zentrak Wheel Defect Detection / zentrak Weighing in Motion (zentrak WDD/WIM Basic)

Hardware Basic Training


Wniosek teraz!
Poziom: Podstawowy


Purpose and Scope

  • The trainee achieves basic knowledge about the zentrak Wheel Defect Detection / zentrak Weighing in Motion and understands the basic functionality of the components. Furthermore, he understands the fibre optic measurement technique. Finally, the trainee is able to analyse the sensor signals and knows the basic steps of a sensor self-calibration.

Course Content

This training provides a basic overview of the zentrak Wheel Defect Detection / zentrak Weighing in Motion. The system components and -functionality are covered in this course, especially the fibre optic technology.

The training content is designed to provide basic information to a wide range of participants from varying roles, e.g. from technical, management, commercial or maintenance crew areas.

  • System functionalities
  • System overview
  • Track mounted hardware
  • Fibre optic technology
  • Sensor signal and self-calibration
  • Alarms and indications
  • Installation wizard

Additional Information

Duration 1 Day
Target group Everyone with an interest in zentrak Wheel Defect Detection / zentrak WEIGHING IN MOTION solutions, the measurement technique or the application and possibilities of the acquired data.
Prerequisite None
Training Theory & Practice
Group Size

Minimum Participants: 6
Maximum Participants: 12