In around 60 sites all over the world, we bundle our knowledge and supply our local customers with products and services tailored to their needs and offering benefit. voestalpine Railway Systems stands for maximum efficiency overall solutions – helping customers get ahead in terms of technology and competition.
Our worldwide locations for worldwide solutions
- voestalpine Railway Systems GmbH (former voestalpine VAE GmbH) - Headquarter
- TSF-A GmbH
- voestalpine Rail Technology GmbH (former voestalpine Schienen GmbH)
- voestalpine Signaling Austria GmbH (former voestalpine Signaling Zeltweg GmbH)
- voestalpine Turnout Technology Zeltweg GmbH (former voestalpine Weichensysteme GmbH)
- Weichenwerk Woerth GmbH
- WS Service GmbH (Joint Venture with ÖBB Infrastrukur AG)
- voestalpine Digital Track Management (Joint Venture with Boom Software AG)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Bulgaria OOD (former voestalpine VAE Sofia OOD)
- voestalpine Railway Systems MFA SASU (former Materiel Ferroviaire d'Arberats SASU)
- voestalpine Railway Systems France
- voestalpine Signaling Sainerholz GmbH
- voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH
- voestalpine Track Solutions Duisburg GmbH (former voestalpine Rail Center Duisburg GmbH)
- voestalpine Track Solutions Königsborn GmbH (former voestalpine Rail Center Königsborn GmbH)
- voestalpine Turnout Technology Germany GmbH (former voestalpine BWG GmbH)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Latvia SIA (former voestalpine VAE Riga SIA)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Lietuva UAB (former voestalpine VAE Legetecha UAB)
- voestalpine Track Solutions Netherlands B.V. (former voestalpine Railpro B.V.)
- voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH - Branch Office the Netherlands
- voestalpine Turnout Technology Netherlands B.V. (former voestalpine WBN B.V.)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Polska z o.o.
- voestalpine Signaling Poland Sp. z o.o. (former voestalpine Signaling Sopot Sp. z o.o.)
- voestalpine Fastening Systems
- Travertec S.r.l
- voestalpine Railway Systems Romania SA (former voestalpine VAE Apcarom SA)
- voestalpine Railway Systems JEZ S.L.U. (former JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L.)
- voestalpine Signaling UK Ltd. (former voestalpine Signaling Fareham Ltd.)
- voestalpine Turnout Technology UK Ltd. (former voestalpine VAE UK Ltd.)
- CNTT Chinese New Turnout Technologies Co. Ltd.
- voestalpine Railway Systems Beijing Co. Ltd.
- voestalpine Railway Systems Sales Office Hongkong
- voestalpine Signaling China Co. Ltd.
- voestalpine VAE VKN India Pvt. Ltd.
Middle East:
- voestalpine Kardemir Demiryolu Sistemleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
- voestalpine Railway Systems Saudi Arabia Limited (former voestalpine Track Solutions Saudia Arabia Ltd)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Asia Co., Ltd.
United Arab Emirates:
- Sistemas Ferroviarios Argentinos S.R.L.
- voestalpine Railway Systems Brazil Ltda. (former voestalpine VAE Brasil Produtos Ferroviários Ltda.)
- voestalpine Railway Systems Australia Pty. Ltd. (former voestalpine VAE Railway Systems Pty. Ltd.)
- voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH - Branch Office Australia
Global Network. Local Partners - We Think Global and Act Local
Rail track for the world. We offer intelligent, integrated products and services providing outstanding customer benefit for rail infrastructure operators. To name just a few references: all major mixed traffic systems in the EU, the underground in London, the subway in Riyadh and New Delhi, trams in Berlin, Washington and Melbourne, high speed networks in Germany, China and Korea, as well as heavy haul track systems in South Africa, Brazil and Australia. Specially optimized not only for all types of traffic, but for all climate zones as well – from the desert through the jungle to biting cold.
Proximity to the customer - and to success. voestalpine Railway Systems solutions can be found on every continent, standing out wherever they are used with top performance, yet minimum life cycle costs. Our international network of railway infrastructure companies and their in-depth exchange with our customers forms the basis of our knowledge and continuous improvement of products and processes. Our international network of companies ensure we have a detailed understanding of local circumstances and the requirements of each customer.
Whatever you need: WE THINK GLOBAL AND ACT LOCAL. We guarantee first-class solutions thanks to decades of experience and efficient global operations.