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HSH® Grooved Rails for Light Rail

Despite the lower axle loads, tight tramway curves are among the most aggressive areas of all railway applications. For these boundary conditions, voestalpine Railway Systems has established a unique portfolio of heat treated grooved rail steels, which perfectly match the respective maintenance strategy of our customers, leading to longest possible service lives:

HSH® grooved rails for the „easy-to-maintain“ strategy:

  • Side wear is repaired by Gauge Corner Repair Welding.
  • Corrugation is reduced and the grinding interval will be prolonged compared to as-rolled rails.

HSH® grooved rails for the „put-in-&-forget“ strategy:

  • Side- and head-wear will be minimized by highest possible wear resistance.
  • The grinding interval is significantly prolonged due to slowest development of corrugation.

Key Benefits of our Rail Solutions for Urban Traffic: Tram

  • The application of HSH® heat treatment technology to all our GHT-steels leads to an increased material resistance of the running and guiding head (deep head hardening) without negatively affecting weldability. This is not only reducing side- and head wear significantly and thus prolongs the rail service life but it furthermore decelerates the development of corrugation and will thus stretch the grinding interval.

    HSH® Heat Treatment Untreated rail foot and web
    • For running- and guiding head
    • Maximum wear resistance
    • Highest resistance against corrugation
    • Low notch sensitivity
    • High resistance against rail fatigue
  • Our rails excel by having tightest tolerances for profile, straightness and flatness as well as by their outstanding surface quality. All these are essential requirements for excellent bending results and a high track laying quality.

  • Our grooved rails are also available pre-bent based on bending plans done by voestalpine, and drilled for the application with tie bars 

  • Our Welding Competence Center is on hand to assist our customers and ensure the highest possible quality of welds right from the start.

    The services include:

    • Welding consulting during the introduction of new products
    • Welder training
    • On-site supervision of welding work
    • Non-destructive testing
    • Development work around rail welding#


Our Premium Services - Your Partner in Excellence

Experience the advantage of our rail services, including:

Technical Support Team: Our expert team offers comprehensive assistance, from in-track performance evaluation to whole track system optimization, wheel-rail interface optimization, RAMS, and LCC consulting.

Cutting-Edge Welding Solutions: Collaborating with renowned welding material suppliers, our Competence Center Welding constantly enhances rail welding technology. We provide training, on-site welding inspection, and expert guidance.

Efficient Logistics: Benefit from our optimized logistics chain, ensuring smooth rail delivery to any construction site in Europe or overseas. Our just-in-time deliveries minimize downtime and enhance project efficiency.