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voestalpine Signaling USA, LLC.

The voestalpine Signaling USA, LLC. is a wholly owned subsidiary of voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH of Germany, is the technology leader in wayside diagnostic and monitoring systems for railroad rolling stock across North America.

Our product portfolio, which is all part of our modular diagnostic monitoring platform, consist of: 

  • zentrak Hot Bearing Detection (HBD) and zentrak Hot Wheel Detection (HWD),
  • zentrak Acoustic Monitoring Sensor (AMS),
  • zentrak Wheel Defect Detection (WDD) and zentrak Weighing In Motion (WIM),
  • zentrak Hot Motor Detection (HMD) and zentrak Hot Gear Box Detection (HGD),
  • zentrak Dragging Equipment Detection (DED),
  • our Rolling Stock Monitoring software with zentrak

Our goal is client satisfaction through intelligent, customizable wayside monitoring solutions. With almost 3,000 systems installed, we help ensure safety and performance on track – worldwide.

  • voestalpine Signaling USA, LLC. was founded in January of 2017 with the acquisition of DataTraks, Inc. by voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH. DataTraks originated in Loveland, Colorado in 1998 and served the global railway industry with custom hardware and software services. Building upon DataTraks respected industry reputation, voestalpine Signaling USA, LLC continues to provide services to support our product portfolio including:

    • Pre and Post Sales Support
    • Production
    • Installation Services
    • Field Maintenance Services
    • Remote Maintenance Services
    • Data Hosting Services
    • Project Management
    • Research and Development
    • Software Services


Steve-Patrick STAHL

Member of the Management Board - Chairman / Operations
Operations / Finances / Sales


Member of the Management Board - Technology
Research & Development / Engineering / Software 


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