps réel.
Le logiciel de gestion centralisée PHOENIX CMS est composé d'applications logicielles intuitives pour le diagnostic et la gestion quotidienne des installations, qui fournissent en même temps des informations pour des améliorations de l’exploitation à long terme. Les utilisateurs peuvent ainsi effectuer plus efficacement des tâches spécifiques telles que la planification de la maintenance et la commande des trains. L'architecture logicielle innovante et à haute capacité gère divers systèmes, protocoles, données et processus en temps réel et les affiche dans des applications logicielles intuitives dans un format convivial pour le client.
Fleet Condition Monitoring is an application for fleet managers and maintenance engineers. It enables the clear presentation of the entire fleet condition and, at the same time, offers comprehensive detailed views of individual components such as bogies, axles, engines, or wheels. In addition, the application enables the tracking of historical measured values of individual components. Configurable algorithms permanently monitor the status of the fleet and automatically alert the responsible maintainer in the event of deviations. In this way, the application directs the user's attention exactly where it is needed.
Alarming & Intervention offers dispatchers and traffic controllers an overview of the current events of all measurements of the train crossings. Alarms, measurements and information on train journeys are prepared and made available to support safety and availability, and to enable operational decisions in the event of deviations.
System Supervision offers infrastructure managers a convenient overview of the sensors connected to the system. The current status and specific detailed information of the systems support service, maintenance and monitoring of the infrastructure to provide measurement functions for traffic controller and dispatchers
Reports offer the amount application supervisor or management to analyse the historical data that has been collected by the application in a comfortable way.
Administration serves as the administration basis of the Rolling Stock monitoring software. In this standard module, administrators have the possibility to manage users, roles and rights. Measurement systems installed in the infrastructure, interfaces and access data are managed here. Administrators can configure user profiles with individual access rights that can be assigned to specific users. In addition, the information flow within the software and to external users can be defined in the application, for example via SMS or e-mail.