On the safe side from the outset. The beginning counts: only when product and installation quality are right, life cycle costs for the overall track system can be limited at a practical level. This is also, why top track quality is a key success factor for any efficient operation. We are convinced that the first phase of construction is therefore of special importance.
Eyes on every detail. In this decisive stage of the life cycle, our range of services includes e.g. preassembled delivery solutions, welding of long rail bands, stationary removal of rolling scale, assistance with installation and quality control. In combination with our diagnostic solutions, this forms the basis for efficient preventive or condition-based maintenance in the future.
We operate several own Rail Service Centers in Europe. In addition to high performance welding plants, the scope of offered services includes all kinds of rail machining as well as the production of isolation and transition joints etc. Customizing rail strings and their transport to the site by own long welded rail trains completes the service value chain. Further specialties such as dust-free ballast wagons underline the ecological focus.