1851 : Fondation de la « Hugo Hütte » par le comte Hugo Henckel von Donnersmarck
1866 : Début de la fabrication industrielle d'appareils de voie
1869 : Propriétaire : « Steirische Eisenindustriegesellschaft » (Société d’industrie du fer de Styrie).
1889 : Propriétaire : « Österreichische-Alpine-Montangesellschaft » (Société autrichienne alpine minière)
1953 : Premières activités d'exportation
1973 : Propriétaire : « VOEST-Alpine AG ».
1980 : Demande de brevet pour le soudage au manganèse
1988 : Les appareils de voie à pointe mobile sont introduits sur le marché.
1990 : Début d'une nouvelle ère historique : Fondation de VAE en tant qu'entreprise indépendante - début de l'internationalisation
1992 - 1994 : L’action VAE est cotée à la bourse de Vienne
2000 : Séparation de l'usine autrichienne de production d'appareils de voie appelée VAE Eisenbahnsysteme GmbH (systèmes ferroviaires) en tant que société indépendante - intégrée au groupe VAE.
2000 : Premier appareil de voie « plug and play ».
2002 : Création de l'unité commerciale HYTRONICS - début de la production industrielle
2003 : Nouveau propriétaire du groupe VAE : voestalpine - Division « Bahnsysteme » (systèmes ferroviaires).
2004 : Élargissement de l'unité commerciale VAEE HYTRONICS avec les sociétés CONTEC et SST.
2005 : Automatisation de la production d'HYTRONICS et concentration sur les systèmes complets d'appareils de voie, y compris les techniques moteurs et de sécurité.
2006 : TENS est intégré à l'entreprise dans la division HYTRONICS
2008 : Intégration de la société britannique CDSRail, spécialisée dans les systèmes de diagnostic pour le suivi des installations fixes.
2011 : VAE Eisenbahnsysteme GmbH se scinde en voestalpine Weichensysteme GmbH et voestalpine HYTRONICS GmbH.
2014 : Le groupe voestalpine HYTRONICS change son nom en « voestalpine SIGNALING »
2020 : Regroupement de toutes les compétences de voestalpine liées à l'infrastructure ferroviaire dans la nouvelle division commerciale « Railway Systems » (systèmes ferroviaires) - voestalpine Signaling rentre dans le groupe voestalpine Railway Systems.

Managing Director

Gerald KNAPP
Managing Director
The innovative drive, locking, detection and signaling solutions, axle counting systems, as well as intelligent diagnostic- and monitoring technologies for infrastructure and rolling stock are predestined for use under a wide range of environmental conditions.
Learn more about Mixed Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
A functioning transport network thanks to innovative drive, locking, detection and signaling solutions, axle counting systems, as well as intelligent diagnostic- and monitoring technologies for infrastructure and rolling stock.
Learn more about Urban Traffic for Metros at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Flexibility and availability through innovative & noise-optimized drive, locking, detection and signaling solutions, axle counting systems, as well as intelligent diagnostic- and monitoring technologies for infrastructure and rolling stock.
Learn more about Urban Traffic for Trams at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Thanks to robust and innovative drive, locking, detection and signaling solutions, axle counting systems, as well as intelligent diagnostic- and monitoring technologies for infrastructure and rolling stock, they are ideally suited for use under extreme conditions.
Learn more about Freight Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Safe and innovative drive, locking, detection and signaling solutions, axle counting systems, as well as intelligent diagnostic- and monitoring technologies for infrastructure and rolling stock for highest speeds.
Learn more about High Speed Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Terms & Conditions, Facts
voestalpine Signaling Austria GmbH
Alpinestrasse 1
8740 Zeltweg
AustriaLegal Form: Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
Registered Office: Zeltweg
Company Registry Number: FN 358787 at the Regional Court Leoben
Value Added Tax-Number: ATU 66280044 -
voestalpine Signalings philosophy and quality policy focuses on the customer. We want to add value for our customers and create partnerships based on a fair price-performance ratio. We are guided by customer specifications regarding reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) and continuously improve our products in order to contribute to increased performance and safety of railway infrastructure. We live for open cooperation, teamwork and clear communication with suppliers and customers as well as on an internal basis.
We commit ourselves to a zero defect philosophy. This does not only apply for products but literally means zero defects in all our processes and working steps that reflected in a sophisticated quality-, environment-, occupational health and safety- as well as energy management system. We comply with legal regulations. We continuously improve quality being guided by our HSEE policy.
Skilled, motivated and result driven employees form the foundation of our enterprise. We put continuous development of our employees into the center and integrate them best possible into our processes and decisions. The optimization of our corporate image and a strengthened corporate identity support our endeavor.