More than win-win: Practical apprentice project

Great practical apprentice project. Apprentices are integrated into production at an early stage and manufacture urgently needed work equipment for voestalpine Rail Technology.
Great practical apprentice project. Apprentices are integrated into production at an early stage and manufacture urgently needed work equipment for voestalpine Rail Technology.
Apprentice performance is valuable. voestalpine Rail Technology puts this basic idea directly into practice in production - apprentices perfect their skills by manufacturing selected work equipment needed in the company as part of their training.
"The skills of our apprentices thus achieve a higher level of appreciation," says Eva Aigner, CFO voestalpine Rail Technology, happily, "because they are involved from production to the use of the products in the plant." In production, the achievements of young colleagues in training are very welcome. From rail nails to highly complex components, depending on their level of training, they supply work equipment for which they bear responsibility from drawing to finish. According to Eva Aigner, this model was started together with BRV Josef Gritz and is to be further expanded.
First picture: Eva Aigner (CFO voestalpine Rail Technology), Barbara Fellner (bfi), Sebastian Tomi, Nadja Hemmer and ZBR Josef Gritz.
Eva Aigner, CFO voestalpine Rail Technology, talking to apprentices Sebastian Tomi and Nadja Hemmer. The great thing about the project is "that our self-made workpieces are actually used in practice".
Incidentally, as a special bonus, the apprentices mill the company logo into hundreds of rail nails they have made. With them, clearly identifiable apprentice work goes all over the world.