zentrak Acoustic Monitoring Sensor (zentrak AMS Advanced)

Hardware Advanced Training


Wniosek teraz!
Poziom: Zaawansowany


Purpose and Scope

  • The zentrak AMS advanced training contains all the necessary advanced knowledge about AMS (Acoustic Monitoring Sensor).
  • Creation and interpretation of the acoustic data is a central point in this course. Additionally, the participants will be trained in faultfinding.


  • Acoustic Log
  • Quality of measurements
  • Implementation of new bearing types
  • Advanced train detection
  • Fault finding
  • Corrective Maintenance

Course Objectives

  • Advanced topics of early-stage detection of bearing defects and optimizing bearing overhaul periods including corrective maintenance.


Duration 2 Days
Target group Everyone with an interest in zentrak AMS solutions, the measurement technique or the application and possibilities of the acquired data, especially technicians and maintenance staff.

zentrak AMS basic training course.

Training Theory & Practical Exercises
Group Size

Minimum Participants: 6

Maximum Participants: 12