1837: First flat rails
1850: First rail heads
1857: Already an annual production of 9.000 tons according to the method by Peter Tunner in Zeltweg
1869: First rails made of SM-Steel (SM = Siemens-Martin-Steel making method)
1900: Donawitz build SM steel plant an takes over the rail production form Zeltweg
1911: Rail supplies to first markets outside Europe (e.g. Middle East and Australia)
1928: Production start of wear resistant rails, rails made of electric arc furnace steel in Donawitz
1954: ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) and SBB certify LD-rails
1976: Linz enters into experimental continuous caster production of blooms in S900A grade which are rolled in Donawitz
1980: The bloom caster in Donawitz ist commissioned
1982: Donawitz produces rails of continuous casting as first enterprise in Europe
1990: Donawitz produces head hardened rail (HSH-rails) from the rolling heat, being the first supplier world wide of 120m long rails
1990: Full modernisation and capacity extension of finishing and dispatch facilities
1991: Splitting of the Donawitz location in three operational companies (rails, steel, wire rod)
1994: Commissioning of the world wide most modern rail stockyard which can handle rails up to 120m length. The stockyard is computer controlled and managed by a single person
2000: Commissioning of the LD oxygen compact steel mill in Donawitz
2002: Commissioning of the second fully automatic long rail stockyard
2004: Opening of the new "Rail Technology Center" (RTC) at the factory location
2006: Commissioning of the most modern rail rolling mill worldwide
2009: New construction and commissioning of the heat treatment facility for rails with the highest capacity worldwide.
2014: Groundbreaking for a new "Competence Center Welding" (CCW) at the company site

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