With the expertise of over 375 (in 2023) specialists in the CU DLD/S it has made it possible for us to develop, produce and assemble efficient solutions with and for railway infrastructure companies for over 35 years. Depending on the requirements, the products can be further developed individually in order that we can put customer needs first.
There are important factors for the safety of rail transport – above all, they must work precisely, be reliable and robust as well as withstanding extreme loads.
Worldwide projects on a large and small scale, as well as maintenance and repair work on running systems, are developed, coordinated, produced, installed and supported ex works.
With more than 26,000 point machines, locking and signaling systems in operation around the world, the solutions from voestalpine Railway Systems CU DLD/S reliably offer consistency for railway infrastructure operators and their passengers: PERFORMANCE ON TRACK®.
Maximize track availability with our product range.
The Railway Systems Academy has been offering a global training network since 2020 and stands for comprehensive professional development and knowledge advantage in the railway sector. The expert product know-how as well as maintenance training, is imparted at the training centre on the Sainerholz campus by our own service technicians, with lots of practical experience and passion for their profession. This enables customers to maintain the installed products with their own team and optimise technical availability.
Providing unique added value for knowledgeable advantage and reliable availability of products in times of a shortage of skilled workers, the training programme offers a wide range of training courses. This offers an additional value, allowing customers to benefit from expert knowledge and practical experience in addition to the product, service and system solutions.
1986: Formation of Contec
1991: in May the company moves to Sainerholz
1990/91: order on Sel track work for the High Speed Line Madrid - Sevilla
1992/93: prototype of the first point machine
1993/94: building of new production hall
1994/95: first supplies and installations of point machines in Jena and BVG, Berlin
1995: signal bridges for Deutsche Bahn
1996: new production hall for chipping
1999: first installation of CONTEC point machine at Deutsche Bahn
2000: order for 115 point machines for MURCO in Mashhad, Iran which openend new possibilities for the global trading distribution of point machines
2001: new development and commercial launch of point machine CSV 24
2002: establishment of hollow sleeper point machines in North America
2003: installation of point machine with two setting levels for DB AG
2003: further extension of CONTEC production area
2003: at the end of 2003 the CONTEC logo – representing the conical CONTEC rail plug - is replaced by CONTEC‘s new logo, showing a symbol of a point machine and a turnout
2005: joining the voestalpine VAE Group
2007: State of the Art: CONTEC introduces the TCS 300 Control Systems
2007: the next generation: successful product launch of UNISTAR CSV 24 PV and UNISTAR HR
2009: supply of 183 units UNISTAR HR for Metro Sao Paulo, Brazil
2009: the new office and training building is ready
2012: supply of UNISTAR HR COMPACT for the project ALL, Brazil
2013: first supply of Signaling systems to SRO with UNISTAR HR electro-mechanic drive
2014: CONTEC is renamed "voestalpine Signaling Sainerholz GmbH" after the creation of the voestalpine Signaling Group

Holger PÜTZ
Managing Director

Gerald KNAPP
Managing Director
Learn more about Mixed Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Tunnel application: With UNISTAR point machines no construction work has to be carried out in the tunnel. Thanks to their compact design, almost all UNISTAR point machines can be installed between the gauges and even the hydraulic unit of the UNISTAR HR can be mounted directly on the tunnel wall. UNISTAR point machines are therefore a very space-saving and reliable solution for tunnel applications.
Learn more about Urban Traffic for Metros at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Learn more about Urban Traffic for Trams at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Learn more about Freight Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Learn more about High Speed Traffic at voestalpine Railway Systems.
Terms & Conditions, Facts
voestalpine Signaling Sainerholz GmbH
Oberahrer Str. 9
56244 Ötzingen-Sainerholz
GermanyLegal Form: Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
Registered Office: Sainerholz
Company Registry Number: HRB 3179 at the Regional Court Montabaur
Value Added Tax-Number: DE 149340447 -
voestalpine Signalings philosophy and quality policy focuses on the customer. We want to add value for our customers and create partnerships based on a fair price-performance ratio. We are guided by customer specifications regarding reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) and continuously improve our products in order to contribute to increased performance and safety of railway infrastructure. We live for open cooperation, teamwork and clear communication with suppliers and customers as well as on an internal basis.
We commit ourselves to a zero defect philosophy. This does not only apply for products but literally means zero defects in all our processes and working steps that reflected in a sophisticated quality-, environment-, occupational health and safety- as well as energy management system. We comply with legal regulations. We continuously improve quality being guided by our HSEE policy.
Skilled, motivated and result driven employees form the foundation of our enterprise. We put continuous development of our employees into the center and integrate them best possible into our processes and decisions. The optimization of our corporate image and a strengthened corporate identity support our endeavor.