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EPD 4.0 End Position Detector

An external end position detector to monitor the position of the two switch blades.

The end position detector 4.0 (4th generation end position detector) is a vital monitoring device mounted next to the track on existing railway sleepers. It is designed to enhance railway safety and efficiency. It monitors the positions of both closed and open switch rails, can verify external lock positions and detects gauge changes.
It can be installed both as an end position detector with a standard setting drive system, like ECOSTAR or in combination with the drive, locking and detection (DLD) system, such as HYDROSTAR® in a high-speed track  environment and UNISTAR HR in mixed track.


  • Applicable for all gauges and vignol rail profiles
  • Protection class up to IP67
  • Machine tamping possible
  • Easy inspection and maintenance
  • Compatible with various interlocking systems and many different point machines
  • Low life cycle costs
  • Applicable for all turnout types
  • No need for any active power supply
  • Customized solutions for refitting
  • Like for like replacement of conventional end position detectors
  • Designed and approved according to CENELEC / EN 50125-3 / 60068

Trendsetting concept. During the development of the end position detector EPD 4.0, particular attention was paid to whole life costs and MTBF/ MTTR. Due to an innovative design, the main unit weighs 8 kg and has reduced height to ensure the unit is lower than top of rail (vignole designs) providing adequate clearance to the structural gauge of rolling stock. The detector is completely  encapsulated and thus protected as far as possible against environmental influences.
The end position tester EPD 4.0 can be used with any standard setting, DLD system in the area of Mixed Traffic, High Speed Traffic as well as Freight Traffic and Metro lines. Due to an extensive preassembly at the manufacturer’s factory, the installation and the integration into the electrical and customers signalling system of the turnout can be carried out in a few simple steps.

Technical characteristics of EPD 4.0 End position detectors:

Designation Value / Type
Turnout type all types
Minimum gauge of the turnout 960 to 1678 mm
Switch openings 30 to 175 mm
Main dimensions LxWxH 280x274x125 mm
Suitable for longitudinal movements max. ± 40 mm
Number of monitoring levels max. 10
Overall mass 8 kg
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +75°C
Safety level / class SIL4, according to CENELEC / EN 50125-3 / 60068
Protection class up to IP67
Houseing material stainless steel