voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik and ASFINAG were jointly awarded by the ÖGUT Environmental Prize Innovation & City in the category City of the Future for the PROVAST mobile application. As part of the ÖGUT Annual Event on 27th of November 2018 in Vienna, the award was presented solemnly.
The submission to the Environmental Award was made together with colleagues from ASFINAG, who were planning partners of voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik during the project stages. Provast, consisting of an app and a desktop client, digitizes the whole project flow in the business segment road safety, from on-site recording of construction sites to assembly. It ensures standardized, digitized information exchange.
Process optimization by Provast
Credits: Werner Jäger
With the continuous digital reuse of data and the automation of processes, Provast has created a noticeable process improvement. Manually performed steps, which were filed via many interfaces and various media, are now bundled digitally in one application: All relevant information can be called up directly in Provast and is further processed in the GIS system of ASFINAG. Project controlling and project implementation are also significantly optimized.
Digitalization enormously increases the profitability of overall projects, reduces the use of resources and increases the quality of implementation. At the same time, travel expenses and the cost of securing a construction site are considerably reduced. As a result the environmental impact as well as the traffic delays and the associated accident risks are reduced.
The ÖGUT Environmental Award
Credits: Fernanda Niro
ÖGUT is an independent non-profit organization committed to the sustainable direction of business and society. Every year, the ÖGUT Environmental Prize is awarded in various categories. Special juries nominated the TOP 3 of the respective categories out of a total of 74 outstanding entries - this year's winners were solemnly announced and honored at the University of Technology in Vienna.