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Mentoring and support from day one:
Our onboarding process

Onboarding process

The first day at work: everything is new. You don't know the habits and situations, you meet new faces at every turn. We don't leave new team members on their own. Arriving well in the company - we believe this to be of great importance. 

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That's why we have structured your “arrival” at our company and have mapped out the onboarding process in our company. In addition to a specific training plan and regular feedback loops with the manager, new colleagues are assigned a “buddy”. This buddy accompanies them beyond the formal and specialist induction procedures. 

In this way, we want to give you a warm welcome and introduce you to your new area of responsibility as well as the corporate culture in the best possible way. 


  • You are never alone
  • Contact person for all questions
  • Familiarization with the job

Onboarding process 

  • Individual adjustments thanks to regular feedback loops 
  • One-month trial period 
  • Trial employment for 12 months

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